
美 [kɪk]英 [kɪk]
  • n.踢;踢腿;踢脚;极度刺激
  • v.踢;踹;踢蹬;踢(腿)
  • 网络踢人;井涌;踢击

第三人称单数:kicks 现在分词:kicking 过去式:kicked

kick habit,kick ball


v. n.

1.[t][i]踢;踹to hit sb/sth with your foot

2.[t][i]~ (sth)踢蹬;踢(腿)to move your legs as if you were kicking sth

3.[t](informal)~ yourself(因干了蠢事、失去良机等)对(自己)生气to be annoyed with yourself because you have done sth stupid, missed an opportunity, etc.

4.[t]~ sth踢球得分;射门得分to score points by kicking the ball


kick (some/sbs) ass

惩罚,击败(某人)to punish or defeat sb

kick the bucket

死;翘辫子;蹬腿儿to die

kick the habit, drug, booze, etc.

戒除恶习;戒毒;戒酒to stop doing sth harmful that you have done for a long time

kick your heels

无聊地等待to have nothing to do while you are waiting for sb/sth

kick sb in the teeth

粗暴对待某人;使极度失望to treat sb badly or fail to give them help when they need it

kick sth into the long grass/into touch

搁置;置之不理to reject, remove or stop dealing with a problem

kick over the traces

(开始)不听话,不守规矩,不受管束to start to behave badly and refuse to accept any discipline or control

kick up a fuss, stink, etc.

吵闹;闹事;起哄to complain loudly about sth

kick up your heels

轻轻松松;尽情享乐to be relaxed and enjoy yourself

kick sb upstairs

使某人明升暗降;以升迁为名排斥某人to move sb to a job that seems to be more important but which actually has less power or influence

kick sb when theyre down

落井下石to continue to hurt sb when they are already defeated, etc.

小学英语单词大全(含中文翻译)_百度文库 ... 划 row kick 骑 ride ...


BOOM海战踢人命令谁有_百度知道 ... -OUT 停止修船 -KICK 踢人 -SPEED 速度 ...


健美操的基本步伐分为几大类?_百度知道 ... 摆腿 leg lift 踢腿 kick 吸腿跳 knee lift ...


煤层气常用英语词汇_在线英语词典 ... Key performance Indicator 关键动态指标 kick 井涌 kill manifold 压井管汇 ...


盗贼全技能列表_WOW魔兽世界_TG兽吧 ... 疾跑 Sprint 踢击 Kick 绞杀 Garrote ...


Neilyo_百度百科 ... shift+E = ghostly Strike 鬼魅攻击 R = kick 脚踢 T = mounts 上鸟 ...


足球词汇全攻略[3] ... 149.脚跟踢球: heel kick 117.踢球kick;boot 118.踢球者: kicker ...

网络用语_互动百科 ... MPJ: 马屁精 kick slap: 打耳光 ...

