
美 [zoʊn]英 [zəʊn]
  • n.区域;圈;【地】(地)带;【数】(球面)带
  • v.用带圈绕;把…分成地带
  • 网络分区;两区护颈

复数:zones 现在分词:zoning 过去式:zoned

central zone,large zone,inner zone,outer zone,contiguous zone
enter zone,establish zone,reach zone,extend zone,avoid zone


分类Zones) 两个或多个具有相同值的单元属于同一分类区(zone)。分类区可以由连续、不连续 或同时由以上两种单元 …


界定区域(ZONES)的参数如下 “A”区域是最容易引起注意区域, 在“A”区域的外观缺点是在离此缺点18"远的位置评定 “B”区域是 …

法国自由行攻略 [1]_赵玉杰_新浪博客 ... Days( 天数) Zones) Euros( 欧元) ...


■学习场所分区zones ): 赋予分区特定的视觉或功能,提供从一个空间走到另一个空间意愿,能满足学生伸展、移动和有 …

...气不断地变化,构成平行於赤道的云带,其中浅色的称为Zones),而深色的称为带纹(Belts),各个线条上的轻微化学 …


2002-2008年考研英语已考过的高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... zipcode 邮编 zones 地带,区域;圈 absence 缺乏; 离开; 分居 ...


产品中心-RITONIA品牌网... ... - Double( 双人)天然乳胶枕头 - 2 Zones两区护颈)天然乳胶枕头 - Massage( 按摩)天然 …

but that it should be a day in which each of us individually also try to stretch out of our comfort zones. . . 但它应该是一个天我们每个人都在其中单独也尽量舒展自己的舒适地带出来了……
However, many observers felt there was no basis in international law for the zones and the debate over their legality continues to this day. 然而,很多观察者感觉这些禁飞区在国际法中没有依据,同时它们的合法性的争论到今天仍在继续。
What's significant to the story of human skin pigmentation is just how much of the Northern Hemisphere is in these cool gray zones. 而对人类肤色的研究至关紧要的一点就在于北半球的大部分地区都集中在这些凉爽的灰色地带。
Fracture zones (faults and lineaments) are more prevalent in southwestern Virginia, as a direct result of this geological movement. 作为这种地质活动的直接结果,弗吉尼亚州西南部,断裂带的出现更为普遍。
Similarly, high heat flows are to be expected among the active or not-too-long extinct magmatic belts of plate approximation zones. 同样,在板块相互靠近的地带的活动岩浆带或熄灭不久的岩浆带中也可以出现高热流。
The flame consists of two zones: an entrainment zone attached to the burner and a mixing and combustion zone on top of it. 此处,火焰包括两个区域,一个是位于喷口附近的输入区,一个是上部的混合、燃烧区。
It created new 'exclusion zones' that restrict companies from advertising close to its venues and hired agents to help enforce the zones. 它开辟了新的“隔离区”,以限制这些企业在赛场附近打广告,并聘请代理机构帮忙在这些区域执法。
Animals big enough to be eaten, or with body parts that can be sold for a profit, are well advised to stay out of war zones. 那些体型足够大以让人食用或者身体上某一个部分可以卖钱的动物着实应该远离战争区域。
Commingled flow may also describe the production of fluid from two or more separate zones through a single conduit. 混合流动也可描述流体从两个或多个分离的层段通过单一的导管流体进行的生产。
You will want to find detours around the construction zones so you do not get caught up in the heavy traffic. 必要的时候你就可以在建筑区里绕行,这样你就不会被困在堵车大军里了。
Inside these zones the respective driving state of the vehicle (100) is monitored to see if it meets the requirements. 在这些分区内检验该机动车(100)的相应行驶状态与这些条件是否相一致。
The diff time zones is a bit of a challenge but I am going to try to pick the most accessible time for everyone. 时差问题是有点挑战,不过,我会尽量挑选每个人最容易参予的时间。
I hope this article has helped some of you get out of your comfort zones with a new syntax and programming paradigm. 我希望本文能帮助一些读者走出自己熟悉的安乐窝,了解一点新的语法和编程范型。
Remember, your competition sits in their comfort zones, never to leave. This presents huge opportunities for you. 记住,你的竞争对手在他们的舒适区,从不想离开。这给你提供了很大的机会。
China is ready to adopt a package of measures to promote the progress of its new high-tech companies and development zones. 中国准备采取一系列措施,促进发展其新生的高科技企业和开发区。
Thrun said he believed robot-driven vehicles would be deployed in war zones before they are seen in everyday civilian environments. Thrun说无人驾驶汽车可能会首先用于军事地区,然后才面向百姓出售。
In arid and semi-arid zones, appearance of microbiotic crusts will change the surface condition of sand dunes greatly. 在干旱、半干旱地区,微生物结皮的出现完全改变了沙丘表面状况。
The zone now is one of the city's most attractive business development zones with a strong and increasing momentum. 新站综合开发试验区已成为新兴工业发展势头最迅猛、投资最具吸引力的开发区之一。
You can load the page in a browser and switch among the various page display modes to see how the different tool zones behave. 您可以在浏览器中加载页并在各种页显示模式之间进行切换,以查看不同的工具区域的行为方式。
More data needs to be collected to see whether this mechanism applies to similar seismic zones in the world, he said. 他说要证明这一作用过程是否适用于世界上类似的地震带,还需收集更多的数据。
Those symbols are a reminder that this Siberian territory bordering Manchuria and seven time zones east of Moscow is a Jewish republic. 这些标记提醒人们,这片与满洲接壤,位于莫斯科以东七个时区之外的的西伯利亚地区,是一个犹太人的共和国。
A device used on the outside of the casing of a well to seal off formations or to protect certain zones. 为封堵地层或保护某些层段在井内套管外面所用的装置。
Dead zones form when big balloons of phytoplankton at the surface trigger large quantities of organic matter, which then sink to the bottom. 当浮游植物大量爆发时,在其表面会触发大量的有机物质聚集,然后(浮游植残骸)下沉到水底,死亡带就会形成。
By supporting the regions outside London, where manufacturing is often located, his "enterprise zones" might also help. 英国制造业多分布在伦敦以外的地区,对于这些地区的支持,他的“企业区”也可得到发展。
You can set your creations to stationary as if they were statues, put them in fenced zones like a zoo, or let them run wild like a safari. 你可以把你的生物设置成静止,就像雕像那样。也可以把它们放在围栏里,那样像个动物园。或者让他们乱跑,像个游猎场那样。
Pa turns it into a global force across five time zones, or at least across greater Northampton. 爸爸把它变成横跨5个时区的全球性公司(或者至少业务覆盖整个英国北安普顿地区)。
With teams in different time zones, companies can realize a longer workday with what is often called "follow the sun" development. 有了在不同时区的团队,公司可以利用经常被称为“跟随太阳”的开发来实现更长的工作日。
The size and zones of the letters change, as if the lines were a roadmap that rambles to nowhere. 字母的大小和划分区域在改变,这些线条就像是随意指向的路标。
Keep increasing your intensity until you've reached this point. Note your heart rate and get ready to determine your training zones! 继续提高您的强度,直至达到那一刻之时。记下您的心率,准备确定训练区域。
It was not clear how easy access would be to enter the zones. Liu and Beijing police would not say if special permission would be needed. 还不清楚如何能很方便的进入这些地点,刘和北京警方没有说明是否需要特别的许可。