wrap up

  • na.包起来;包好;穿暖和些;〈非正式〉完成
  • 网络结束;包裹;总结

第三人称单数:wraps up 现在分词:wrapping up 过去式:wrapped up

wrap upwrap up

wrap up


莫言获2012年诺贝尔文学奖 _ 实用英语 _ 考试大 ... be laced with: 含有 wrap up结束 social criticism: 社会批判 ...


高频商务英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... hedge fund: 避险基金 wrap up: 完成;结束 index fund: 指数型基金 ...


领队常用英语_百度文库 ... style 款式;16、 wrap up 包起来;17、 pack 包装;18、 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... would rather do 宁愿,宁可 wrap up 穿厚;裹紧;包好 write down 写下;把…描写成 ...


whats up - 英汉词典 ... 白皮书/ white paper/white book/ 包裹/ wrap up/bind up/bundle/package/ 包扎/ wrap up/bind up/pack/ ...


DELTA 听力部分生词汇编_百度文库 ... awesome 很棒的, wrap up 总结 Count on 指望, ...


字典中 衣 字的解释 ... (1) 穿衣[ wear;put on] (3) 遮盖;包扎[ cover;wrap up;bind up] (2) 同本义[ upper garment;jacket] ...


四级听力高频词汇_百度文库 ... hit 畅销品 wrap up 包装 customer service 客服 ...

"To be honest, I've got so much to wrap up this year that I haven't really used the program much, " said Gabe Boros, one of Mr. “坦白说,今年我已经关注的太多,以至于我没有真正多的去使用这个程序”,GabeBoros说。
It's very, very difficult to wrap up -- to speak at the end of a conference like this. 我知道作总结非常,非常难——特别是在这样一个会议的结尾。
We deal with the latest film types to produce the best fit and contour for your product and can wrap up to a maximum 12 " width. " 我们处理最新的薄膜,为您产品制造最适合的轮廓,最大可达12英寸宽度。
The attempt to wrap up into "a" single "mistake" was a sour note in the genuine apology of a man who clearly knew he'd screwed up badly. 试图将其仅仅分装成“一个过错”——这个男人很清楚他的所作所为有多么恶劣——在他诚挚的道歉中,这听起来未免太过刺耳。
All that would remain would be to wrap up warmly, snuggle into the bough of a fallen tree. 而剩下的事情,就是穿得暖暖的、蜷缩进倒地的大树枝中。
He used a white handkerchief to wrap up the dried flowers and put the small package in his pocket and carried it all the time. 他用一条白色的手帕将那乾了的花包起来放在他的口袋里而天天带在身上。
Then there are a whole panoply of other things that you've got to do to wrap up in this package that you're presenting to a VC. Experience. 之后你还需要许多其他事情,去充实你要传递给投资人的整体形象。经验。
Lee clawed his way back in the first, but Lin held his nerve, aggressively attacking the net to wrap up the first game. 第一局中李奋起反扑,但林聚精会神,积极打出网前球结束第一局。
Its shares trade at more than double their lows of a year ago and many of its 30, 000 employees expect a bumper payday to wrap up the year. 该行股价已较去年低点高出一倍以上,它的3万名员工中,许多人有望拿到丰厚的年终奖。
Before I wrap up, let's think for a minute about how the monitor aspects resolve the challenges of tracking JDBC information. 在结束之前,关于监视方面如何解决跟踪JDBC信息的挑战,请静想一分钟。
Now what I'd like to wrap up with is what does all this mean to a nuclear engineer? 现在,我最后要总结的是,这对一个核工程师来意味着什么呢?
Six parties were trying to wrap up the talks on Saturday. 六方正努力于周六结束会谈。
You expect sitcom-sized problems that wrap up in 22 minutes, three commercial breaks and a laugh track. 人们期望情景喜剧一般可以在22分中结束,3个广告中断和一个笑声背景。
You may need to find a place to live, or to wrap up a major repair or renovation, or to help a parent. 您可能需要找到一个地方居住,或总结一大型维修或翻新,或帮助父母。
Waiter, could you please wrap up the rest of this steak for me ? I'd like to take it home for my dog. 服务员,能否麻烦你将剩下的牛排打包,我要带回家给我的狗吃。
The next Evolutionary architecture and emergent design installment will wrap up the series. 下一期演化架构和紧急设计将是本系列的最后一篇。
Most tellingly , it might have to wrap up its nuclear-submarine base on the Clyde. 最为重要的是它将从克莱德撤出其核潜艇基地。对此,各方都应该慎重考虑。
The American leader is now scheduled to head to France for an economic summit, and will wrap up his trip in Poland. 这位美国领导人现在计划前往法国参加一个经济峰会,然后飞往波兰,四国游圆满结束。
The program was composed of a three-day workshop, a five-day field visit and a final half-day wrap-up session. 此次活动包括了三天的研讨会、五天的实地考察活动和最后半天的总结会。
The retailer would then wrap up the cash in plastic bags and hand it to shareholders with a smile. 这样家乐福就能把钱打包装好,皆大欢喜地为股东们双手呈上。
Specialized brain cells called oligodendrocytes wrap up to 150 layers of this insulation around a single axon. 一种称为的寡树突胶质细胞的专门脑细胞,它在单个轴突(紫色)的周围包裹的绝缘层可达150层。
President Obama will host the APEC leaders at a dinner Saturday, and the summit will wrap up with a meeting of the leaders Sunday. 奥巴马总统将在周六的晚宴上招待各国领导人,首脑会谈将于星期天结束。
Set up an upper-grade teaching material planning committee. Work slated to begin and wrap up in the summer. 成立高年级教材筹画小组,于暑假中研发教材。
Sure. I can wrap up the leftovers for you as well. 没问题。我也可以替你们把吃剩的打包好。
Elections for both houses of Parliament aren't due to wrap up until March; presidential elections are slated to be held before July. 埃及的议会选举预计要到明年3月才会结束,总统选举则定于明年7月前举行。
To make life a little more difficult, ASDI was expecting us to wrap up the use-case documentation before we proceeded with follow-on tasks. 为了使生活更加有难度,ASDI期望我们在继续随后的任务之前创建用例文档。
The first set of formal HP Labs Customer Co-innovation projects will wrap up by the end of the year. 惠普实验室首批正式的与客户共同创新项目将在年底前完成。
Do you think you are going to wrap up all my little in securities and throw them out the window? 你认为你可以把我的不安感打包然后扔到窗外吗?
Wrap up your prettiest negligee in a fancy package, complete with a note that promises a romantic evening. 将你最漂亮的便服用精致的包装纸包好,附上便条承诺一个浪漫的夜晚。
So to wrap up here, I think we're looking at a long period when prices rise and the cost of money rises. 综上所述,我认为我们将会经历长期的价格上涨和货币成本上升。