
美 [jeɪ]英 [jeɪ]
  • n.肯定;投票赞成(者)
  • adv.
  • 网络是的(Yeah);赞成票;是啊





求Y字开头的英文单词。 -外语-天涯问答 ... yawper 吵闹者, 抱怨的人 yea 肯定, 赞成 yea and nay 犹豫不决, 优柔寡断 ...


求Y字开头的英文单词。 -外语-天涯问答 ... yawper 吵闹者, 抱怨的人 yea 肯定, 赞成 yea and nay 犹豫不决, 优柔寡断 ...

石油英语词汇(X-Z)--石油百科 ... YDS 星形-三角形起动器 yea ;而且;肯定 year book 年历;年鉴 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... yawn 哈欠 yea 是的 year 年 ...


以y开头的英语英文单词 ... yawn 打呵欠 n.呵欠 yea 肯定,赞成,赞成票 yearbook 年鉴 ...


英文... ... So I sing out, 所以,我唱出来, Yea,that'll do, 是啊,这将做, I'll sing my stories for you, 我会为你唱我的故事, ...


石油英语词汇(X-Z)--石油百科 ... YDS 星形-三角形起动器 yea 是;而且;肯定 year book 年历;年鉴 ...

Youth Ensemble of Atlanta

Youth Ensemble of Atlanta(YEA) performed in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China on January 3, 2010. YEA, winner of Ameri…

And Peter said to her: Tell me, woman, whether you sold the land for so much? And she said: Yea, for so much. 伯多禄问她说:「你告诉我:你们卖田地的价钱就是这么多吗?」她说:「是,就是这么多。」
Yea, as she said in the drama, life of a tragedy actress is a tragedy itself. 是啊,正如她自己所说,悲剧演员的生活本来就是一本悲剧。
I said, "Yea, ma'am. " It was the least I could do, but it was the most also. “是的,夫人。”我至少得说这些,我也只能说这些。
But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it. 耶稣说,是却还不如听神之道而遵守的人有福。
That we may buy the poor for silver, and the needy for a pair of shoes; yea, and sell the refuse of the wheat? 好用银子买贫寒人,用一双鞋换穷乏人,将坏了的麦子卖给人。
On the train. Yea, she was sitting next to this very weird couple that started fighting, so she had to move. 在火车上,她坐在一对开始吵架的古怪夫妇旁边,最后她只好换了位子;
Let the enemy persecute my soul, and take it; yea, let him tread down my life upon the earth, and lay mine honour in the dust. Selah. 就任凭仇敌追赶我,直到追上。将我的性命踏在地下,使我的荣耀归于灰尘。(细拉)
Mike: Yea, yea, I figured that, uh, you know you could put it in your office so that when your patients are talking you could watch some TV. 迈克:对对,你把这台小电视机,放在你的诊所里,这样你一边和病人谈话,一边就可以看电视了。
But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? yea, I say unto you, and more than a prophet. 你们出去,究竟是为什么,是要看先知麽。我告诉你们,是的,他比先知大多了。
Oh yea, everyone get off their high horse and talk about whats at hand. If you don't have something of value to say, move along. 每个人都停下来谈论自己手头的事儿,如果你说不出什么有价值的东西,请走开。
Yea. . . saying they have no chance is a bit ridiculous, considering one of those wins was without TMac and the other was without Yao. 是的,说他们“没有机会”是有点可笑,而且考虑到两场胜利一场没有麦蒂一场没有姚明。
The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein . 大山因他震动,小山也都消化。大地在他面前突起,世界和住在其间的,也都如此。
yea! it's nice to see the POLICE doing their job against the people how employee them it reminds me of a regime that just FELL! 是啊!真的很高兴看到警察尽职地对抗他们的衣食父母,这我想起一个刚刚垮台的政权!
And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much? And she said, Yea, for so much. 彼得对他说、你告诉我、你们卖田地的价银、就是这些麽。他说、就是这些。
But what went ye out for to see? A prophet? Yea, I say unto you, and much more than a prophet. 你们出去究竟是要看甚麽.要看先知麽.我告诉你们、是的、他比先知大多了。
The thirty-five-yea-old: "If father was as wise as I am now, he would have become a millionaire. " 三十五岁的时候:“如果爸爸当年有我现在这么聪明,他早就成为百万富翁了。”
We talk about times, you know? We talk about times that we wanna And we put money in the bank all the yea- all through the year. . . 我们谈论时间,你知道吗?我们谈论我们想要的时间,就像我们全年都把钱存进银行…
And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? 蛇对女人说,神岂是真说,不许你们吃园中所有树上的果子吗?
Yea, well you know that I love McD's. But I've got to pay my dues, you know? 对啊,哎呀,你也知道我超喜欢吃麦当劳。但是要减肥,也不能毫无代价地减吧。
Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all. 我以你们的信心为供献的祭物。我若被浇奠在其上,也是喜乐,并且与你们众人一同喜乐。
Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him. 就是凡称为我名下的人,是我为自己的荣耀创造的,是我作成,所造作的。
Yea, thou purest back the edge of his sword, And hast not made him to stand in the battle. 你叫他的刀剑卷刃,叫他在争战之中站立不住。
Really, so you study where people go? (Well yea. ) Take a look around you , after the show where do you think these folks are going? 真的,你是研究人们去哪的吧?(哦)看看你的周围,散场以后,你认为他们会去哪?
Oh, Oh, yea, yea, I miss you every single day. Why must my life be filled with sorrow? Oh, Oh, love you more than I can say. 哦,我每天都想著妳,为什麽我的生活必须充满著忧愁?哦,我爱妳在心口难开。
KJV: But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 和合本:我被你们论断,或被别人论断,我都以为极小的事;连我自己也不论断自己。
oh , yea , you know , i ' m cut ting down on the beer. 哦,好的,知道吗,我正在控制酒量。
And Satan answered the LORD, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life. 撒但回答耶和华说,人以皮代皮,情愿舍去一切所有的,保全性命。
But we hoped that it was he who should redeem Israel. Yea and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things came to pass. 但我们素来所盼望、要赎以色列民的就是他!不但如此,而且这事成就,现在已经三天了。
It's impossible to get anything down in yea and nay. 2, I often immerse myself in a feeling that everything is the shawdow of a shade. 在这世上犹豫不决成就不了任何事。2,我时常沉入一种情绪中,感觉一切都是虚幻。
But she said, Yea, Lord: for even the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table. 妇人说:「主啊,不错;但是狗也吃他主人桌子上掉下来的碎渣儿。」