
美 [jɔn]英 [jɔːn]
  • v.打哈欠;非常宽;难以逾越
  • n.呵欠;无聊的人或事;无趣的想法
  • 网络打呵欠;张开;打个哈欠

过去式:yawned 现在分词:yawning 第三人称单数:yawns



v. n.

1.[i]打哈欠to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply through it, usually because you are tired or bored

2.[i]非常宽;难以逾越to be very wide and often frightening and difficult to get across


英语单词联想记忆法 - 搜搜百科 ... 24,Xenophobia 惧外症 25,Yawn 打哈欠 26,Zest 乐趣、风味 ...


打字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 打哈哈〖 laughoutloud〗 打呵欠yawn〗 打鼾〖 snore〗 ...


求Y字开头的英文单词。 -外语-天涯问答 ... yawl 快艇 yawn 打呵欠, 张开, 裂开 yawper 吵闹者, 抱怨的人 ...


学习英语单词记出住怎么办_百度知道 ... 烂( lawn 谐音),打个哈欠( yawn) 表示厌( yawn ...


石油英语词汇(X-Z)--石油百科 ... yawl 小帆船 yawn 裂口;裂开 yazoo drainage pattern 伴支水系 ...

"River pirates. " The cheesemonger gave a yawn, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. "Cockroach captains scurrying after crumbs. " “河盗。”奶酪商人用手背遮着嘴巴打了个哈欠。“不过是追在面包屑后面的蟑螂船长。”
Students breathing pure oxygen did not yawn less than those breathing air with higher than normal levels of carbon dioxide. 呼吸纯氧的学生们并不比那些呼吸比通常水平更高的二氧化碳的人少打哈欠。
Drive her to the doctor, and then take her to lunch. Listen to her about all her aches and pains . Don't yawn. 开车带母亲去看医生,然后再带她去吃午餐。倾听她对所有伤痛的抱怨。不要打哈欠。
Malone did not seem prepared to carry on briskly a conversation of this sort; he began to knock the heels of his boots together, and yawn. 马龙似乎不准备精神抖擞地将这种交谈继续下去,他开始叩击自己两只靴后跟,打起呵欠来。
So at last, with a sigh and a yawn, he gave it up. 他只好叹叹气,打了个呵欠,最后取消了看书学习的念头。
Soat last, with a sigh and a yawn, he gave it up. 最后最后,叹了口气,打个哈欠,他还是放弃了。
What gives anyone to believe that a golfer (yawn) could ever hold such a revered place in the echelons of sports history? 拿什么来让人相信一名高尔夫球运动员(没劲)能在体育史上拥有如此尊崇的地位和排名?
I saw her thin knitting, sleep hazy She'll be playing a yawn, she rubbed his eyes and continued to weave weave ah ah. 只见她细细的织着,睡眼朦胧的她一会儿便打一个哈欠,可她揉揉眼睛,又继续织呀织呀。
They were all so tired that they could do nothing but yawn, monster online. 他们太累了,除了伸懒腰什么都做不明晰。
A lioness lets out a mighty yawn to shake away the sleep and be ready for the wildebeests which were headed in the direction of the pride. 一头母狮打了一个有力的哈欠,它的睡眠被催醒了,准备面对着骄傲地朝着它方向的角马。
The gap between father and son, darkness and light, winter and spring, did not always yawn so wide. 父亲与儿子、黑暗与光明、老年与少年之间的差距,并非总是宽如沟壑。
Try to finish technical ability, a few female kids beat a yawn in succession and recorded out to work to mattress to work to. 试完技能,几个女孩子纷纷打着哈欠,下线睡觉去了。
By mimicking the yawn we become better able to understand how tired, perhaps, or bored the other person is. 通过跟着对方打哈欠,我们能更好地理解和感觉对方有多辛苦,或者说多无聊。
The bear thought that a very queer name, but he hadn't wondered long over it before he began to yawn and gape, and fell asleep. 熊认为,一个非常奇怪的名字,但他没有不知道长在它之前,他就开始打哈欠和目瞪口呆,睡着了。
Scientists at Princeton University found a big yawn can regulate the temperature of the brain and prevent over-heating, Daily Mail reported. 普林斯顿大学的科学家发现,打一个大大的哈欠可以调节大脑的温度,防止其过热。
One morning he wakes up and . . . As the sun rises over the city, ten thousand people yawn and take their toast and coffee. 他一朝醒来……太阳升起,照着城市,千万人打哈欠喝咖啡吃面包。
"POWER Shift in German Regional Election" sounds like the headline for a yawn-inducing story a reader can safely ignore. “德国地区选举中的权力交替”,听起来似乎是一个会令读者昏昏欲睡而被忽略的故事标题。
Then with a yawn, she headed upstairs to the bedroom. Goldilocks tried the first bed, but it was too hard. The next was too soft. 金发姑娘打个哈欠,上楼来到了卧室。金发姑娘试了试第一张床,但是太硬了。旁边的床又太软了。
The children with ASD were less likely to yawn contagiously than their typically developing peers, the researchers found. 研究人员发现:患有自闭症的孩子与他们的同龄人相比不太可能受打哈欠传染。
As for the larger question of why yawns are catching, nobody really knows. Fact is, we don't know why people yawn. 至于那个更深的问题,为什么打哈欠是传染的,还没有答案呢。事实上,我们不知道为什么人们会打哈欠。
Now before you yawn, rub your eyes and hit the snooze button, consider the consequences of living in a nation of sleepheads. 现在在你打哈欠,揉眼睛,准备打盹之前,想一想生活在一个瞌睡虫遍地的国家是怎样的一个情况吧。
When Anton told me he was bored, I suggested he build something with the blocks, but his response was an exaggerated yawn. 当安顿告诉我他觉得无聊的时候,我建议他用这些堆个积木,但是他一听就故意地打了个大大的哈欠。
The honeymoon was not until we ceased to stifle our sigh and began to stifle our yawn. 在我们忍不住叹气并开始忍住呵欠之前,蜜月是还未度过的哪。
Ants stretch when they wake up. They also appear to yawn in a very human manner before taking up the tasks of the day. 蚂蚁醒来时会伸懒腰。它们也像人一样,在开始一天的工作前打呵欠。
Just as watching someone yawn can induce the behavior in yourself, recent evidence suggests that laughter is a social cue for mimicry. 就像看着其他人打哈欠,你也会跟着打哈欠一样,最近有证据表明,笑也是研究模仿的一条线索。
I love China, I love Shanghai, I love this city so much. (Yawn) Ok, I'm getting a little tired now, see you guys around, good night! 我爱中国,我爱上海,我爱这个城市。(哈欠)好了,我现在有些累了,回头见,晚安!
And that individuals can use the entire capacity of the times out loud yawn throughout the abyss of time: one along the 13 century. 并希望能用个人的能力将整个时代拉出整个哈欠连天的时光深渊:横亘其中的十三个世纪。
Jonas noticed Asher yawn slightly, covering his mouth politely with his hand. 乔纳斯注意到亚舍稍微打了个哈欠,斯文的用她的手遮住了他的嘴巴。
The best audience a lecturer can have is one that's polite enough to cover their mouths when they yawn. 演说家能拥有最好的听众,是打哈欠时捂住嘴的文明听众。
Smart women will have to be careful not to yawn in the streets in case some shortsighted person is on his way to post a letter. 可是聪明的女子得小心一点,别在街头打哈欠,以防目光近视者正在去寄信的路上。