
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络轩;宣;玄奘



刘姓男宝宝取名-宝宝起名-猪八戒网 ... 刘 liu xuan 岩 yan ...

容易读错、写错的汉字 ... xuan( 绚),不读 xuan)。 xue( 学),不读 ...


Authors (Translators, Commentators etc.) #1 ... 施护 shi1 hu4 玄奘 xuan2 zang4 义净 yi4 jing4 ...

如埙如篪-电脑编程网成语频道 ... 篪 chi xuan&xun 如 ru ...


◈◇全国乡镇级地名生僻用字读音表◈◇ -... ... 达 县 幺塘乡 yao1 (氵鲜)渡镇 xuan3 简阳市 芦葭镇 jia1 ...

连云港高级中学吧_百度贴吧 ... miss_ 瑟瑟 2-20 xuan 2-24 free 小黑子 2-24 ...


观察站(Restart) - 好友 - yam天空部落 ... SiRe (默默无名的 Xuan (我搬了(远 【SUO-GANG 白】 ...

Ai Xuan (also known as GuiGui by his closer family members) currently resides in Beijing with his wife Jin Tao and daughter Ai Jiayi. 艾轩(家人一般叫他“艾圭圭”)目前和妻子金涛、女儿艾佳伊(音译)居住在北京。
Liu Yang accustoms himself to filling up a whole piece of Xuan paper, making it indomitable to enhance visual effect of his works. 刘阳习惯于把一张宣纸写得满满,顶大立地,增强其视觉效果。
You looking at me, I rather excavate a chip of pork above my own body don't ambition to continue again to go for the Qi Xuan Ji for well. 你看着我,我宁愿挖掉自己身上的一块肉也不想再继续为泣玄寂做事。
Zhang Xuan said, the moment came to understand, you have to leave. 张悬说,一瞬间才明白,你要告别了。
Xuan thought back on all their years of married life together, and all the money he made killing hogs. 宣回想起他们多年的婚姻生活,还有他杀猪挣来的钱。
"Boon. " Signal clue him to leave the thing, the warfare Chun Xuan modified consideration to return again in of appraisal report up. “恩。”示意他把东西留下,战淳轩重新将注意力调回了手中的评估报告上。
Suddenly, I wish proposed vibration xuan ss can only care about him a man. 振轩突然提出,但愿三顺只能在乎他一个汉子。
As a matter of fact, Xuan was so used to killing hogs that he felt something was wrong if he let a day go by without killing something. 实际上,宣已经习惯了要杀猪,如果他哪一天不杀点什么就觉得不对劲。
When Ying Chen asked Du Xuan how he got so seriously ill, Du told him he drank the wine with a snake in his cup the other day. 过了几天,应郴有事到杜宣家中,问他怎么会闹病的,杜宣便讲了那天饮酒时酒杯中有蛇的事。
Chu once the Xuan hands tremble, two fall thick solid pistol at in his center of palm, immediately after his hands connect to order. 楚轩双手一抖,两把厚实的手枪落在了他的手心中,接着他双手连点。
When everything was settled, Xuan went back to work, and slaughtered those pigs in the pen, the ones his wife had thought were ladies. 当所有的事情办好后,宣又开始杀猪了。他杀了猪圈里的猪,就是他妻子认为是妇人的那些猪。
Green grass, dazzling tree, Xuan pavilion Changting, Yishanbangshui . . . I do not know when it will become an elusive aspiration. 青青的草,绿绿的树,轩榭长亭,依山傍水……不知何时会变成一个渺茫的愿望。
Dong Xuan came out, Guangwu Give Food to send high officials to accompany him to dinner, Dong Xuan eat all the food net twelve hundred. 董宣出来以后,光武帝赐食派大官陪他吃饭,董宣把所有的饭菜吃得一千二净。
Xiao Xuan, now nine days Xuannv come has revealed the truth: "Magic of the heart become immortal people shy? " 玄霄,此时九天玄女降临,道出真理:“心已成魔之人岂可成仙?”
The good Xuan paper are the ones being stored for a long time. The newly produced Xuan paper is a bit too white and pure. 生宣要久藏为好,刚生产出来的宣纸过于净白,故有火气逼人之感。
In the dead of night, the abbot bolted the door when Xuan Zang and his disciples fell asleep, and then set the bedroom on fire. 深夜,方丈趁师徒四人睡着时将他们的房门锁上,然后放火烧他们的卧房。
Many historians believe that the history of India subcontinent experienced darkness in the Middle Ages, and the only light was Xuan Zang. 历史学家认为,中世纪印度次大陆的历史一片黑暗,玄奘是唯一的光芒。
Ruling the nation by the filial piety was the principle of governance and administration characteristics in power during Tang Xuan' zong. 以孝治天下是唐玄宗的治国原则和施政特点。
Did the final officer Xuan jade come? Seem to liken to anticipate media early a day. 上官玄玉来了?似乎比预料中早了一天。
Zheng Xuan showed his moral integrity as a scholar-officical, and won respects and praises by his contemporaries. 而郑玄则表现出士子们特有的操守与气节,赢得时人的尊重与赞扬。
Its true features of the faithful who enter do not change, if the science of Consciousness-Xuan Zang . . . 其忠实输入不改本来面目者,若玄奘唯识之学……而卒归于消沉歇绝。
And Xuan, the surname from her father's ancestral village, is a rare character not commonly used. 她的父姓禤是个很少见的字,不常用到。
Since the 1980s, china has a number of novel for children's growth performance . Cao Wen Xuan called this novel as a "Initiation stories" . 自上世纪80年代起,我国出现了一批表现儿童成长的小说,曹文轩称这种小说为“成长小说”。
Trained in Chinese painting, Wang Tiande uses the form of the bottle as a sculptural support for layers of ink-soaked xuan paper. 王天德受过中国画的训练,他采用瓶子的形式当作多层浸墨宣纸的支撑雕塑。
The Xuan vision wreath of famous master has to make these students shut up eyes and dare not to face a teacher. 名师的眩目光环使这些学生不得不闭上眼睛,不敢正视老师。
One summer day, he invited his secretary Du Xuan to his house and treated him with wine. 有一年夏天,他请主簿(办理文书事务的官员)杜宣来家里饮酒。
Suffice it to say, Deserts Xuan has lots to say and is not afraid to say it. 我想张悬有很多想说,而且她从不畏惧说出她的想法。
Then, Dong Xuan servants thundered down to the car, killing him on the spot. 然后,董宣怒喝让那个奴仆下了车,就当场把他打死了。
If the patient collapsed, the finger pinch pressure points or acupuncture patient's hands and fingers out of ten fingers Xuan points. 如果病人昏倒,可用手指掐压病人的人中穴或针刺双手十指指尖的十萱穴。
As requested by disciple Zhi Xuan below I had written the heart mantra of five protectors in calligraphy. 应弟子智宣以下之提请,我已手书了五护法心咒的翰墨。