
  • n.
  • 网络锺;衷;中国



金字旁|金字旁的字|金字旁的字有哪些 - 字典通 ... 钡" bei4" " zhong1" 钧" jun1" ...

金字旁|金字旁的字|金字旁的字有哪些 - 字典通 ... 镅" mei2" " zhong1" 锸" cha1" ...

用10划的汉字取名字 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 郮( zhou) ( zhong) 舯( zhong) ...


HSK Level 6 vocabulary list ... 6 中断 zhong1 duan4 1 中国 Zhong1 guo2 3 中间 zhong1 jian1 ...


HSK Level 6 vocabulary list ... 6 肿瘤 zhong3 liu2 6 种子 zhong3 zi5 6 种族 zhong3 zu2 ...


· 关注龙泉窑青瓷的价格(zhong) 5141B 1/2545 12-06-25 21:25 [行情] · 关注龙泉窑青瓷的价格(上) 3270B 1/2801 12-06-25 21:25

Vernon zhong: who follow you? He baozhu would come here to look for me. Do not forget that i have promised to her to see the movie with her. 仲天骐:谁要跟着你啊?何宝珠要来这边找我。别忘了,我今天也答应跟她去看电影。
Andrew zhong: Daddy, i think it must be that Vernon does not want our mummy's remnant auctioned, and he took it away. 仲天骏:爸,我想天骐不想看妈的遗物被拍卖,才会把它拿走的。
It is said that when he was murdered by two subordinates, his body was buried in Lang Zhong and his head brought to Yunyang. 相传他被两个部下所谋害,遗体埋在阆中,头颅葬于云阳。
If do not have Zhong Nashan to come out to talk, we do not know credible information wants where to be searched even. 如果没有钟南山出来说话,我们甚至不知道可信的消息要到哪里寻找。
So they just don't wish to knot a close opinion of Yin to acquaint this to Joe Zhong reach and give him to turn to tell. 所以他们才将这不愿结阴亲的意见告诉给了乔仲达,托他转告。
Duke Huan appointed Guan Zhong the chief minister, and yet the state of Qi was not peaceful and orderly. 桓公任命管仲作上卿,可是齐国还不太平。
Vernon zhong: She was afraid that i was cold, and sent the quilt to me finally. Ok, say thank you to her before leaving here. 仲天骐:她还是怕我冷,把棉被给送来了。好吧,离开前还是跟她说声谢谢吧。
Mr. Zhong said that "I fully understand the state of mind of the U. S. government and its people" toward the problem of high unemployment. 钟山说在美国的高失业率问题上“我完全理解美国政府和人民的想法”。
Once existing supply contracts expire, Zhong Wang could find itself on the hook for pricier aluminium for at least some of its products. 一旦现有的供应合同到期,忠旺可能发现,至少对自己的一部分产品而言,它不得不接受更加昂贵的铝原料。
He said no, he did not hear the name "Zhong-Mei hezuosuo" until after liberation, in the early 1950s. 他说不,他是在解放后的50年代初才第一次听到“中美合作所”这个名字。
But "Zhong Tian Qi" these three words help me realise all my dreams, as long as as you need me, I'll stay with you forever. 可是“仲天骐”这三个字,帮我实现所有的梦,只要你需要我,我会永远陪在你身边
Zhong, his wife and daughter sit down to a typical dinner of steamed fish, two types of greens, mushrooms, pork, rice and sliced apples. 钟和他的妻子及女儿坐下来,享用着一顿典型的晚餐:蒸鱼、两样蔬菜、蘑菇、猪肉、米饭和切成小片的苹果。
Vernon zhong: Chief designer? Really a meteoric rise. I need to consider for a while to know if i can bless for you. 仲天骐:设计总监啊?真是平步青云啊。我要考虑一下才知道能不能祝福你。
The XIA ZHIXING said the last lie with ZHONG TIANQI for achieving ZHONG TIANQI future: I accepted money of your house, we broke up. 阿星为了成就天骐的未来,跟天骐说了最后一个谎:我收了你家的钱,我们分手。
Vernon zhong: No need for you to feel guilt, for A xing is the woman i love most. 仲天骐:你不用觉得内疚,因为阿星是我最心爱的女人。
Vernon zhong: I need to consider for a while to know if i can bless for you. 仲天骐:我要考虑一下才知道能不能祝福你们。
Vernon zhong: Do not think you are a woman, and i dare not to fight with you. Do not shout. Do not act, please. 仲天骐:不要以为你是女人,我就不敢对你动手。不要吵啦,你不要动啊。
People familiar with the matter said that Zhong Wang Group plans to raise at least $500m to fund capital expansion. 知情人士称,忠旺集团计划筹集至少5亿美元的资金,为资本扩张提供融资。
"China is one of the top markets for premium car brands, on the same level as the United States, " Zhong said. 钟石分析,中国是高档汽车的最大市场之一,同美国处于同一水平。
What I cannot believe Zhong Nashan is the truth is reincarnate, but he always says at least true word. 我无法相信钟南山是真理的化身,但起码他总是说真话。
"It is all right. " The huge head toy promised a , swiftly ambition early the piece figure readying to delivered as Chu Zhong pass at. “没问题。”大头娃娃答应了一声,随即将早就准备好的截图给楚仲发了过去。
Vernon zhong: this pair of ear diamonds are my mummy's remnant. She asked me to give my beloved, so i keep it away. 仲天骐:这对耳钻是我妈留给我的遗物,她要我把它送给我最爱的女人,所以我收起来了。
Andrew zhong: Do you think i have no ability to solve this problem? You make me embarrassed doing like this. 仲天骏:你觉得我没有能力自己解决吗?你这样做让我很难堪。
However, Lin Sheng Xiang, the lead vocalist and composer, and lyricist Zhong Yongfeng continued to collaborate and compose songs. 然而,主唱兼作曲的林生祥与词作家钟永丰的合作并未中断。
The holy name of Jesus Christ tied "Zhong Li Man, " who all of the disease, may God save him with him! 奉主耶稣基督的圣名捆绑“钟理文”身上一切的病魔,愿上帝拯救他与他同在!
Vernon zhong: Pay back all the money, and bring my identity card back, and i can leave. 仲天骐:钱还完了,身份证领回来了,我就可以走啦。
Zhuge Liang thought he was no less great than Guan Zhong, showing that Guan Zhong had an important position in Zhuge Liangs political life. 诸葛亮自比于管仲,说明管仲在诸葛亮的政治生活中占有重要地位。
Vernon zhong: i, vernon zhong, don't afraid of even heaven and earth, only afraid of height and spook. It is ok now. You know everything. 仲天骐:我仲天骐天不怕地不怕,偏偏就是怕高和怕鬼。现在好了,你什么都知道啦。
At the Zhong Yang county maternity hospital, also in Shanxi, there's a view that malnutrition is as much to blame as pollution. 在山西省的张阳县(音译)的一家妇产科医院,有一种观点认为营养不良和污染对婴儿缺陷有着同样的危害。
On the other side, he creatively changed the middle way to "da zhong" , in which he regarded for the world as the premise of it. 他把天下为公看是“大中之道”的前提,认为守“中”必须以天下为重,以民众为重;