
美 [dʒɔɪn]英 [dʒɔɪn]
  • v.加入;参加;连接;参与
  • n.连接处;接合点
  • 网络合并;联结;结合

第三人称单数:joins 现在分词:joining 过去式:joined

join club,join army,join party,join group,join company
voluntarily join


v. n.


1.[t][i]连接;接合;联结to fix or connect two or more things together

合二为一become one

2.[i][t]结合;联合;汇合if two things or groupsjoin , or if one thing or groupjoins another, they come together to form one thing or group


3.[t][i]~ (sth)成为…的一员;参加;加入to become a member of an organization, a company, a club, etc.

参与do sth with sb else

4.[t]参与;加入到…之中;与…一道去to take part in sth that sb else is doing or to go somewhere with them


join battle (with sb)

开始(与某人)交战to begin fighting sb

join the club

同样倒霉;别人也一样倒运;彼此彼此used when sth bad that has happened to sb else has also happened to you

join hands (with sb)

(与某人)拉起手,挽手if two peoplejoin hands , they hold each other's hands


连接 Vfp支持 ANSI SQL '92 连接 (Join) 语法,通过比较两个或多个表中的字段,将它们的记录连接到一起,生成查询。例如, …


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... guitar n. 吉他 join v. 参加;加入 dance v. 跳舞;舞蹈 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... guitar n. 吉他 join v. 参加;加入 dance v. 跳舞;舞蹈 ...


实现属性数据的合并join) ,与关联(relate) , 可以是数据库文件与属性表的合并与关联, 也可以是两个数据库文件的合 …


如果Handler_read_rnd 太大,那么你很可能有大量的查询需要MySQL 扫 描整个表或你有没正确使用键值的联结(join)。 SHO…


机械制图全部符号及表示含义 - 豆丁网 ... iterator 枚举器 重述子 join 合并 结合 joint 连接 接合线 ...


