point out

  • na.指出
  • 网络指明;说明;指示

第三人称单数:points out 现在分词:pointing out 过去式:pointed out

point outpoint out

point out


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They point out how the interconnection of computers leads to a much broader class of connections than might have been expected. 他们解释了互联电脑如何超越大家的期望,导向更高级别的连接。
We're going to go through several parts of it because what I'm going to point out right now is, how did Paul try to convince them? 我们会分析几个部分,现在我要提出的问题是,保罗是如何说服他们的?
The last chapter is a conclusion, which summarize and finish up the thesis and point out insufficient and the place still to be improved. 对论文进行总结收尾,提出论题研究成果,指出不足和有待改进之处。
It is one of the most characteristic tasks of any technology to point out what cannot be achieved. 任何技术的最典型任务之一就是指出什么是不能实现的。
What we have been trying to point out to people are the dangers of crossing. 我们一直试图在做的是,告诉人们,偷渡是危险的。
As you point out in the book, the statistical differences between American and Dutch teens when it comes to sex is pretty staggering. 正如你在书中指出的一样,当涉及到性问题时,美国和荷兰之间的数据差距之大让人难以相信。
One of the first ways to deal with this objection is to point out that XForms are just over twenty abstractions of a user interaction model. 应对这种意见的第一种办法是指出XForms仅仅是对用户交互模型的二十多个抽象。
It's also important to point out that this secure connection is only available for the main Google Search page right now. 另外,当下的安全连接仅针对的只是谷歌主搜索页面。
The authors point out there's a bit of a mystery about precisely which hole Colombo was poking with his Italian probe. 作者们指出,科伦坡精确的用他的意大利探针戳到了那个洞,这有点神秘。
He is not the only one who finds it easier to point out the flaws in a system than to correct them. 他也是唯一一个认为指出系统弊病比解决问题容易的人。
We want to point out that this was an Afghan army operation. Coalition troops were in support of the Afghan operation. 我们想要指出的是,这是一次阿富汗军队的行动,联军是支持阿军的行动。
What I am trying to do is provoke thinking, raise awareness and point out that there are real questions here that we all should be asking. 我所要做的是让人们思考,提高认识,这里面确有问题,我们都应该问个为什么。
OK, so let me move on a bit and point out that with parametric equations, we've looked also at things like velocity and acceleration. 再来深入研究一下参数方程,我们以前还学过速度和加速度的。
Nevertheless, I do feel obligated to point out to you that she did not reject you. 尽管如此,我还是有责任向你指出,她并没有拒绝你。
Sperber and Mercier, however, point out that this is true only if the point of reasoning is to draw true conclusions. 然而,斯珀博与默斯尔指出,这说法只有在推理的目的为追求真实结论时才成立。
Point out to the stout man that the bins further on are empty and offer to put his bag there as you move on. 告诉那位矮胖的男人前面更远一些的行李箱是空着的,并主动帮他把包放过去。
What change in her appearance does Roslin point out to Baltar when she visits him in the brig in Escape Velocity? 在“极速偏离”这集中,当罗丝琳去禁闭室探望波塔尔时,她告诉了博塔尔自己有什么变化?
It never hurts to point out how much you appreciate the small services and tasks that someone unfailingly performs. 去表达自己对小事帮忙、以及某人总是顺利完成的任务自己的欣赏再怎么多也不过分。
But I would like to point out to you that you must be fully held responsible for any consequence that may arise. 不过,我得向你指出,由此产生的一切后果你要负全部责任。
They rightly point out that American conservatism has always been a broad church and the battle is not all one way. 他们正确的指出了美国保守主义一直都是一个大教堂,战斗并不是单向的。
When I point out how much people are raiding from their retirement accounts in order to spend today, some people question the numbers. 当我指出人们为了今天的消费而从他们的退休金帐户上支取的钱数时,一些人对这些数字的准确性提出了质疑。
Talking about the weakness, point out the areas for improvement in a specific way. Don't say "I think you did not do a good job" . 至于缺点,明确指出演讲者可以改善的部份,千万别说:「我觉得你的演讲糟透了!」
some principles to be emphasized point out in consideration of a selected construction project for coal-tar processing. 指出了今后选择建设焦油加工项目时,应着重注意的几项原则。
He knew his friend was uneasy about this raid and had only wanted to point out that they had very little choice but to go through with it. 他知道他的朋友很为这次突袭担忧,只差没有指出他们没有什么太多的选择,只能把它进行下去。
You might not be experts, but you'll probably be able to point out the potential flaws or trouble spots in one another's work. 你可能不是一个专家,但你或许可以指出彼此的潜在缺陷和障碍点。
However, the former defender of Parma was quick to point out that this was just an invented story to further stir up the environment. 古尔库夫和博内拉因训练而引起的争吵增加了米兰的负面新闻。但是后卫博内拉指出这不过是一个蓄意煽动的捏造的新闻。
Tomorrow I'll come with you, he had 12 points, we would point out the candles, and I promise you to look at you wish. 明天我就过来陪你,当过了12点后,我们就点上生日蜡烛,我要看着你许下你的心愿。
You're right to point out that smoking has benefits as well as costs, and that implies that it might be perfectly rational to smoke. 你指出抽烟有收益也有成本,这一点是正确的,而这意味着抽烟可能完全是理性的。
All that I desire to point out is the general principle that life imitates art far more than art imitates life. 我只想指出这么一个一般性的原则,就是生活模仿艺术的程度远胜过艺术模仿生活的程度。
I tried to sort them by Act but I might have missed a few things left and right, feel free to point out errors in comments. 我尝试用关卡来排序,但是好像多少遗漏了一些什么东西,大家可以在评论中指出错误。