
美 [ˈretʃəd]英 [ˈretʃɪd]
  • adj.感到不适的;难受的;不愉快的;极坏的
  • 网络可怜的;悲惨的;不幸的

wretched condition,wretched life,wretched state


1.感到不适的;难受的;不愉快的feeling ill/sick or unhappy

2.极坏的;恶劣的extremely bad or unpleasant

3.可怜的;悲惨的making you feel sympathy or pity

4.[obn](informal)(表示憎恶)该死的,无法容忍的used to show that you think that sb/sth is extremely annoying


英文字根_百度百科 ... 280、misc = mix 混淆 281、miser = wretched 可怜的 284、mob = move 动 ...


新概念英语第三册词汇_百度文库 ... breed vt. 培育 wretched a. 悲惨的 shed vt. 发射 ...


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... wrench/ rentF/vt. 拧,扭伤 n.拧 wretched/ 5retFid/a. 不幸的;卑鄙的 yacht/ jRt/n. 游艇,快艇 ...


【考研单词 速记】(私) ... tunnel n. 隧道,山洞 【用】 wretched a. 可怜的;悲惨的;肮脏的;恶劣的 wretch 不幸的人 2358 ▲ ...


雅思1128核心词汇 - 豆丁网 ... wreck 失事, 残骸;v.破坏 wretched 可怜的,肮脏的 wrinkle 皱纹;v.使皱 ...


高考后的暑假,且行且珍惜 ... obstacle n. 障碍 wretched a. 苦巴巴的,倒霉的 dawdle v. 慢吞吞的动或做 ...


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... wrench/ rentF/vt. 拧,扭伤 n.拧 wretched/ 5retFid/a. 不幸的;卑鄙的 yacht/ jRt/n. 游艇,快艇 ...


绝望的主妇第一季... ... I hated Martha. She was a wretched pig of a woman hate: 憎恶、憎恨 wretched: 讨厌的,可恨的 pig: …

