zoom in

  • un.放大;移向目标
  • 网络拉近;缩小;放大显示

zoom inzoom in

zoom in


AE中英文对照 ... 新建视图 ← New Viewr 放大Zoom In 缩小 ← Zoom Out ...


拉近Zoom In)及拉后(Pull Wide)类似的镜头有推近(Track In)及推远(Track Out)。Track Shot与Zoom及Pull最大 …


...time,可以任意倍率的放大(ZOOM OUT)或缩小(ZOOM IN)当前视图,原来的ZOOM就象手动换档,而新的ZOOM Realtime就象无 …


multisim_百度百科 ... Show Title Block and Border 显示标题栏和图框 Zoom In 放大显示 Zoom Out 缩小显示 ...


...sniper mode):空格键(系统默认)   镜头放大(zoom in): 自定义   镜头缩小(zoom out): 自定义   转换到爆破子弹(inventory left…


Allegro 中的快捷键说明之一 -... ... alias F9 zoom fit: 满屏显示 alias F10 zoom in放大窗口 alias F11 zoom out: 缩小窗口 ...


外资常用英语_刘静锋和梁佐林_新浪博客 ... pitch, 比稿 zoom in镜头拉近 zoom out, 拉出 ...


  3 C PAD 方向键 向上表示拉近视点(Zoom In),向下表示拉远(Zoom Out)  4 Z键--辅助键  5 R键--视角转换,有两种视角。

And if I zoom in to lower Manhattan you can see the extent of New York City as it was, right at the end of the American Revolution. 如果我放大到曼哈顿下城区,你便可以看见纽约市在美国革命末的模样。
VB timer and API function programming methods can be used to get the result of dynamic zoom - in and zoom -out , fade- in and fade-out . 用VB定时器和API函数编程方法,实现文字和图形的动态缩放和渐现渐隐效果。
Variable grid lines change as you zoom in or out of your drawing, and are useful when you want to align shapes precisely. 可变网格线会随着绘图的放大或缩小而发生相应变化,这在需要精确对齐形状时十分有用。
Prior to this, there was a lag time of a few seconds (depending on your system) if you wanted to zoom in or out on an image. 在此之前如果你想放大或缩小图像时会有几秒的时滞(取决于你的系统)。
Given that broad, high-altitude view, let me now zoom in by proposing a specific program idea along the lines of what I'm talking about. 给出这一宽泛的、高调的观点之后,让我通过提出一个具体的计划创意来说明我在本文中所谈论的观点。
Come here, zoom in, catch the smile there's no doubt it's for you and I'm addicted tonight. 来吧,把镜头拉近,捕捉微笑无疑的那是你我已爱你成瘾。
The emphasis is on play: it's easy to add in planets, zoom in and out, change the physical constants, save and load configurations, etc. 它的主题在于它的可玩性:可以方便地增加行星,对场景进行缩放,修改物理常量,保存和加载配制,等等。
He wants to be able to zoom in and out on the map using his fingers. 他希望能够放大和缩小在使用他的手指地图。
You can zoom in to see parts of your document close-up, or zoom out to see more of the document. 您可以放大文档的一部分以查看其特写,或缩小以查看更多的文档内容。
Small things, like a microscopic world, almost always turn out to be bigger than you think when you zoom in. 实际上,当他们放大时,它所蕴涵的总是比你想象中的要多的多。
You can even see a street view of a particular address. 1 And you can double-tap or pinch to zoom in and out on a map. 你甚至可以看到一个特定的地址街道查看一个。1你可以双击自来水或捏来放大地图,并就一个。
A powered zoom could enable you to zoom in and out to fill the screen based on the format of the video material being displayed. 供给动力的徒升能使您里里外外迅速移动填装屏幕根据录像资料的格式被显示。
You can scroll horizontally or vertically and zoom in or out to see different views of the page. 可以水平或垂直滚动,以查看页的不同视图放大或缩小。
Due to the writer of the view that we do not have to argue for these so-called difficult understanding, to zoom in on its side-effects. 笔者认为,我们大可不必纠缠于对这些所谓的困难的认识,更不必放大其产生的副作用。
Zoom in to see imagery from the Hubble Space Telescope, learn about the lifecycle of a star, or even view the constellations. 透过「哈伯太空望远镜」拉近镜头观赏图像,瞭解更多关于星球的生命周期,甚至也可以观看星宿。
In Print Preview, you can zoom in to see details or zoom out to see how well the data is positioned on the page. 在打印预览中,可以放大以查看细节,也可以缩小以查看数据在页面上放置的位置如何。
Map navigation tools allow you to zoom in and out, pan, and select and display the alphanumeric values associated with each graphic object. 地图导航工具可实现放大和缩小,平移地图,选择和显示与每个图形象相关联的字母数字值。
A: Not at all. You dont even notice it in the least bit unless you literally stare at the screen and zoom in. 答:一点都不会,除非你盯着屏幕看,否则你不会发现两者有什么不同。
During my childhood, the magnifying glass was used to zoom in the body of an ant in order to figure out every part of its body. 在我小时候,我用放大镜来观察蚂蚁,为的是了解它身体的每一处构造。
When photos are opened, moving two fingers apart or together will zoom in or out on an image. 当照片打开时,分开两个手指可以放大图像,合拢手指则是缩小图像。
During a procedure at Kobe University's hospital, the unnamed doctor used the device to zoom in and out of medical images and video. 在神户大学医院的一场手术中,这位不知名的医生用iPad对医疗图像和视频进行放大缩小。
Bitmap and vector graphics the simplest is the difference between 1 and vector graph can be infinitely zoom in, and will not be distorted. 位图与矢度图最单一的不同1、矢度图可以无穷不扩大,而且不会逼真。
Let us now zoom in closer with our ship's camera to allow you to observe your expanded, fully-integrated chakra system in operation. 让我们现在放大我们的飞船摄像头准许你观察你已扩展的、完全整合的运转中的脉轮系统。
You can zoom in and out of a data range, and the graph will adjust accordingly. 可以放大或收缩数据范围,图会相应地调整。
Zoom in out on the image by placing your thumb and finger on the screen and pinching them in. 缩小图片。将拇指和食指置于屏幕上并聚拢,就能缩小图片。
Zoom in to see prices for your own hometown. 通过放大地图你可以看到你所在地区的油价水平。
You can even zoom in on the map to see places within London where you took pictures, such as Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, or other landmarks. 你甚至可以在地图上放大到看到在伦敦发生的地方,你如特拉法加广场,大笨钟,或其他标志性建筑的图片。
There's not a lot of looking around, trying to find where the zip code field is or how to zoom in on a map. 用户无需做很多查找,比如查找zip代码字段在哪以及又该如何在地图上做缩放。
FlashDWG is a vector to vector converter, so you can zoom in, zoom out the drawing to see the details of the drawing. flashdwg是一个载体,以载体的转换,所以你可以放大,缩小绘图看到的细节绘图。
New MacBooks have a large, glass trackpad that responds to iPhone-like multi-touch gestures like pinching to zoom in or out on a screen. 新款MacBook有个大玻璃触摸板可以像iPhone一样对多点触摸动作做出反应,如用手指在屏幕放大或缩小。