If you are on offense, then put the ball back in the basket or kick it out to another player. 如果抢到的是进攻篮板,那么你可以直接进攻或者将球传出去给其他队友。
However, a solution seems to have been found in Uruguay with the Serie A kick-off around the corner. 然而现在看来在联赛开始前球队已经在乌拉圭找到了一个解决方案。
I mean can't we just kick this old school? You know, like I, I stick the baby in a basket and send it your way. Like Moses in the reeds. 我是说我们不能就像过去那样吗?就是,比如,我把孩子放在篮子里,送到你们那边去。就像摩西被放在芦苇丛中一样。
If he starts any of his nonsense with my daughters, boss's son or no boss's son, I'll kick him out of the house as soon as look at him. 如果他对我的女儿们非礼,不管他是不是老板的儿子,我随时都会把他从这屋子里踢出去。
Then, kick your legs up and down together in a whipping motion generating from the hips and bending at the knees, as if you were a dolphin. 通过髋关节和膝关节用力运动,上下踢你的腿,就像海豚一样。
As you kick into a lengthened position, try to press into your chest and head just a bit. 当你踢进一个延长的位置,可以按进你的胸部和头部只是一点。
any of various games played with a ball (round or oval) in which two teams try to kick or carry or propel the ball into each other's goal. 任何一种用球的运动(圆形或椭圆形)两队尽力去踢球或抢球。
Maybe forty yards. I could kick the ball fifty yards. Yeah, but I hurt my shoulder and I can't play football anymore. 大约四十码。我可以踢五十码。嗯,但后来我的肩膀受伤了,现在已经不能再玩橄榄球了。
Another is at the edge of a pool of walking, one not careful, kick, fell down, but are on the edge of a man to help me get out. 另外一次是在水塘边行走,一不小心,一脚踩空,就落了下去,幸亏边上有一个大人帮我拉起。
"You filthy guinea spoiled brat , " he said venomously. "Clean that up right now or I'll kick the shit out of you. " “你这个娇生惯养的臭婆娘,”他凶神恶煞似的说,“快给我打扫干净,要不,我要把你踢得屁滚尿流。”
Our commentator, Reg Knowall, will be at the ground and will be bringing you a kick by kick account of every stage of the match. 我们的解说员,里格-诺瓦尔将在现场,为每一脚球及每个阶段的比赛进行详细解说。
Nearly every kick seems to send the ball knuckling, slicing or hooking past the goal. 几乎每一个一脚在看来似乎迫使球超过目标屈服,斜击或者扣上。
There is less resistance with your body underwater than when you kick with the body at the surface. 在踢腿时身体在水下遇到的阻力比身体在水面遇到的阻力小。
I would not let him to bend his knees quite as much, try to make a shorter kick. 我要告诉他,膝盖不要弯曲这么多,打腿的幅度不能这么大。
The remark was allegedly backed up with a kick to the Tory leader's head, which explains the facial blemish he took into the campaign. 他还用行动来表示不满,踢了下卡梅伦的头。难怪投入竞选活动的卡梅伦脸上带花。
One investor said: "If there is no pre-emption element, the deal would have to be overwhelmingly convincing for us not to kick up a stink. " 一位投资者表示:“如果没有优先购买权,要想让我们不闹事,该交易必须具有压倒一切的说服力。”
The brand name of the campaign - Let's Kick Racism Out of Football - was established in 1993 and Kick It Out established as a body in 1997. 运动曾名为“将人种歧视从足球中踢开”,始创于1993年,1997年改名为“全民参与”。
He made me kick the ball up in the air 100 times and control it and control it until I got it right. 他让我把球踢上天空100次,然后控制它再控制它,直到我把动作做对。
Stop play, and have the kick retaken. The ball needs to leave the penalty area before it is in play. 停止比赛,要求门将重新开任意球。禁区内的任意球必须踢出禁区才算比赛重新开始。
out of the window bursts of wind "kick into gear, " blowing, as if I Baodabuping. 窗外一阵阵风“呼呼”吹过,好像为我抱打不平。
Let me tell you something. I really get a kick out of being around you. 我有些想法想告诉你,和你在一起我真的感到很愉快。
Requiring your little girl to get A's in math and physics sure seems to kick the shit out of stereotype threat. . . 要求你的小女儿在数学和物理上拿A,肯定看起来能够改变那该死的成见。
She began to kick and claw at him, writhing, doubling as she fought against him, more animal than human. 她开始对他又踢又抓,一边同他挣打,一边翻腾,弯曲着身体,就像一头野兽。
At the moment we are trying to get enough players for a Sunday kick around at chou ma soccer pitch . 现在我们也希望找到足够的人数,在每星期日踢球。
Daniel Emerson-Smith used to be able to run around and kick a football, but DMD is gradually destroying all the strength in his body. 艾默生丹尼尔-史密斯为了能够跑和踢足球,但多哈部长宣言,是逐步摧毁他身体所有的力量。
Richardson 's second free kick, after the interval, was more straightforward as he drilled his shot past Schwarzer. 理查德森下半场的任意球线路简单一点,他的射门已经穿越了舒瓦泽尔的十指关。
Next, push off on your stomach and kick for a few cycles, then rotate to your side. Maintain the same rhythm of the kick. 其次,在你的胃,走开踢几个周期内,然后旋转到你身边。保持一样的韵律的打腿。
Even Franklin, of Coca-Cola, who frequently works with professional athletes, said he gets a kick out of Special Olympics athletes. 即使经常与专业运动员打交道的可口可乐公司的富兰克林也说,他从特奥会运动员那里获得一股积极向上的动力。
American football is not like soccer, Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it. 美式足球并不像英式的足球那样,运动员时而用脚踢球,他们也时而掷球并带球跑。
Although very tiny, each photon carries a small amount of momentum away from the asteroid, giving it a tiny kick. 尽管非常微弱,但每一个光子都携带着微量的动量离开小行星,给小行星形成一种微弱的反冲。