
  • 网络阮;袁;园



如何根据中文名起英文名_百度文库 ... 容/荣- -Yung - -Yuen 芮- -Nei S ...

谁能把我的名字用粤语翻译英文_百度知道 ... ching= 清 - Yuen 煜 - Yuk ...

广交会常用英语 - 英语学习乐园 ... YUEN 婉 YUEN YUEN 源 ...

绿色和平组织公布的有关转基因食品的名单... ... 皇冠牌 Lobo Yuen 地扪 Del Monte ...


姓氏中英对换 绝对好东西啊... ... Yiu 姚 Yuen 袁元阮 Yung 翁戎雍容 ...

转一下 名字的香港译音 - MJ的日志 - 网易博客 ... YIU 瑶 YUEN YUET 粤 ...


CS 足球联赛 -... ... 池振东( Tung) 袁达江( Yuen) 魏景翔( Palour) ...

That database was developed by the company and is now bearing fruit, Mr Yuen adds. 阮纪堂补充道,这个数据库由公司自行开发,现在正在产生回报。
" If you have overflow [ traffic ] , would you rather send that over to your competitor or to an independent party like us ? " Mr Yuen asks. 阮纪堂问道:“如果(信息流量)过多,你是愿意发给你的竞争对手,还是愿意发给我们这样的第三方?”
in a handbag from her then mun home to a short-stay hotel in yuen long to meet his father. 她在手提包里屯门到我家酒店元朗的主要以满足他的父亲。
Yuen Wah, will be more honest and higher quality, more out of service with your hand in hand with a takeoff, to meet to create a new future. 源华,将以更加诚实更高品质、更加完美的服务与您一道携手共进腾飞,去迎接创造新的未来。
Yuen Long Plaza is at 249 -251 Castle Peak Road in the heart of Yuen Long and it is one of the largest shopping malls in the district . 元朗广场位于元朗青山公路249-251号,地处元朗市中心,为区内最大型的购物商场之一。
Six men and a woman were arrested in a flat in Yuen Long for handling bets and money laundering, local media said. 据当地媒体报道,警方当日直捣该集团位于元朗的大本营,拘捕涉嫌操纵赌博及洗钱的集团首脑夫妇在内的7人。
'I'm not sure why it's so popular, ' says Mr. Yuen. 'I guess everybody wants to take photos with a beautiful girl and a handsome boy. ' DayYuen说,我不知道它为什么会这么火,我想大概是因为大家都想和一位美女或帅哥照相吧。
What he could be faulted for was the initial maneuvres and the material condition of the Tsi Yuen. 方伯谦可能被指责之处是一开始的操舰以及发生在济远的实际情况。
SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, Mr. Yuen, let me start by expressing deep appreciation for these dialogues. 克林顿国务卿:阮先生,首先,我要对这些对话表示高度赞赏。
Students suggested to revitalize Choi Yuen Estate by building a playground and a park, thus providing more public space for residents. 同学提议更新上水彩园?,于旁边加设游乐场和公园,为市民提供更多公共空间。
a search in the man's home in yuen long did not provide police with further investigation leads. 警方搜查疑犯位于元朗的住所,未有发现进一步的破案线索。
police also seized two toy air rifles and a quantity of metal pellets at the suspects home in tan kwai tsuen , yuen long. 警方于该名疑犯位于元朗丹桂村的家中搜获两支仿制长枪及一些金属圆铁弹。
A similar object was seen very early the next day in Yuen Long, lasting for about 10 seconds. 另外,有目击者称,9日凌晨12时左右,在元朗上空也发现类似不明飞行物体,但持续时间仅10多秒。
"This means that there is no need for us to clash with the regulatory authorities, " Mr Yuen says. "Our positioning is quite unique. " “这意味着我们无需与监管机构发生冲突,”阮纪堂表示,“我们的定位非常独特。”
When a portion of the Fa Yuen Street market burned down last winter, hawkers rebuilt their stalls and dutifully painted them green. 去年冬天,花园街市场部分烧毁后,商贩们重建了他们的商亭,而且传承了原来的绿色。
two toy air rifles and a quantity of metal pellets were seized at the mans home in tan kwai tsuen , yuen long. 警方其后并于该名男子位于元朗丹桂村的家中搜获两支仿制长枪及一些金属圆铁弹。
Yuen Chau qin guo da, but have a good relationship of the company from 2002 since the second half into another period of rapid development. “9.11”事件后,圆洲勤达受到一定冲击,然而公司良好的业务关系,使其从2002年下半年起进入了另一个快速发展的时期。
Prof Yuen said it was unlikely that people had been infected by eating civets . 袁教授说,人们并非因食用果子狸而受到感染。
One of Citic 1616's main selling points, Mr Yuen says, is its ability to work with different technical standards and protocols. 阮纪堂表示,该公司的主要卖点之一,在于其兼容不同技术标准和通信协议的能力。
Sik Sik Yuen, the Taoist nonprofit organization that runs Wong Tai Sin, says the fees are required for the maintenance of the new hall. 黄大仙祠的运营方、非盈利组织啬色园(SikSikYuen)表示,这些收入将用于支付新大殿的维护成本。
Ms. Yuen first joined New World Group as an Assistant Financial Controller in 1986 and was promoted to Financial Controller in 1988. 她于1986年加入新世界发展集团为助理财务总监,并于1988年晋升为财务总监。
Exit through the North Gate and you ll see Lek Yuen Bridge on your right. Opposite it lies a brown building . 在北闸离开沙田公园后,您会看见右边的沥源桥,对面是一幢褐色大楼。
Journeys may be diverted via Tate 's Carin Highway, Siu Lek Yuen Road, and Tate 's Cairn Highway depending on traffic condition. 巴士路线可能因应交通情况而经大老山公路、小沥源道,再经大老山公路。
Protesters' chants drowned out comments to reporters by the outgoing Exco convenor, Dr Chung Sze-yuen, yesterday. 行将退休的行政会议召集人钟士元,昨日对记者的讲话,被示威者的声浪掩盖。
Shek Wu house south, river and a garden Yue Yuen Tsuen, Mui GREEN, deep quiet bamboo homes, while the Shek Wu chills not, so games and the. 石湖宅南,隔河有圃曰苑村,梅开雪落,竹院深静,而石湖畏寒不出,故戏及之。
Jubilee Center is in Lek Yuen Estate near Shatin Baptist Church and the Shatin Jockey Club Public Swimming Pool. 恩禧堂位于沙田浸信会和沙田马会公众游泳池附近的沥源村内!
This chapter focuses on re-Yuen Cheng Xuanying thinking and ideas of the theoretical background for the focus and characteristics. 本章重点介绍成玄英重玄思辨理论的背景及其思想的重心和特征。第二章:详细介绍成玄英的修心复性学说。
Together, Hon Hai and Yue Yuen employ hundreds of thousands of Chinese workers. 广告鸿海精密和裕元集团总共聘用了数十万名中国工人。
"We are not operating inside China as operators do, but right at the international gateway, " says chief executive, Norman Yuen. 该公司首席执行官阮纪堂(NormanYuen)表示:“我们并不像运营商那样在中国经营,而是正好处在国际门户的位置。”
Set within an attractive Chinese courtyard design, the Yuen Po Street Bird Garden is a market catering to bird lovers. 旅客可在园圃街雀鸟花园起步。园内布局采用中式庭院设计,古雅清幽。