"These properties were taken out of their places of origin in a wretched way, " he said. 他说:这些文物是通过一种不正当(肮脏)的手段从他们的原籍带出去的。
He was a wretched fellow, not exactly educated, not exactly ignorant, who had been a mountebankat fairs, and a writer for the public. 那个不幸的人并不是什么读书人,但也不是完全无知无识的人,他曾在市集上卖技,也摆过书信摊。
Unpopular in his own lifetime due to his wretched excesses, his coins are among the most collected of any Roman emperor. 在他自己的一生不受欢迎由于他的可怜的暴行,他的硬币是最收取任何罗马皇帝。
Each one of you has been where many others would not wish to go, and endured tough and often wretched lives to experience duality. 你们每个人坚守在那些许多其他人都不愿意去的地方。并且忍耐着艰难,经常的体验二元世界中的不幸生活。
But, you wretched man, I shall say to you what Madame D used to say: you just be very rich, then! 但您有多么可怜啊,我要学D太太说过的话来跟您讲了,‘那么您很有钱罗!’
He may not feel it on the eve of what might be a wretched mid-term election for his party, but Barack Obama is a lucky man. 奥巴马是个幸运的人。尽管在民主党将惨败中期选举之际,他或非如此觉得。
'Well, I should like to be a LITTLE larger, sir, if you wouldn't mind, ' said Alice: 'three inches is such a wretched height to be. ' “哦,如果你不在意的话,先生,我想再大一点,”爱丽丝说,“像这样三英寸高,太可怜了。”
When he saw that this wretched resource was becoming exhausted, he gave up his garden and allowed it to run to waste. 当他见到那一点微薄的财源也日渐枯竭时,他便任他的园子荒凉,不再照顾。
Most courteously they lead him into a wretched suburb, put his head on a stone, and slit his throat. 他们更是殷勤地把他带往了一个废弃的郊外,并抓住他的脑袋往石头上磕去,撕开了他的喉咙。
His wretched clothing might have justified that he could only afford for such an inferior mess. 看他那一身可怜的穿戴想必也只能吃这种伙食。
His years of wretched poverty in early life inspired him with a deep sympathy for the common man and with a passion for social justice. 他早年生活悲惨贫困,激发了他对普通人的深刻同情和对社会公正的热情。
Although it shares something of Ireland's banking woes and of Greece's wretched competitiveness, it is in less trouble than either. 虽然爱尔兰的银行业困境和希腊的疲软竞争力对其造成影响,但西班牙的状况依旧好于两国。
He was a kindhearted gentleman, and was distressed to see Dick in such a wretched condition at his doorway. 他是个心地善良的绅士,见他家门口的迪克处境如此狼狈,心里很难过。
i lay down flat in the bottom of that wretched skiff , and devoutly recommended my spirit to its maker. 我趴在可怜的小艇底部,把我的灵魂虔诚地交给造物主安排。
They are supportive, and not remotely judgmental, but I still feel wretched, as if I've messed up again. 他们很支持我,也不做那些没用的判断,但我仍然觉得很可怜,仿佛我把事情又搞砸了。
And yet in Cities Man is shutout from his fellows if he is poor, the cottagermust be dirty and very wretched if she be notthrifty. 然而在城里,一个人如果很穷就会被拒之于他的伙伴之外;一个村民如果不节俭定会变得龌龊和非常不幸。
When he had tied her up in the back-yard, the wretched father went and sat in the passage, with his knuckles to his eyes. 他把娜娜拴在后院里之后,这位倒霉的父亲就走到过道里,在那儿坐下,用双手掩住眼睛。
they were wretched and wicked outcasts , and yet even among them Job was an outcast. 但是就算在他们中间,约伯也是一个被弃者。
she was constantly pained by the sight of the white - faced , ragged men who slopped desperately by her in a sort of wretched mental stupor. 每次那些脸色苍白衣衫褴褛的人带着可怜的麻木神情从她身旁绝望地走过,她的心就为他们痛苦。
When the earth was still flat, and the clouds made of fire, and mountains wretched up to the sky, sometimes higher, folks roamed the earth. 当地球仍是平的、云彩由火构成并且山脉高高插入天空时,而且有时更高,人们在大地上游走。
I get out of bed wretched and exhausted, with the thought of a long way before me which will not bring me a single joy. 浑身难受,精疲力竭,却只能下床,脑海里浮现出一条路,没有尽头,把我一直带到一个没有快乐的地方。
THE wretched wife of the innocent man thus doomed to die, under the sentence, as if she had been mortally stricken. 像这样被无辜判处死刑者的悲惨的妻子一听见判决就倒下了,仿佛受了致命的创伤。
That made me so wretched that I wouldn't allow myself to sit down for a coffee, even despite the fact that it had began to drizzle. 这使我很不安,甚至不许自己坐下来再喝杯咖啡了。尽管这时已下开了毛毛雨。
No, if he had believed me at all to share his feelings, he would not have been so wretched. 不,如果他当真认为我也对他有意思,他就不会这么怏怏不乐了。
His fore finger, projecting from the sleeve of his coat, pointed up to the wretched little creature on the pole. 他从大衣袖筒里伸出食指,指着趴在电杆顶上的那个可怜的小东西。
But in the end, he seems to have decided that a bad deal was better for Zimbabwe's wretched people than no deal at all. 但看起来他最终还是作出了决定:对于饱受痛苦的津巴布韦人民来说,一个不太满意的结果总比什么没有要好。
Never shall he be wed to the child of such a wretched soul living in this miserable hovel. 他决不能和住在这个破茅屋里的可怜虫的孩子结婚。
Aunt Tranter backed him up, and he was accordingly granted an afternoon for his "wretched grubbing" among the stones. 特兰特姨妈这次帮了他的忙,于是他获准了一个下午,可以用来去翻弄那些倒霉的石头。
The six-minute short film describes the scene of a wretched war field, reflecting the complicated relations between the main characters. 六分钟的电影短片描述了悲惨的战争现场,反映了主要角色之间的复杂关系。
IT HAS been a thoroughly wretched summer in the rich world: weak growth, dismal jobs numbers and plunges in stockmarkets. 对富国来说,这个夏天完全糟透了:增长乏力、惨淡的就业数字、股市大跌。