put up for

  • 网络给……安排过夜;蚕胶丝

put up forput up for

put up for


《背诵为王全套文本》全文在线阅读及txt下载 ... throw ... party 举办派对、聚会等活动 put up for 给……安排过夜 scratch 搔, 抓 ...


Annex Schedule of the Republic of El... ... 零售用者 not put up for retail sale 售用者,蚕胶丝 from silk waste,put up for ...

Many times items are put up for sale that were never used at all, or replaced quickly by an updated or promotional test model. 更多时候,一些被陈列出来销售的产品一点也卖不掉,或者很快就被新品和促销产品所替代。
When owners ask where a cherished piano is going, he said, he tries to avoid the subject or tells them it will be put up for adoption. 他说,钢琴的主人们有时会问起曾经珍爱的钢琴会去往什么地方,他总是尽量转移话题,或者告诉他们,有人会认领它。
Born in San Francisco in February 1955 to a pair of unmarried graduate students, Steve was put up for adoption within a week of his birth. 1955年2月,一对未婚硕士研究生在旧金山生下了乔布斯,史蒂夫在他出生一周之内就被领养。
A pair of 100-year-old Levi's jeans that was found lying undiscovered in a California goldmine have been put up for sale on eBay. 日前,在美国加州一处金矿中发现的一条100多年前的李维斯牌的牛仔裤被放在eBay上拍卖。
The food cuts could be a harbinger to further cost-cutting; Deep Fried has heard that the building might be put up for sublease. 餐饮开支的削减只是一个更广泛成本削减的先兆,DeepFried已经听闻整栋大楼都将用于转租。
Always have had to put up for the moment, and life hung in the most, they'll always the most deeply, and no one knew. 思念总是有不得不收藏起来的时刻,而生命里最舍不得的,藏得总是最深,且不让人知道。
The deal ends more than a year of uncertainty for Sweden's car industry since Volvo and Saab were put up for sale by their US owners. 对瑞典汽车业来说,这宗交易也结束了自一年多前美国拥有者宣布要出售沃尔沃和萨博(Saab)以来的不确定时期。
"She had a kid she put up for adoption, " he said. “她把自己的孩子送给别人收养。”他说。
Where goods are put up for sale by auction in lots, each lot is prima facie deemed to be the subject of a separate contract of sale. 若通过拍卖的方式对货物进行分批出销售时,每一批拍卖品被初步推定为一个单独买卖合同的标的。
European officials have led calls for the topic to be put up for discussion, but Japanese and US officials have played down the issue. 欧洲官员已带头呼吁在G7会上对该问题进行讨论,但日本和美国官员则有意淡化这个问题。
Once in LA, Danny convinces Westley that the sign is being put up for sale to be replaced with a brand new one. 一到洛杉矶,丹尼就让维斯特利相信好莱坞标志将被出售,而一个全新的会被替换上去。
Police in Thailand say they've broken up a baby trafficking ring which forced Vietnamese women to have babies which were put up for sale. 泰国警方称他们破获了一个贩卖婴儿的组织,该组织强迫越南女性生下小孩并将其用于出售。
One dark stormy night, an elderly couple hurried into a hotel and asked whether they could be put up for the night. 一个风雨交加的夜晚,一对老夫妇急忙走进一家旅馆,要求住宿一晚。
On Wednesday, at Bonhams' salerooms in London, Lord Lucan's desk will be put up for auction. 3月11日,伦敦Bonhams拍卖行对鲁肯勋爵(LordLucan)的书桌进行了拍卖。
Hung-chien and his colleagues wearily left the bus station and put up for the night at a small hotel nearby. 鸿渐等疲乏地出车站,就近一家小旅馆里过夜。
But after a year, the owner was not found so finally the ring was put up for auction. 一年后都找不著,他们决定把它拍卖,拍卖期到。
She gets lured to Storeybrooke by Henry, a boy who claims to be the long-lost son she put up for adoption. 她被Henry诱骗到了魔法镇,这个男孩声称自己就是她很久之前送去领养的孩子。
J. Crew is part-owned by Texas Pacific, a private-equity firm and one of the potential buyers if Gap were put up for sale. Crew的一部分股权为私募股权投资公司德州太平洋(TexasPacific)所有,倘若盖普进行售卖,该公司是潜在的买家之一。
Some residents escaped by climbing down scaffolding that had been put up for the renovations. 很多居民通过从脚手架上爬下来逃生,这些脚手架是为翻修大楼设置的。
photographic flashlight material, mixed in bulk or in small quantities, whether or not put up for retail sale. 摄影用混合用闪光灯,大包装或小包装,无论是否为零售。
Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair (including gimped horsehair yarn), whether or not put up for retail sale. 动物粗毛或马毛的纱线(包括马毛粗松螺旋花线),不论是否供零售用。
He is going to put up for election to the committee next year. 来年他准备参加竞选进入该委员会。
The warning notices near the river have not just been put up for fun but must be taken seriously. 河边竖起的警告牌可不是闹着玩的,必须认真对待。
The variety of things put up for sale is really wonderful - dishes, books, used clothing, tools, tires, empty bottles, bicycles, furniture. 甩卖的东西种类之多确实令人惊讶——盘子、书籍、穿过的衣服、工具、轮胎、空瓶子、自行车、家具等等。
The number of houses being put up for sale rose at a faster rate than the number of buyers, potentially limiting future price rises. 6月待售房屋数增长快于买家数量增速,可能会限制未来房价上涨。
Farming concerns, not speculators, are buying most of the land put up for auction. 农业关心的是,不是投机者在拍卖会上购买大部分土地。
Why do you not put up for the dreams of the colorful wings of this one day, it will touch the sun. 何不现在就为梦想插上这五光十色的翅膀,终有一天,它会触摸阳光。
They then reportedly sent them to welfare centres from where they were put up for international adoption. 然后这些婴儿被送到福利院,等待接受海外收养。
So when we turned up on Sun and realised my mistake at the reception desk, I was wondering where we were going to put up for that night. 因为我们实际上是周日周一入住。我们周日在招待处才发现预订错了。我真不知道我们该去哪里。
One will be revealed at the 2009 Seoul Motor Show while two are to be put up for auction at the Prada Transformer. 其中将显示在2009年首尔汽车展,同时双方将被拍卖的普拉达变压器。