
英 [ji:]
  • n.【女名】女子名
  • 网络翼;羿;黄色指数(yellowness index)



On the Naksatras in the Chinese Sutras ... ZHANG( 张) YI) ZHEN( 轸) ...


中文姓氏罗马字标注 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 家 Jia 羿 Yi 储 Chu ...

黄色指数(yellowness index)

  在上图中:黄色指数(yi)越低,则意味着抗氧剂体系保护效能越好。从图中可以看出,irgastab?pur 68和irgastab?pur 67的抗烧 …

返黄指数(yellow index)

...后颜色变化倾向和程度的一种光学指标。变黄因素也常被称为黄变因素,标识为Yellow Factor(YF或Y),但与黄色指数Yello

中国常见姓氏之英文写法_百度文库 ... 姚- -Yao - -Yi 游- -You ...

神霄煞仙吧_百度贴吧 ... yi 半块铜板 0:11:39 大家新年快乐啊 今天通宵结局 yi 1675章 七大巨头 ...

SUCCESS! - 威凛CHANGE - 网易博客 ... 一( yi r) ( yi) 三( ca m) ...

But their chest all publish to disc of have the breeze Yi the sign of the alliance, look is all friend of alliance meeting. 而他们的胸口处都印记的有风逸盟的标志,看起来都是一个盟会的朋友。
It was a staged photo opportunity, and Yao had to wait a few minutes before Yi came out of the Bucks locker room. 这是一个上演拍照的机会,和姚明等了几分钟才易出了雄鹿队的更衣室。
His Gao Yi Jiao low feet downwards wade to, feels the true facts seeming ready to all over. 他高一脚低一脚往下走去,只觉真相呼之欲出。
Mr. Smith has just come to visit Huawen group corporation , Manager Yi is talking with him in his office . 史密斯先生刚来华文科教集团参观,易经理在办公室接待他。
Do not like the Adventures of that was in the ruthless villain Zhuo Yi, he did do bad things, cute hate. 千万不能像历险记里的那个心狠手辣的坏蛋卓伊一样,他坏事做尽,人见人憎。
The Bucks would also like Yi to learn to take the ball to the basket harder when opponents run at him and try to disrupt his outside shot. 雄鹿还希望易建联能更强硬地持球突入,尤其是当他外线投篮,对手向他冲过来破坏投篮时。
Wang Yi stressed that the demarcation in the East China Sea can only be addressed through negotiations, which are the only right choice. 王毅强调,东海划界只能通过谈判解决,这是唯一正确的选择。
Luda Yi to a company candidates, although he did not understand the company's products, because of the big drinker was admitted. 陆大义到一家公司应聘,虽然他不懂该公司的产品,却因酒量大而被录取。
Hou Yi, however, hated to part with his wife. So he gave the elixir to Chang E to treasure for the time being. 然而,后羿舍不得撇下妻子,只好暂时把不死药交给嫦娥珍藏。
Yi Min insisted once again to help him in the summer; it was certainly not a hypocritical polite formula. 伊敏再次提及暑假去帮他,一定不会是客气话。
About Zeng Yi can be creative: "I always had a little angel singing in my head inside, and then I make a note of it. " 关于曾轶可的创作:“总有一个小天使在我脑子里面唱歌,然后我就记下来了。”
"That shot came from Mo's drive, " Yi said. "The defense came to him, and I could catch and shoot. I knew just to shoot the ball. " “威廉姆斯带球上篮,”阿联说。“防守队员都冲他压过去,这样我才得球命中。当时只知道投,什么也没想。”
Since red and yellow feathers, claws stretched out inside, Yi Shen a, as if it led you to do gymnastics! 小红爪子从那黄色的羽毛里伸了出来,一伸一曲,好像在领着大家做体操呢!
The message of his death-defying performances seems to be one of authenticity: When you practice true Chan Wu Yi, this is what is possible. 释德建对抗死神式的表演似乎传达了这样的信息:只要实践了真正的禅武医,你就能做到这些。
The boy named Bo Huang Yi, is said to watch the news on CCTV at the age of three, seven began to see references. 这个名叫黄艺博的少年,据说三岁开始看新闻联播,七岁开始看参考消息。
It would not be an exaggeration to say that the mimo concentrate and embody Yi people's conceptions of nature and of their spiritual world. 可以说毕摩文化集中体现了彝族的自然观和精神世界也并非言过其实。
"It's a very tough game but I'm excited and looking forward to playing the U. S. , " said Yi, who said the Olympics was his top priority. 易建联说:“虽然这是一场硬仗,但是和美国队交手令我感到很兴奋,我非常期待这场比赛。”他同时表示,奥运会对于他而言是压倒一切的任务。
One day, a scholar named Yang Shi was going to ask some questions from Master Cheng Yi with one of his friends. 一天,有位叫杨时的学者和他的一位友人打算去向老师程颐求教。
However, Hou Yi could not bear to leave his wife for the time being had to die to drugs to the Change collection. 然而,郈移不忍心离开他的妻子当时已经死去毒品的嫦娥收集。
Liyuan Zhi study was to the door of the woman, usually brandish a knife to the gun used to, although frightened, or Yi Yan shut the door. 李沅芷究是将门之女,平时抡刀使枪惯了的,虽然惊慌,还是依言关上了门。
China forward Yi Li showed some obvious nervousness by dribbling the ball off his body and out of bounds on two consecutive possessions. 中国前锋易立明显很紧张,连续两次运球碰到自己的身上出界。
Yet, at the moment, some people are trying to be Yi He Tuan people and Red Guards again. 不过,最近有人试图当义和团、红卫兵,国内当不了,就在国外当。
Thinking of his wife day and night, Hou Yi then had an incense table arranged in the back garden that Chang E loved. 后羿的妻子日夜思考,然后安排在嫦娥喜爱的后花园,一个香案。
Wei said Yi was the first Chinese player trained in France to sign a pro contract and he hoped there would be more like him in the future. 韦迪说弋腾是第一个在法国训练并签署职业联赛合同的中国球员,他希望今后有更多人像弋腾一样。
Bucks guard Michael Redd was delighted to see Yi make such a huge contribution at the end of the game. 雄鹿后卫里德很高兴看到易建联在比赛结束阶段对球队做出的巨大贡献。
Chan gave only a brief statement, saying that if Elaine Ng Yi-lei's child turned out to be his, he would act responsibly. 成龙只是发表了简短声明,说倘若吴绮莉怀有自己骨肉,他会负责任。
Yang Shi, a man in the Song Dynasty, once went together with a schoolmate to ask their teacher, Cheng Yi, for advice. 宋代人杨时,有一次和同学一起去向他们的老师程颐请教问题。
Winter also had become acquainted with a Chinese poet-scholar Wen Yi-to, in the United States for treatment of a lung ailment. 温德还结识了到美国来治肺病的中国诗人学者闻一多。
Yi stole the elixir of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, Chang-E drank it. 他偷了长生不死药,拯救人民于残暴的统治,但他的妻子嫦娥,喝了它。
She was terrified to see wrinkles appearing around her eyes, and demanded that Hou Yi find some way to restore her immortality. 她害怕看到她的眼睛周围出现皱纹,并要求后羿找到某种方式来恢复她的不朽。