
美 [riθ]英 [riːθ]
  • n.花圈(用于祭奠);花环(传统上圣诞节时挂在门上)
  • 网络花冠;圣诞花环;圣诞花圈





1.花圈(用于祭奠)an arrangement of flowers and leaves, especially in the shape of a circle, placed on graves, etc. as a sign of respect for sb who has died

2.花环(传统上圣诞节时挂在门上)an arrangement of flowers and/or leaves in the shape of a circle, traditionally hung on doors as a decoration at Christmas

3.花冠(旧时用作荣誉的象征)a circle of flowers or leaves worn on the head, and used in the past as a sign of honour


花字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 花俏〖 beautiful;gaudyandmodern〗 花圈wreath;garland〗 花拳〖 showyboxingofnopractical…


大学英语四级考试大纲(W)|英语四级词汇 ... wrap vt. 裹,包,捆 n.披肩 wreath n. 花环,花圈,花冠 wrist n. 腕,腕关节 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲(W)|英语四级词汇 ... wrap vt. 裹,包,捆 n.披肩 wreath n. 花环,花圈,花冠 wrist n. 腕,腕关节 ...


我做的圣诞花环 (wreath) 颇为简单,材料包括 garland、 (garland 在 Dollar Store 找到,价钱是加币 $1.5。一份 garland 可够 …


南湖国小线上测验系统 ... 题目: 装饰品 orrnoment 题目: 圣诞花圈 wreath 题目: 自来水 tape water ...


首页... ... 果篮、花篮花瓶 others 花圈花牌 wreath 花圈2 classical ...

He had wild hair, bulging eyes, and wielded an axe and a sword as he danced in a wreath of fire. 他有着狂野的长发,淡褐色的眼睛,手里拿着拿着一把斧头和一把剑在或权重跳舞。
Then how about a dried flower arrangement or wreath that will remind her all year round how much you love her. 那么干花如何?或者编织成一个花环,这样一整年母亲都会记得你是多么地爱她。
But when she looked carefully, she was surprised to see at the top of the mound a wreath of red and white flowers. 再往上仔细看时,却不觉也吃一惊;——分明有一圈红白的花,围着那尖圆的坟顶。
and after sucking out his last wreath, and heaving a profound sigh, he got up, and departed as solemnly as he came. 他吐出最后一个烟圈,长长的叹了口气,坐起来,然后跟他进来时一样宽肃的离开。
The olive wreath was the only one official award for ancient Olympic champions and was generally acknowledged as the most honorable prize. 橄榄枝花环是授予古代奥运会冠军的唯一奖品,并且一般被认为是代表最高荣誉的奖品。
The stump of his pipe he held tight in his teeth, and the smoke, it encircled his head, like a wreath. 他的嘴里紧叼着烟斗,吐出的烟雾盘桓在头顶上,像一个花环。
The horseman who knocks off the last piece of wood will get a prize cup and a wreath will put around the horse's neck. 击落最后一片木块的骑士获得奖杯,马也给带上花环。
I sent thee late a rosy wreath, Not so much honouring thee, As giving it a hope that there It could not withered be. 尔后送你玫瑰花环不为寄我相思之意而是希冀那花儿因你而永远绽放。
Results The characteristic performance that the spondylolysis of lumbar spine was the bone wreath consecution to break off. 结果腰椎椎弓峡部不连的特征性表现是椎弓骨性环连续性中断。
A wreath or festoon, especially one of plaited flowers or leaves, worn on the body or draped as a decoration. 花环:一种花冠或花圈,尤其是一种由花或树叶编成的,戴在身上或挂着的装饰品。
If the green-grocer had such a thing as a laurel wreath, I should send Billy round for it. 如果鲜货店有桂冠这种商品出售,我一定要叫毕利去买一顶来。
Park Ji-won, a close aide to the late Kim, said the North's delegation would carry a wreath from Kim Jong-il and visit for two days. 金大中的高级助手朴智元(ParkJi-won)表示,朝鲜代表团将带来金正日献上的花圈,并在首尔访问两天。
At the Yule Ball of 1994, she wore dress robes of red tartan and arranged a rather ugly wreath of thistles around the brim of her hat. 1994年的圣诞舞会上,她穿着红色格子呢的长袍还在帽檐上装饰了一圈很难看的蓟草花环。更详细。
Wreath-laying ceremonies take place all through the year and people from all over the world come to watch the changing of the guard. 缠绕放置仪式所有通过年和人民发生从全世界来到手表改变卫兵。
Earlier , the president laid a wreath at the tomb of the unknowns , which contains the unidentified remains of members of the U. 早些时候,总统给这些无名者的墓地献上花圈,他们包括那些在大战中死亡的未确认身份的美国军事成员的遗体。
I sent a wreath , anxious to make amends ; but I could never forget the look on his face when I asked him if he was a spy . 我送去一个花圈,聊以补过,但是,我永远忘不了当我问他是不是间谍时他脸上的那种表情。
Learning new skills can be a bit scary but we all need to do this each time wreath a personal learning plateau . 学习新的技能可能让人感到有一点恐惧,但每当我们在个人学习上停滞不前时,我们都需要去学习新的东西。
There is going to be a memorial in New York, where the Secretary General will lay a wreath. 这里将是在纽约,秘书长将为纪念馆敬献了花圈。
The big wreath on the wall and a few snowflakes remain, but that's about it. 只保留挂在墙上的大花圈和一些雪花片,就这么多了。
The emblem is a reference to the ancient Olympic Games, where the olive wreath was the official award given to winning athletes. 橄榄枝与古希腊奥运会有历史渊源,那个时候,橄榄枝是授予获奖运动员的奖品。
One of the last bodies of work Chadwick undertook, before her premature death from a congenital heart defect, was Wreath to Pleasure. 查德维克因先天性心脏病而英年早逝,《致欢愉的花圈》系列是她临终前的作品之一。
I think it is all depends on how mush love and wisdom in oneself, wreath then knowledge level. 我想这完全是依据一个人拥有多少爱与智慧,而不在于他的知识程度。
In Greece, the olive wreath is a symbol with special meanings in terms of its history, shape and color. 在雅典,橄榄枝花环是一个象征,它在历史、形状和颜色方面都蕴含着特殊的含义。
Your veil of the saffron color makes my eyes drunk. The jasmine wreath that you wove me thrills to my heart like praise. 你金黄色的面纱让我醉眼迷离。你为我编织的茉莉花环让我像被赞扬了一般,心扉荡漾。
I sat at my open window with a fresh wreath on my loose hair. 我坐在打开的窗前,在松散的秀发上戴上鲜嫩的花环。
The Xuan vision wreath of famous master has to make these students shut up eyes and dare not to face a teacher. 名师的眩目光环使这些学生不得不闭上眼睛,不敢正视老师。
I thought I should ask of thee -- but I dared not -- the rose wreath thou hadst on thy neck. 我想我应当向你请求——可是我又不敢——你那挂在颈上的玫瑰花环。
The techniques for surface are plating nickel, zinc, gold, silver, copper, the wreath oxygen resin spraying and the heat disposing etc. 表面处理有镀叻、锌、金、银、铜、煲黑、环氧树脂喷涂及热处理等;
In that day the Lord Almighty will be a glorious crown, a beautiful wreath for the remnant of his people. 到那日,万军之耶和华必作他余剩之民的荣冠华冕。
According to Wiccan rituals, placing holly or other greens in the shape of a circle or wreath accentuated its magical power. 按照巫术仪式,将冬青或其他绿色植物摆成环状或编织成花环能增强其魔力。