
美 [jet]英 [jet]
  • conj.然而;但是
  • adv.还;现在;迄今为止;用于否定句和疑问句
  • 网络仍然;尚;已经



1.(用于否定句和疑问句,谈论尚未发生但可能发生的事)used in negative sentences and questions to talk about sth that has not happened but that you expect to happen

2.现在;即刻;马上now; as soon as this

3.从现在起直至某一时间;还from now until the period of time mentioned has passed

4.could, might, may, etc. do sth ~(表示将来可能发生,尽管现在似乎没有可能)早晚,总有一天used to say that sth could, might, etc. happen in the future, even though it seems unlikely

5.the best, longest, etc. sth ~ (done)迄今为止,到当时为止(最好或最长等的)the best, longest, etc. thing of its kind made, produced, written, etc. until now/then

6.~ another/more.~ again(强调次数或数量的增加)used to emphasize an increase in number or amount or the number of times sth happens

7.~ worse, more importantly, etc.(强调程度的增加)更used to emphasize an increase in the degree of sth (= how bad, important, etc. it is)


as yet

直到现在;直至过去某时until now or until a particular time in the past

新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... get up 起床 yet ,仍 rich 油腻的 ...


黑小虎_百度百科 ... wish 但愿 yet 然而 zero 零点 ...


四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... tea 茶 yet 仍然 ( also 也 ...

高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... yes ad. 是,好,同意 yet ad. ,还,仍然 you pron. 你;你们 ...


但字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 但凡〖 withoutexception;aslongas;ineverycase〗 但是〖 but;yet;however〗 但愿〖 wish;hopefull…


(W-Z)英语四级词汇表下载 ... yesterday n.&ad. 昨天,昨日 yet ad. 还;已经 yield vt.&vi. 出产 n.产量 ...


并列连词_互动百科 ... She is diligent,whereas he is lazy. 她很勤快,而他却懒惰。 yet 可是;然而 whereas 然而; 但是; 尽 …

HTC has not yet announced how much its Chinese handsets will cost. 宏达国际还没有公布其手机在中国的销售价格。
Yet it is uncertain how much power he will have. 尚不确定他将掌握多大的权力。
I can't remember anyone of that name; and yet somehow it seems to ring a bell. 我记不得叫这个名字的人了,可有好像能隐约回忆起来。
There's no support for this yet, but scrutiny of the Spring Integration source code will reveal that's it's easy to build your own adapters. 目前还没有对此的支持,但阅读了SpringIntegration的源码后会发现,很容易构建自己的适配器。
The shape of the architecture mimics mountain range, shifting in a dynamic and yet holistic rhythm, and becomes a continuation of nature. 该体系结构的形状模仿山脉,在一个动态的节奏,但整体转移,并成为一种自然延续。
And yet the human mind is a crazy place and a fantasy is often just a fantasy. 不过,人的脑子是个疯狂的地方,有时候幻想就只是幻想而已。
Yet as I selected and read, and selected and read again, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want to say to you. 我挑选读过一次后,又挑选读了一遍,但那并不是一张贺卡所能表达出我想对您说的话的。
'A lot of money is necessary to create an image, and we haven't been able to do that yet, ' he said. 他说,打造一个品牌需要大量的资金,我们暂时还无法做到。
These effects were all unanticipated, and yet we're discovering they're predictable. 这些影响都是预想不到的,但我们发现他们是可被预测的。
If a young man of his career attitude, can judge, moving a center with him yet, his career total to his nature is not suitable. 假使一个青年对自己从事的事业态度游移,则可断定,他还没有怀着一个中心意志,他的事业总还与他的天性不尽适合。
They are planning to get married in a few years, but aren't currently yet engaged, and the guy isn't "ready" to be engaged. 他们计划在几年之内结婚,但他们此时还没有订婚,这两个人也不“准备”订婚。
Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will. 父啊,在你凡事都能。求你将这杯撤去。但是不要从本人的意义,只需从你的意义。
Our product is over and above our rival's product, and yet we're able to sell it at the same price. 我们的产品优于竞争对手的产品,但是我们可以以同样的价格出售。
Yet even if the trade in bluefin tuna were to be halted completely, there would be no guarantee that the species would recover. 然而,即使金枪鱼贸易被完全禁止,该物种依然不能被确保恢复如昔。
Yet appropriate attire always seems to be out of stock. 然而,合适的衣服似乎总是脱销。
This is where the actor contradicts himself: the same and yet so various, so many souls summed up in a single body. 而这正是演员所矛盾的地方:同一个灵魂却也那么多种多样的灵魂皆系于一身。
Yet the surface is where the movie stays, like an old submarine with dead batteries. 然而这部电影仅仅浮于表面,就像一艘耗尽了电池的潜水艇。
Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 你想百合花怎麽长起来;他也不劳苦,也不纺线。然而我告诉你们,就是所罗门极荣华的时候,他所穿戴的,还不如这花一朵呢!
What I had said to Daniel was clumsy and trite. It was nothing. And yet, it was everything. 我对丹尼尔的表达是笨拙的和老套的。它什么都不是,然而,它也是一切。
One of the most interesting, erratic and yet brilliant people are the Aquarians. 有趣的是,许多的奇怪的但又相当聪明的人都是水瓶座。
And yet, if Obama Sr. were only a jerk, there wouldn't be any reason to read about him, regardless of who his son turned out to be. 然而,不管他的儿子成了什么人物,如果老奥巴马只是个蠢蛋,就没有任何必要读他的传记。
I guess the "product" part emphasizes the long-term nature of the list, and the backlog is stuff that we haven't yet gotten to. 我猜“产品”强调的是列表的长期性,“订单”就是我们还没有得到的东西。
Yet there will always be a sense of what might have been when discussing such a gifted footballer. 但在讨论一位这么有天赋的球星时,总会不禁想到“他本可以如何如何”。
And yet something had been going on since the previous evening which was all the more worrying because Marguerite was hiding it from me. 但是,从昨天起一定发生过什么事,玛格丽特越是瞒我,我越是感到惶惶不安。
rests a very unhappy man, and yet while he lived he might be said to occupy a very good position. He had enough. 那里驻留着一个不开心的人,据说他活着的时候拥有非常显赫的地位。活着的时候他拥有很多。
As an American with a Chinese mother, I've grown up in the States yet spent enough time in China to understand the cultural divisions. 我虽然在美国长大,但我妈妈是中国人,因此我还是花了不少时间在了解中美的文化差异上。
Yet its own documents seem to suggest that the system favours larger networks in certain cases. 文章中说明现行的体系中相对小的网络来说大的网络更有利。
She had not as yet been trained to any special work. 这时她还没有受过任何专门训练。
No matter how much you love one another, even if the two persons are already engaged, premarital sex is yet a sin. 无论你们之间有多么相爱,即便你们已有婚约,婚前性行为仍然是一种罪。上帝把性作为最宝贵的礼物,只是送给了已婚的夫妻们。
There was to be a fourth thing, but as yet he knew nothing of it. 只定还会有第四件扰乱着他心绪的事情,但时至今日他还不得而知。