
美 [ɪt]英 [ɪt]
  • n.信息技术(全写为 information technology,对将电子处理程序及设备应用于存储和发送各类信息的研究和利用)
  • 网络它是我的;它真大呀;可指距离



1.(指提到过的或正在谈论的动物或事物)它used to refer to an animal or a thing that has already been mentioned or that is being talked about now

2.(指婴儿,尤指性别不详者)used to refer to a baby, especially one whose sex is not known

3.(指已知或正在发生的事实或情况)used to refer to a fact or situation that is already known or happening

4.(用以明确身份)used to identify a person

5.(用作形式主语或形式宾语,而真正的主语或宾语在句末)used in the position of the subject or object of a verb when the real subject or object is at the end of the sentence

6.(谈论时间、日期、距离、天气等时用作主语)used in the position of the subject of a verb when you are talking about time, the date, distance, the weather, etc.

7.(谈论情况时用)used when you are talking about a situation

8.(强调句子的某部分)used to emphasize any part of a sentence

9.正好是所需的;恰好exactly what is needed


什么是IT?_百度知道 ... It';s very large (它真大呀) It';s mine (它是我的) Let';s get off (我们下车吧) ... ...


什么是IT?_百度知道 ... It';s very large (它真大呀) It';s mine (它是我的) ...


高一英语下学期It... ... Why,among scientists,he is it. 嗨,在科学家中他最出色。 "it' 可指距离。 As it is/was 事实上。 ...


初中英语作文... ... 初中英语作文:当个小孩不容易- It 初中英语作文:当个学生不容易 It' 初中英语作文:难忘的一天 A Day to ...


经典好听的英文歌有哪些呢? - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... 7.Kevin 小,打开我的 9.It' 我的生活 10.When 我晚上梦 ...


... 我为什麽落入您即使您会假装是您未曾是以我 因此 it' s, I really thought you were the one 我一直都认为你就是我的真爱 ...

When you look at a star, you do not see its present condition. You see it as it used to be. 当你仰望一颗星星时,你看不到它的现状,你看到的只是它以前的样子。
They must make it easy for you and your colleagues to work with information as a team. 它们必须能帮助您和您的同事作为一个小组使用信息。
It depends on how hard the two teams push themselves today. But we are able to keep up with the pace of any opponent. That will help us. 这要看两队今天的努力程度,我们会跟上对手的比赛节奏。
it even occurred to me that some enamoured maidservant had stolen in to keep a tryst with her sweetheart. 我甚至想到,是一个风流的女仆溜进园子来跟她的心上人幽会。
Clearly, many media outlets disagree, and it's easy to see why: Prostitutes represent a cultural bogeyman. 无疑,很多媒体渠道不同意这一观点,原因很明显:失足妇女代表一种文化恶棍。
Grant refused to accept defeat. He said he would fight to the finish, if it took all summer. 格兰特是个拒绝失败的人,他说,他要一直战斗到底,哪怕利用一整个夏天,也都要打下去。
The only sound was a murmur, like flattened thunder, far up the glacier. Every now and then John paused and listened to it. 惟一的声音便是一种模糊的、类似于雷声的轰鸣从山顶上传来。博士不时停下来仔细聆听这种声音。
The high intensity of a laser beam makes it a convenient drill . 激光束的强度极高,这就使它成为一种方便的钻孔工具。
No, the best was in wanting it, in sitting and looking at it, when one tasted an inexhaustible treasure-house of flavors. 不应该是这样的。品尝无尽的美味时,最妙的部分是想得到它的急切心情和端坐着打量它的满足。
No man would suffer to be poor or work hard for his living if it were open to him to do otherwise. 如果有别的可能性,就没有人愿意受苦于贫穷或为生活而艰苦工作。
As you might have guessed, I'm hoping that this bottle will work its magic, as it did once before, and somehow bring us back together. 你可能已经猜到,我希望这个瓶子能像它曾经那样,产生神奇的力量,让我们在走到一起。
Here is another way to say what you just said: Even trying to figure it out isn't working so far. 你的这句话也可以这么说:即使设法弄明白了也没用。
It has evolved over the decades into an international financial center but hasn't been able to use or trade the currency of its hinterland. 经过几十年的发展,它成了一个国际金融中心,但却不能使用或交易其腹地的货币。
When it's hung on a movable stand, you can take it with you to the bathroom or on a stroll down the hall. 当它被挂在可移动的架子上时,你可以带上它去洗手间或者在大厅里漫步。
"It's as if there's this little Julia or Nicola in an olive green uniform there on your shoulder, " he said. 他说:“好像有一个身着橄榄绿制服的小朱莉亚或尼古拉站在你的肩上。”
Patient: I haven't been able to hear well for some time and it seems to get worse as I get older. 我听力不好已经有些时候了,而且似乎年岁愈大,听力愈差。
Odysseus and Diomedes went into the city in disguise and stole it out of the temple of the city. 于是,奥德修斯就和狄俄墨得斯伪装入城,偷偷地将神像盗了出来。
But doing a full film with her was as great as I'd hoped it would be. 要和她拍一整部戏真是太好了,我希望如此。
He paused to deliver his punch line: "But if you are prepared to give it a try, so are we. " 他停了一下,然后说出了他最得力的一句话:“但是,如果你准备试试看,我们也准备这样做。”
It's safe to say that in the case of the subprime-mortgage mess, regulation and government subsidies deserve much of the blame. 可以负责任地说,在混乱的次优级抵押贷款的案例中,监管和政府补贴受到许多的批评。
You've got a lot to say and it can be easy to try to say it all at once. 你有很多话要说,轻松尝试一次性说完也很容易。
It does not, in and of itself, provide localized behavior; classes must provide localization themselves. 它自己本身并不提供本地化的行为;类必须自己提供本地化。
It must have been a very moving scene, but what a pity I haven't seen it with my own eyes. I can only picture it in my mind longingly. 那情景必然是非常动人的,可惜我从未能见到,只是心向往之而已。
It is paltry consolation that such a strike, taking out a city or two, would not cause the devastation of a nuclear war between superpowers. 一个微不足道的安慰就是这样的袭击,能毁灭一两个城市,但不会引起超级大国之间的核战争的大毁灭。
In fact, it seems the more you adapt a best practice to be applicable across the Dreyfus range, the more it starts to look like a pattern! 实际上,当一个最佳实践在Dreyfus模型的范围内愈加适用,它就愈像一个模式了!
I thought I had it at the beginning of the year but I kept running into issues and had to redesign the thing several times since then. 我原以为我可以在今年年初的时候完成它,可惜我遭遇了一次车祸。从那以后我曾多次对其进行了重新设计。
You see, you have spoiled me with your love and your care - now I need it all the time. 你瞧,你用你的爱和无微不至的照顾宠坏了我,现在我离不开这些了。
How much will it cost, and will insurance cover it? 治疗费用是多少,能否使用医疗保险?
I knew not then that it was so near, that it was mine, and that this perfect sweetness had blossomed in the depth of my own heart. 那时,我不晓得它离我那么近,而且是我的,这完美的甜蜜,已在我心灵深处绽放。
Why you're not sure that it's good for Chinese tennis? Seems to be very good. 为什么你不认为这对中国网球有好处,看起来这一切好极了。