
美 ['dʌblju:z]英 ['dʌblju:z]
  • abbr.西方(的);西部(的);瓦;瓦特
  • n.英语字母表的第 23 个字母
  • 网络萨摩亚(Western Samoa);网络服务(Web Services);萨摩亚群岛



1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 23 个字母the 23rd letter of the English alphabet

萨摩亚(Western Samoa)

LOT 波兰航空公司 - 最便宜的机票 ... 萨尔瓦多[ SV] 萨摩亚[ WS] 葡萄牙[ PT] ...

网络服务(Web Services)

Web Services (WS) Management 是一个 DMTF 规格,为启用 DASH 的客户机提供基于标准的 Web 服务管理。同时支持 HTT…


DHL | 按发件人参考信息跟踪 | 简体中文 ... VU 瓦努阿图 WS 萨摩亚群岛 XB 博内尔 ...


CN是什么意思?_爱问知识人 ... .vu 瓦努阿图 .ws 西萨摩亚 .ye 也门 ...


域名申请|国际域名申请查询|中文域名申请注册 ... .AC( 财务/学术) .WS( 网站类) .SH( 上海/商店) ...

One of our problems is that WS-BPEL is WSDL 1. 1 only, at least for now (and I'm not aware of any effort to update it for WSDL 2. 0). 我们的一个问题是WS-BPEL只支持WSDL1.1,至少迄今为止还是这样(而且我没听到任何关于要把它升级到WSDL2.0的消息)。
Check it out if you want to see WS-RM in action without downloading and installing anything. 如果您想要查看运行中的WS-RM的话请使用这个,不需要下载和安装任何东西。
WS-Policy defines a simple XML structure consisting of four different elements and a pair of attributes. WS-Policy定义了一个简单XML结构,由4个不同元素和一对属性组成。
Therefore, it is logical to conclude that this aspect of interoperability has not been formally tested as part of WS-I compliance. 因此,可以合理地推断这方面的互操作性作为WS-I一致性的一部分并未经过正式测试。
WS: The fact that she was able to relate so well to people from every walk of life. 是:事实上,她能够与这么好来自各行各业的人。
For a time the news delighted labour MPs and trade union stalwarts: the city, at last, ws getting a taste of its own nasty medicine. 这条消息使工党的议员们和工会的忠贞分子高兴了好一阵:伦敦商业区终于快要得到同样苦涩的报应。
As the protocol used to call WS-Coordination operations is SOAP, the message content is plain text in an XML format. 因为用来调用WS-Coordination操作的协议是SOAP,消息内容是XML格式的纯文本。
WS-Policy elements that are defined in an external file can be referred to from within the WSDL by using the element. 通过使用元素,可以从WSDL中引用在外部文件中定义的WS-Policy元素。
The lake ws deserted as the sky began to darken, looking more threatening by the minute. 湖面一片荒凉,天色越来越暗,每分钟的流逝就平添一分恐怖。
This time-based approach used for managing the destruction of a WS-Resource is also known as scheduled destruction. 这种基于时间的用于管理Web服务资源的销毁的方法也称为预定销毁。
What is in the book is not important, I ws wondering what you think of it. 写了什么不重要。我想知道你是怎么想的。
The two-phase commit protocol is driven by the caller's WS-AT coordinator when it is ready to commit the transaction. 当准备好提交事务时,两阶段提交协议将由调用方的WS-AT协调器进行驱动。
The WS-Polling specification is aimed at addressing a problem with Web services that appears to be popping up in quite a few places. WS-Polling规范以处理出现在很多地方的一个Web服务问题为目标。
The Algoma facility has served as a blueprint to be followed by each WS Packaging facility across the United States. 该阿尔戈马工厂开始作为一个蓝图必须由每一是包装上的美国设施其次。
So if the community wanted a solution promoted within a short time frame, it would be up to WS-RM to provide it. 因此,如果社区希望短时间内推广一个相应的解决方案,则应由WS-RM进行此工作。
The last two seem to be completely out of place because they belong to WS-Addressing not the base SOAP definition. 最后两个看似完全不合时宜,因为它们是属于WS-Addressing,而不属于SOAP基本定义。
To be of any benefit, WS-SecureConversation requires an ongoing sequence of messages over a relatively short span of time. 为了能获取收益,WS-SecureConversation需要正在持续的消息序列处于相对较短时间内。
As is the case with those other mechanisms, WS-Inspection documents are very light-weight, easy to construct, and easy to maintain. 如同其它机制一样,WS-Inspection文档是非常轻量级的,易于构造,易于维护。
Within a couple of years, the bank will be able to purchase infrastructure that implements the WS- standards. 在未来几年内,银行将能够购买实现了某种WS标准的基础架构。
Whether the output of these technical committees will have the impact of WS-BPEL remains to be seen, but BPM is important within SOA. 这个技术委员会的产出对WS-BPEL的影响有待考察,但是BPM是SOA重要的组成。
It should be clearly noted that this work is not intended to compete with the work of WS-I. 有一点需要明确说明的是,这项工作并非要与WS-I的工作构成竞争。
The next step is to apply a WS-RM policy set to the Bank Web service provider. 下一步是将WS-RM策略集应用到BankWeb服务提供商。
This cross-stack compatibility is the main benefit of using JAXB and JAX-WS, since it makes it easy for you to switch between stacks. 这种跨堆栈兼容性是使用JAXB和JAX-WS的主要优点,因为这便于在不同的堆栈之间切换。
Later as part of WS-I Basic Profile V1. 1, it was recommended not to depend on it, but some service providers continued to do so. 后来这个定义成为WS-IBasicProfileV1.1的一部分,我们建议不要过分依赖它,但是有一些服务提供商仍然采用这种方式。
The Bank Web service provider will use a custom policy set with an WS-RM policy type that has properties set manually. BankWeb服务提供商将使用一个自定义策略集,该策略集的WS-RM策略类型具有手动设置的属性。
Looking through these communications, you'll be able to see the WS-RM flow described earlier on in this article. 仔细查看这些通信,您将能够看到本文前面描述的WS-RM流。
As shown in this example, unlike the service-side of the message exchange, the SOAP client cannot be oblivious to the use of WS-Polling. 如本例所示,与消息交换的服务器端不同,SOAP客户机不可能不使用WS-Polling。
In WebSphere, this metadata is known as the Caller and is configured as part of the binding for WS-Security, as we'll show in this article. 在WebSphere中,这些元数据称作Caller并被配置为WS-Security绑定的一部分,本文将展示这一点。
Some of the WS-* concepts do not translate in a RESTful design or are present in other areas of the application. 一些WS-*概念没有在RESTful设计中转换,或者出现在其他应用程序领域中。
Add a WS_FAULT parameter as the last parameter of your method (it must be the last parameter). 添加一个WS_FAULT参数,作为方法的最后一个参数(它必须是最后一个参数)。