
美 [saɪ]英 [saɪ]
  • n.希腊字母表的第 14 个字母
  • 网络席;奚;郗





十笔字有哪些_百度知道 ... 息( xi) ( xi) 掀( xian) ...

十笔字有哪些_百度知道 ... 芴( wu) ( xi) 芯( xin) ...

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 隋 sui xi 咸 xian ...

(XI)啦!王羲之的羲! 老是和义字的繁体混了!狂汗啊! 这个贴子到此为止!

广东话学习技巧 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... (niao) 生气(我好嬲你! (xi(你真系个好人嘞!) (han) 如此,这样(咁都 …

郑人俘(xi)魁垒,赂之以知政,闭其口而死。将门,知伯谓赵孟:“入之。”对曰:“主在此。”知伯曰:“恶而无勇,何以为子?” …

王纯xi)、王雅琦王韵斐,斐子王琳雅王思晨 王雨溪 王欣宁 王凌云 小名叫一一 天天 都很好听王语嫣 王馨晨 王菀涵 王孜 …

Таблица транскрипции по умолчанию. |... ... 傎 dian xi 傜 yao ...

If we could imagine Guo Xi discovering the Rockies, he might have painted them like this! 如果我们设想,郭熙当初发现了这样的岩石山脉,他或许也会画成这样!
I read the media on the evaluation of Swiss good seal diet pills, do not know is not true, Rui Xi was used diet pills it? 我在网上看到媒体对瑞玺减肥丸评价很好,不知道是不是真的,有人用过瑞玺减肥丸吗?
Above are two main reasons for me to have decided to visit Xi'an. Whatever others may think, for me alone, they do make sense. 以上便是我选择去西安游览之两个主要原因,不管别人会怎么想,最起码,我就是这样认为之。
XI He rode over Connecticut In a glass coach. Once, a fear pierced him, In that he mistook The shadow of his equipage For blackbirds. 他驾着玻璃马车穿越康涅狄格。曾经,一阵恐惧穿透他因为他把他装备好的马车的阴影,误会成了黑鸟群。
While the Hu-Wen era was one of construction, Xi and Li will have to put more effort into maintenance. 胡-温时代是建设的时代,习-李必将更多的精力放在维护上。
At the very beginning, Xi Wang drank her mother's milk for up to 14 hours a day. 在非常开始的时候,希望每天喝她妈妈的奶达到14个小时。
Up to the time of Chu Xi that he just formed a set of perfect theory for the theory of "mind dominated character and sentimental" . 直至朱熹出现,才为「心统性情」建构出一套完善的理论。
Methods Analyze internal relation of every pair of gua among the 12 Xiao-Xi-Gua in The Yijing, in combination with clinical examples. 方法通过对《易经》十二消息卦的每组对应卦的内在联系进行分析,配合以临床实例佐证。
The company formerly known as the "Xi'an Securities Financial Service Center" , attached to the Xi'an City Department of Finance. 公司的前身为“西安市财政证券服务中心”,隶属于西安市财政局。
She only knew Xi Shi's frown looked beautiful but she did not know the reason for its beauty. 她只知道西施蹙额很美,但并不知道,她美的根本。
Im going to show you a strange place where foreigners are more, may be you know it, its YANG SUO XI JIE. 这次你来,我想带你到一个外国人比中国人还多的神秘地方,猜猜是哪里呢,也许你一定听说过吧,那就是阳朔西街。
The lyrics went through a few stages and in the end Mr. Lin Xi presented me with a vivid portrayal of the life of Ah Bing. 歌词写了很多的版本,最后林夕先生用他的词向我惟妙惟肖地描述了瞎子阿炳的一生。
easy to share selected stock law: the main elected Xi Pan ready to try for the end of the stock. 股易精选法选股:选出主力洗盘结束准备拉升的股票。
Long Zhang XI: "has always been such a State, then it's hard to say, that time can only be stopped. " 张龙喜:“一直是这种状态的话,那就很难说了,到时候就只能再停了。”
During about 2 hours' flight, I saw a film and had a delicious meal. Then the plane began to get lower and I got to Xi'an safely. 在飞机上我看了场电影,吃了一顿可口的饭。大约两小时后,飞机开始降落。我安全到达了西安;
A few days ago some memory came into my eyes just like yesterday when I saw the TV show 'Kong Xi Lai Le'. 几天前看着康熙来了一些记忆浮现眼前如同昨日。
For Robinson it is all part of a learning curve and one he hopes will one day see him become a regular in the starting XI. 对罗宾逊来说这些都是他成长曲线的一部分,他希望有一天能看到自己成为首发11人中的常客。
Xi man's mouth moving, as if saying something in, and a woman. 男人的嘴翕动着,好像在和女人说着什么。
I remember once, I accompanied her to Xi'an to work, was late, my mother and I just take a train to Xi'an. 记得有一次,我陪妈妈到西安去办事,当时很晚了,我和妈妈才坐火车到西安。
In the AntiJapanese War, the antique market in Xi'an continued to be rather prosperous for Xi'an was located in the rear of the war. 抗战中,在沦陷区区域市场萎缩之际,西安古玩市场因地处后方,故能维持一定繁荣。
Chapter II analyzed Zhu Xi's "up and down link up" in philosophical system and his "Competent and Factoring" philosophy of courses. 第二章分析了朱熹“上下贯通”的哲学体系与其“合和融通”的课程哲学。
The Company Holding Information Net Talk with Xi Qiao Company in London. 在伦敦与西桥公司洽谈信息联网事宜。
After my being in Yan'an and in the front for about a year, Agnes came to Yan'an soon after the Xi'an Incident. 我在延安和前线工作了大约一年以后,也就在西安事变发生后不久,艾格妮丝来到了延安。
Then the plane began to get lower and I got to Xi'an safely. 然后飞机开始下降,我安全到了西安市。
Xi: I don't even mind if it's just you and me. That could also be fun. 茜:哪怕只有你和我两个人也没关系,那也会很有趣。
XI, do not parallel with the vehicle in front wheels, be sure to ride the front car of one to three feet at the rear. 不要与前车车轮并行,一定要骑在前车后方一至三尺处。
He was asked to leave for Xi'an at such short notice that he didn't even have time to call his wife. 他接到通知要他立即去西安,时间紧迫得连给他的妻子打电话的时间都没有。
The bird loyalty Xi finally realizes that this is the gold farmland one Geng to help to establish the next trap intentionally. 飞鸟忠熙终于察觉到这是金田一耕助刻意设下的陷阱。
Hai Xi Xi spited two bite of spit into his hands ringingly, "go aside, look at me! " He exerted all his strength to pound the pick. “啐!啐!”海喜喜响亮地朝两手啐了两口唾沫,“你闪开,看我的!”他哼地一声使劲地砸下镐头。
he received an order to get to xi'an immidiately , there was not enough time to let him to call his wife. 他接到通知要他立即去西安,时间紧迫的连给他妻子打电话的时间都没有。