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He said Chairman Wu's visit is of great significance to promoting Singapore-China relations and bilateral parliamentary exchanges. 他说,吴邦国委员长的来访,对进一步促进新中关系发展和两国议会交往具有重大意义。
Among the ancients there was one who acted on this principle, namely king Wu. 古之人有行之者,武王是也。
With the joint efforts of him and his people, the State of Yue became stronger and stronger and defeated the Kingdom of Wu in the end. 最后,在他和人民的共同努力下,越国越来越强大,终于打败了吴国。
Wu rushed over and saw that his third shot had killed not a deer, but his own son, who had come out hunting with him! 他冲过去,看到自己的箭射杀的不是一只鹿,而是和他一起出来打猎的儿子!
Mrs. Wu Sun-fu leaned back in her chair, her head resting on the top of the back and her eyes brimming with tears . 吴少奶奶往后仰在椅子里,她的头靠在椅背上,眼泪满了她的眼眶。
Mrs. Wu Sun-fu stared at the waving blue curtain over the door, then parted her lips to call her sister back, but changed her mind. 吴少奶奶瞪眼看着房门上那一幅在晃荡的蓝色门帘,张大了嘴巴,似乎想喊,可是没有出声;
While Wu insisted he did "nothing illegal" and he would be "vindicated, " he resigned shortly after and is being urged to seek treatment. 虽然吴振伟坚称自己“没干什么不法的事”,事实会“证明他的清白”,但之后不久他就辞职了,还被怀疑有精神问题需要尽早治疗。
Wu said, the market liquidity of asset liquidity is all about. 吴晓灵表示,市场流动性是资产变现能力的体现。
Wu Hong was a great and respected leader, a good and honorable man in every sense. He was beloved by his co-workers and his friends. 吴泓是一位伟大而受人尊敬的领导者,在各方面都是一个可敬的好人,深受其同事和朋友的爱戴。
That evening, Mr. Yang smashed through the wooden door of his 63-year- old neighbor, Wu Wenguang, and struck him in the head with an ax. 前一天的晚上,他砸开了63岁的邻居伍文广(音译)家的木门,用斧头猛击他的头部。
The general dies ex- said two words, he said: And fighter together Wu, I it luckily also. 将军死前说了两句话,他说:与军同亡,吾之幸也。
it shows that Wu had a deep understanding of the original piece, to which he applied his polyphonic skills in a mature way. 显示出作者对原作的深刻理解和复调写作技巧的成熟运用。
It had a great influence on the advocacy of non-being (wu) in the Xuanxue hermeneutical school in the Wei and Jin dynasties. 并通过注解《道德经》阐发玄学理论,对魏晋玄学尤其是玄学贵无论风尚的形成有着重大影响。
Wu first of all thanked Speaker Wilson for her cordial invitation, saying that this is the first time for him to visit New Zealand. 吴邦国首先感谢威尔逊议长的盛情邀请。他说,这是我第一次访问新西兰。
There is only one Van Gogh, a copy of his people did not Offer, Wu Guanzhong, only one other copy of the painting, he was seen at a glance. 凡高只有一个,临摹他的人一个也没有出息,吴冠中也只有一个,别人临摹他的画法一眼就被看出来。
Beibei suddenly went quiet as she saw hanging in the dark room a picture taken for Xun at Danshui when Xun and Wu first me. 贝贝忽然住了嘴,因为她看见暗房中挂著伍与熏初次见面时,在淡水替熏拍的照片。
Just as wu could not see the two sides of a coin, to choose one more system is bound to give up the other moral systems. 这就好像我们不能同时看到一枚铜板的两面一样。选择了一种道德体系就势必要放弃另外一个道德体系。
Do not say that I no less than three pharyngeal Wu Qi, is also unable to return home with his wife confessed! 不说三人咽不下这口恶气,就是回家也没法跟夫人交待呀!
Recently, Wu Gui participated in the Hangzhou TV's " people skills competition" program, referred to his gambling stories. 近日,吴贵一在参加杭州卫视的《奇人绝技大比拼》节目时,提到了自己反赌的故事。
Wu-zi Xu was about to tell the reason, suddenly, a woman's voice came from outside. It was Zhuan Zhu's mother. She was home now. 伍子胥正欲说出原由,忽地,外头传来一把妇女之声。原来,是专诸母亲回家来了。
Fila got together with Wu-Tang Clan to produce a pair of winter boots. 丝状部分聚会与吴特性氏族生产一个对冬天起动。
Wu nodded, but finished her Double Happiness brand cigarette before stubbing it out on the tiled floor. 吴点了点头,但在瓷砖上踩熄烟头之前,她还是抽完了她的双喜牌烟。
"He said it was not necessary to maintain relationships with us, " Wu said. “他说,没有必要要和我们保持联系”吴岩告诉我们。
David Wu of Oregon said he would step down following the resolution of the debt limit crisis in Washington. 俄勒冈选区的吴振伟宣布他将在美国国会债务危机解决后正式辞职。
Wu Tianyu seems to have felt her changes, but he still cares for Luo Lan just as usual. 吴天宇似乎也觉察到了她的异常,但对罗兰依然关心体贴。
We do not like the Wu-called "Great Leap Forward movement will catch up with the idea as the two issues have nothing to do, " as meaning. 我们并没有象吴文所说的“将赶超思想与大跃进运动当作毫不相干的两个问题”那样的意思。
He made it clear that China was committed to pursuing a low-carbon economy despite the tremendous difficulties that it would face, Wu said. 胡说,温总理很清晰地表示了,无论要面对多大的困难,中国都会承诺追求低排碳经济。
In Beijing, Mr. Wu says, Red Guards shaved half the head of his wife, Zhou Nan, and ransacked his mother's home. 吴敬琏说,红卫兵剃了他妻子周楠的半头头发,洗劫了母亲的家。
The Fa-Wu has character of promoting wind and provoking qi, thus easy to cause disorder of QI-blood which has side effects against disease. 发物因具有动风发气、助火热毒邪之性,并容易致使机体气血失常而对疾病产生不良影响。
'I'm trying to raise taxpayers' consciousness by letting them see where their money is going, ' Mr. Wu said. 吴君亮说,通过让老百姓看到他们的钱都花到哪里去了,我正试图唤起人们的纳税人意识。