联接Join):联系操作是笛卡尔积和选择操作的组合。自然联接(Natural Join):是一种特殊的等值联接,它要求两个关系 …



Please join me in wishing him every success in his future career and in thanking him for his past contribution. 请参加我祝他一切顺利,他未来的职业生涯中,并感谢他过去的贡献。
is in Australia to attend the meeting of the British Foreign Secretary Haig in Brisbane residents to join with the BBQ, cheer them on. 19日,正在澳大利亚出席会议的英国外长黑格在昆士兰州首府布里斯班同居民一起参加烤肉活动,为他们加油打气。
After a join hint is specified, the INNER keyword is no longer optional and must be explicitly stated for an INNER JOIN to be performed. 指定联接提示后,要执行INNERJOIN时,INNER关键字不再为可选,而必须显式说明。
He would often join Bob halfway along the road and walk along with him as he gave out the papers. 他经常中途加入鲍勃沿路步行与他相处,因为他给了论文。
The reaction, especially in Morocco, which had never asked to join, was one of bemused incomprehension. 尤其对于从未要求加入的摩洛哥,这是最令人困惑不解的反应之一。
China is ready to join hands with the Kyrgyz Republic to renew efforts in promoting the long-term good-neighborly and friendly cooperation. 中方愿与吉方一道继续致力于中吉长期睦邻友好合作。
During lunch, his students come to his room to talk, get help, visit his turtle and sometimes join him in playing guitar. 在午膳,他的学生来到他的房间交谈,获得帮助,请访问他的乌龟,有时和他一起弹吉他。
As join operation to relational database, structural join order selection is at the heart of query optimization in an XML database. 和关系数据库中的连接运算一样,结构连接顺序的选择是XML数据库查询优化的核心。
My partner had a business meeting in Prague and I flew over at the tail end of his week to join him. 我的同伴在布拉格有一场商业会议,在会议快要结束的那周末我飞过去和他会合。
To be fair, the member who has not join the mission has no need to register any more. 公平起见,尚未参加任务的人员不必再报名参加。
You can check how the join concatenates the values by looking at the example at the bottom of the Details tab. 您可以通过查看Details选项卡底部的示例,检查该联接转换是如何连接那些值的。
Kaladze now says that he has agreed on a deal to join Jose Mourinho's side, with just a transfer fee to be decided between the two parties. 卡拉泽表示,现在他已经同意在穆里尼奥手下踢球,剩下的就是两个俱乐部关于转会费的谈判。
JOEY: You and Milton have to join us on the boat. Karen'll pack a lunch, you'll bring the kids, we'll make a day of it. 乔伊:你和米尔顿一定得来我们的船上玩。凯伦会弄好午饭,你们带上孩子,我们好好地玩一天。
He was all set to join after Liverpool won the Champions League in 2005 but he took up Anfield's offer of a one-year contract extension. 在2005年利物浦获得冠军杯后他已经准备好了加盟(博尔顿),但是最后他选择了留在安菲尔德,续约一年。
On Easter morning, the children of the house join in a search to locate the eggs that the Easter Rabbit had hidden while they were asleep. 头天夜里孩子们入睡后,扮作复活节兔子的人事先将彩蛋藏好。复活节当天早晨,屋里的孩子就加入到寻找彩蛋的行列里。
How much time should it wait for someone to join a lobby or a game before it says "No, they're not going to get in? " and blocks them? 游戏在判断做出“不,他们不能进入游戏”,然后阻止玩家前,该花多少时间等待人们加入游戏大厅或者是游戏?
But her learning experiences in Italy inspired her strong desire to express themselves, encouraged her to join in the literary road. 可是她在意年夜利进修地阅历激起啦她表示自自己地激烈愿望,促使她投身于文学创作地道路。
Li will join the team in Napa Valley, Calif. , for a week-long stay as it prepares for the 2007 season. 李超然将在加利福尼亚的纳帕山谷与球队会合,并在突袭者备战2007赛季的时候与球队共处一周。
My co-workers invited me to join them at a local restaurant after work, but I decided to opt out of since I was exhausted. 同事邀请我完工作后到当地一家餐馆聚会,但因为实在太累,我决定不参加。
During the meeting, representatives of Western Balkan countries once again in his speech expressed the desire to join the European Union. 会议期间,西巴尔干国家代表在发言时再次表达了加入欧洲联盟的愿望。
Steve : well, you can put away the files for a while . needless to say , they'll still be here in the afternoon. want to join me for lunch? 那你大可先把档案放一边,不用说,档案下午还会在这里。要不要跟我一起去吃饭啊?
His father was an ex-marine who drank too much and insistent that he should join the Marines right out of high school. 他的爸爸是一个经常酗酒的海军退役士兵,并坚持让他高中一毕业就参加海军。
He said the UWSA would be outlawed if it did not join the BGF by September. 他说如果佤联军在9月份之前还未加入边防警卫部队,那么就将成为非法。
"I've heard of this world, " Obi-Wan said. "Dooku has its leader in his pocket. It was one of the first to join the Separatists. " “我听说过这个星球,”欧比万说,“杜库早已控制了那个星球的领导人,它是最早加入到分离主义的星球之一。”
I could do nothing but join him after I hesitated for a few hours. 犹豫了几个小时之后,我也只好跟着他走了。
Unless Fiat or Magna was prepared to come up with the money within 24 hours, Opel and Vauxhall would join their parent in insolvency. 除非菲亚特(Fiat)或者曼格纳(Magna)愿意在24小时内拿出这笔钱,否则欧宝和沃克斯豪尔将与其母公司一并进入破产程序。
So, we ask you to forward this email to EVERYBODY in your address book that you think would like to join this action. 所以,我们要求你们把这个邮件发送到每个在你通信地址里的朋友,那些你认为会对此感兴趣并且加入其中的人。
Thank you FOR your kind invitation to join with you in this wonderful Thanksgiving celeb ration. 谢谢你们盛情邀请我共同庆祝这美好的感恩节。
S: I've come to tell you my mother and I are going to the theatre this coming Saturday. Would you care to join us? 我来是想告诉你,我妈和我这个星期六去看戏。你愿不愿意跟我们一起去?
If it were working, you would be able to specify one or more columns as the matching columns for an offline join operation. 如果这个bug还在的话,那么您可以为离线连接操作指定一个或多个列作为匹配列。
