you know what i mean

  • 网络你明白我的意思吗;你知道我的意思;你懂我的意思

you know what i meanyou know what i mean

you know what i mean


冰雪儿的空间 ... How did you sleep? 你睡的怎么样? You know what I mean? 你明白我的意思吗? YOu are out of sight! 你真 …


Life Goes On 歌词_有坂美香吧_百度贴吧 ... I feel ya 我能感觉到你们 You know what I mean 你知道我的意思 last year 去年 ...


Love Sex... ... I see you on the floor / 我看到你躺在地板上 You know what I mean / 你懂我的意思 Get it girl / 懂了,宝贝 ...


...受不了,「like(好像、大概)」以28%居次,「你懂我的意思吧」(you know what I mean)则是有15%。


...欢”(like)让人讨厌,15%的人则不喜欢短语“你知道我是什么意思”(you know what I mean)。


要ERIC... ... you know what i mean, 你知道我在说什么 so come closer,you know who you are. 所以靠近点吧,你知道你是谁 ...

Don't mention George's name to Roger. They had a falling out two years ago. Let sleeping dogs lie, if you know what I mean. 对罗杰别提乔治,他们两年前大吵了一架。依我看,最好不要惹是生非。
I think you might as well be from Mars as far as she's concerned, you know what I mean? 我认为对于她而言,你就像火星人那么遥远,你明白我的意思吗?
Well there really wasn't much time to get used to it, you know what I mean? 根本没多少时间可以让我习惯……懂我的意思吗?
Even, I think, we copy our way to reproduce, you know what I mean, and something of -- oh no, forget it. 我认为,我们甚至抄袭自己的生殖方式,你知道我的意思,还有其他的—喔,不,算了。
You'll just have to take care of him. You know what I mean. 你只要好好“照看”他就行了,你知道我的意思。
Yet, there was always so much to go around, if you know what I mean. 然而,总有那么多的地方可以去,如果你知道我的意思。
Then he chuckled and added: "Unless they were going to send me here to Dallas with Dirk (Nowitzki), you know what I mean? " 然后他轻声笑着添加道:“除非他们会把我交易到达拉斯和德克搭档,你明白我的意思吗?”
'You know what I mean, do you, Dombey? ' inquired Miss Blimber, looking hard at him, through the spectacles. “您知道我说的是什么吗,董贝?”布林伯小姐通过眼镜严厉地看着他,问道。
You know what I mean. I think we should take a real vacation. Not just going to see relatives. 你知道我的意思,我想我们应该过一个真正的假期,不单单是去探亲戚。
N yes, you know what I mean. The first time with him, I could feel somehow his heart beating quickly. 我第一次跟他做那事的时候,就感到他心跳的很快
I've been moving around a lot in the last few months, and I need a place where I can really settle down. You know what I mean? 这几个月我一直搬来搬去,我需要一个真正可以安定下来的地方,你知道我的意思吗?
Suzanne: He was "drinking me in" more than I even recognized, if you know what I mean. 苏珊:他“关注着我”的程度远比我曾意识到的深,如果你知道我的意思。
Fuck! Too early in the morning for that. You know what I mean? 那么早就看这个实在太刺激了知道我的意思吗?
Its not that I am getting better, its just that this maybe my last chance, I think you know what I mean. 那并不意味着我的病情有所好转,相反,那正是在告诉我这是我最后的机会,我想你知道那意味着什么。
WL: I had to claw myself out, and let me tell you, I didn't take the scenic route, if you know what I mean. 我用爪子抓了个洞才出来的。而且说实话,我没走有布景的那条路,如果你明白我在说什么的话。
If you've ever tried to suggest to another person that his or her choice of a distro might not be the best, then you know what I mean. 如果你曾设法建议别人,他或她的选择也许不是最好的,那么你知道我在说什么。
You know what I mean, one of those rare days when everything is right and nothing is wrong. 你知道我的意思,就是那种少有的一切正常、毫无波澜的日子。
Kate: You know what I mean. I mean like the sweetest guy. 你知道我的意思,我是说最体贴的人。
Do not know if you know what I mean? 不知道你明白我的意思了吗???
I don't like that girl. She never helps her mother around the house. She's very selfish. You know what I mean? 我不喜欢她。她从不帮她妈妈干家务。看上去很自私。你懂我意思了吗?
It's not that I am getting better, it's just that this may be my last chance, I think you know what I mean. 这不是我的病情有所好转,只是这可能是我最后的机会,我认为你懂我的意思。
It's better for you, will keep you satisfied longer and - you won't have that 'puffy' look in your face (ladies, you know what I mean). 它们对你的健康有益,会让你具有长时间的饱足感-你的脸看上去不会‘肥嘟嘟’的(女孩子该知道我的意思吧)。
I can also say that having a sexy body for your husband will only help you loose even more weight, if you know what I mean. 为了你的丈夫拥有一个性感的神才能帮助你减少更多的体重,如果你知道我的意思的话。
Yeah, Do me a favor, Do not go nuts, you know what I mean. 是的,帮我一个忙,不要发疯,你懂我的意思。
Some fool tried to threaten me with it and I was forced to show him the error of his ways, if you know what I mean. 有个笨蛋想要用它来威胁我,而我迫不得已让他了解了自己的错误,如果你明白我意思的话。
Lucy: Great, you can , but she just look in one direction, because her neck is not good. you know what I mean? 很好,你可以去,但是她只能盯这一个方向看是因为脖子有问题,你懂我的意思吗
You know what I mean? Going back to this one, if I said this jug was loud, what would you think? 你知道我的意思吧?回到这个上面,如果我说杯子很响,你觉得是什么意思?
"I felt almost like an alien, if you know what I mean, " Zamoa said. “如果你懂我的意思的话,我觉得自己几乎就像一个外星人。”萨摩亚说道。
Copywrite of the concept work will need to be transfered to us, however the artists name will stay with the work - if you know what I mean. 概念作品的版权将需要转移给我们,但是艺术家的名字将留在工作-如果你明白我的意思。
You know what I mean? Could you run that by me again? So what you are trying to say is. 你明白我的意思吗?你能再说一遍吗?那么,你想说的是。