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Zheng state of a person, watch their feet from uppers to the soles of shoes are worn, then on the market ready to buy a pair of new. 郑国有一个人,眼看着自己脚上的鞋子从鞋帮到鞋底都已破旧,于是准备到集市上去买一双新的。
Zheng's health is deteriorating day by day, and his mother said she hopes she will be able to find the criminals who disabled her son. 小郑的健康状况正逐日恶化,他母亲说希望能找到使其儿子致残的(失去健康)那些犯罪分子。
When you sent me to pairs to see if I could really earn a living as a painter, I stay at Zheng Jie's flat for three months. 当你把我送到巴黎去以绘画为生的时候,我在郑杰的公寓里住了三个月。
Sun Zheng thought he should do something for his mother. He decided to help his mother do some housework. 孙峥觉得应该为妈妈做点事,他决定帮妈妈做些家务。
Ordinarily, to this do nothing, the change of any other one emperor, Wei Zheng is estimated that there is no probability of survival. 按说,到这个份儿上,换了其他任何一位皇帝,估计魏征没有什么存活的概率。
Zheng Zha ha ha smiled to stretch out a hand, black dress bushy beard Leng for a while, also the cachinnation wrote to fist his hand. 郑吒哈哈笑着伸出了手来,黑衣大胡子愣了一下,也大笑着握紧了他的手。
Mr. Yu said he agreed with Mr. Zheng that the court's acceptance of the discrimination lawsuit was a sign of changing legal standards. 于方强表示,他同意郑律师的看法,法院对此歧视案的受理标志着中国的法律标准正在不断变化。
When Zheng returned home , he was unable to keep what he had done from his mother. 当小郑回到家中,他换肾的事情就被母亲发现。
I met Zheng Jie after one of his concerts about a week ago. 大约一周前,我在郑杰的音乐会之后见过他。
Zheng: You know what, I've just got a new job with a computer company. 是这样,我在一家电脑公司找到了一份新工作。
Zheng E revealed below that the deceased there in Australia said that they had waited so long for salvation, so she did it soon. 峥峨以下所说的是在澳洲的亡者说他们等待超渡已经等很久了,所以她才赶快将之做出来。
Zheng Gumei thought she was down with a cold until the doctor told her to wait outside the room so he could talk to her son alone. 当医生把郑顾梅的儿子叫进科室单独交谈而让她在门外等着之前,郑顾梅一直认为自己只是感冒。
To a few days ago, Wang Shuo also openly said Yang Lan's husband is a "liar" and before long, WU Zheng also said the academic was a fake. 想在几天之前,王朔还公开说杨澜的丈夫是“骗子”,很久之前,还有人说吴征的学历是假的。
It is in her 20 years of semi-final 2-0 Zheng Jie advanced out of the finals, the world's top ten shows the power of exhaustive . 兹娃在20日的半决赛里2:0淘汰郑洁晋级决赛,其世界排名前十的威力尽显无遗。
A man of the state of Zheng bought the casket and gave him back the pearl. 一个郑国人买走了这个匣子,却把珍珠还给了他。
Therefore, the Emperor think that this war is defeated, sad to say: If Wei Zheng still alive, certainly will not let me in the expedition. 因此,唐太宗认为这战属于战败了,痛心地说:如果魏征还活着,肯定不会让我进行这次远征。
On the day of the Lantern Festival, Jia Zheng's mother led all members of her clan to wait by the main entrance to the garden. 关于元宵节当天,贾政的母亲带领她的家族的所有成员等待由主入口的花园。
On stand's mood also infects Zheng to be clean, is nearly impossible regarding these the ball which rescues, she goes all out to pursue. 看台上的情绪也感染着郑洁,对于那些几乎不可能救到的球,她还是拼命在追。
But he brought to life after ten seconds, big eyes and was hard to believe a ground of Zheng, is grandson Chu's guess right? 但十秒钟后他就复活了,难以置信地睁大眼睛,难道孙子楚的猜测是对的?
Zheng saw my teacher in her computer down there, so asked me from doing what I said that residences information. 郑老师看到我趴在她电脑那里,于是过来问我在做什么,我说拷资料。
However, the British author Gavin Menzies asserts in his book that Zheng was likely to have traveled as far as the Americas. 然而,英国作家加文孟席斯在他的书中声称,郑很可能前往至于美洲。
See Li-Xia Zheng noting that labor supplies of women squatting on the side blanking Ma Li did not understand. 看到郑丽霞提的是劳保用品,蹲在一旁下料的女工马相莉不解地问。
And Zheng He did not take a single inch of foreign land on his seven voyages to the Western seas. 郑和七下西洋,没有占别人一寸土地。
I said to my daughter we have to always be grateful of Tzu Chi volunteer Zheng Jinlong, for he brought back the Huang I knew. 我跟我的女儿说,我们一定要感谢郑金龙师兄,因为是他帮我,把以前认识的黄明才找回来的。
General Zheng and his lower officer Hong Xu invented mooncake gambling to help relieve homesickness among the troops. 郑将军和他的部下徐宏发明了博饼来减轻军中战士们的思乡之情。
However, she was unable to take any, with Zheng eventually serving out to edge a set clear. 尽管如此,她没有抓住任何一个,郑洁最终保住了自己的发球局,轻松取得第一盘的胜利。
Zhao says the peaceful nature of Zheng He's voyages show that, in stark contrast to the West's rise, China is not an expansionist culture. 他说,郑和的和平航行表明,与西方崛起形成鲜明对比的是,中国文化不是扩张主义的文化。
When the kite was flown in the sky, it was able to produce the musical sound of the zheng. 那么纸鸢一飞上天,就能发出筝鸣的声音来。
Zheng: Some strong tea, please. I come to have discussion with you about the price of the computer we inquired. 郑先生:请给我一杯茶,稍浓一点。我想和您谈谈我们咨询的电脑的价格。
Zheng said the medical resources consumed by the aged were three times or higher than people of other age groups on average. 郑先生说,老年人的医疗资源消耗量比其他年龄群体的平均消耗量要高出3倍。