in the shape of

  • na.以…的形状;呈…的形状;以…的形式;作为…
  • 网络以……的形状;呈...形状;以……形状

in the shape ofin the shape of

in the shape of


大学英语四级常用词组 ... shake up 摇匀;激励,使振作 in the shape of 呈…的形状 shoot at 向…射击;力争 ...


自学考试《高级英语》的一些重要词组 - 自考365 ... Think up 想出 In the shape of 以…的形式 Number off 报数 ...


unit 1language points ... 5. in memory of 为了纪念…… 6. in the shape of 以……的形状 8. dress up 装扮 ...


2011在职硕士核心词汇 - 学习资料 - 神州培训网 ... Black sheep 害群之马 In the shape of 呈….形状 Out of shape 变形 ...


高三第一轮复习:高一模块2... ... 18. relate …to… 把…和…联系起来 21. in the shape of以…形状 26. too much +n. 太多的.. ...


... in shape 在形状上, 在外型上 in the shape of 以...的形状[形式], 作为 be in bad shape 情况还处于混乱状态; 健康情况不佳 ...


求初一下期英语全部短语GO for it_百度知道 ... 7.在街上 in the street 8.一只袜子的形状 in the shape of 9.添满 fill with ...

The church is in the shape of a Greek cross, its width coinciding with that of the three Byzantine naves . 教堂以希腊的十字记号体现,它的宽度与三个拜占庭的中殿一样。
He finds a crystal jewel box in the shape of a coffin, which haunts him with reminders of the mission he tried to salvage in East Timor. 他在一具棺木里找到一个水晶珠宝盒,这令他想起在东帝汶试图想抢救的任务种种情形。
We came out into a room in the shape of a star. I felt frightened because I knew this was the Star Room where the Star Council met. 我们出了电梯,来到一个星状的房间。我觉得有些害怕,因为我知道这是星际理事会开会的星际室。
Looking up at the sky and noticing a cloud in the shape of an angel is another way we let you know that we are with you. 看著天空里的一朵形似天使的云,这是天使让你知道他们与你在一起的一种方式。
The blackboard is a kind of cultural tool. It is usually made of wooden boards four to five centimeters thick in the shape of a rectangle. 黑板是一种常见的文化工具,它一般呈矩形,用本质夹板做成,厚四五厘米。
His eyes widened as he realized exactly what sat in front of him, in the shape of this casual boy. 当他被完全地什么在他之前坐的时候,他的眼睛弄宽,在这个偶然的男孩形状中。
Known as a sprite, this lightning appears in the sky often in the shape of a huge carrot or jellyfish in groups of two or more. 这些被称为“精灵闪光”的闪电常会在天空中以一个巨大的胡萝卜或三两成群的水母的形状出现。
And at a street fair in Central America, we see that Sara has a small, pendant-shaped scar on her shoulder in the shape of a snake. 在中美洲的一条街道集市,莎拉在她的肩上有一道小的蛇形的伤疤。
Picture perfect: To plate, each winter melon ball is laid with the flat side down in the shape of a cluster of grapes. 完美构图:装盘时,每个冬瓜球都要平面朝下放置,摆成一串葡萄的形状。
The front of the card says Happy Birthday To You and includes an attached bead in the shape of a heart with the word Smile printed on it. 该贺卡的正面印有“生日快乐”字样,并且包括一个附在上面的印有“微笑”字样的心形木珠。
One of the mountains was in the shape of a man, with long, long legs and arms and huge shoulders and a huge head. 其中的山的形状像一个男子,长长的胳膊和腿和巨大的肩膀和一个大大的头。
Only the hilt and a few centimeters of the blade protrude from the rock in the shape of a Cross. 这把剑只有剑柄和几厘米的剑身露在岩石的外面,露出的部分形成一个十字架形。
An American woman recently got a special wedding cake from her football-mad fiance - a cake in the shape of an alligator. 美国一名女子近日收到来自未婚夫的一份特别礼物:一个“鳄鱼”婚礼蛋糕!
The lower end of the supporting seat is circular and the upper end is in the shape of a half olive and connected with the pot body. 锅体下有一支座,支座下端为圆形,上端为半橄榄形并与锅体联接。
The Panic galvanized the big bankers to put on a concerted putsch for a Lender of Last Resort in the shape of a central bank. 危机促使银行巨头们齐心协力发动一场“政变”,联手建立一个中央银行来作为他们的守护天使。
A week before his fourth birthday, Jake announced that he wanted a cake in the shape of a fire truck. 在四岁生日的前一周,杰克要求给他做一个救火车样子的蛋糕。
The building, which will be the National Aquatics Center, is indeed in the shape of a cube, but its appearance is far from run-of-the-mill. 这座建筑物将会成为国家游泳中心,它的外型正如其名成立方体状,但外观却非常与众不同。
A school of mechanical, battery-powered robots in the shape of fish will be released into a Spanish port to help monitor pollution there. 近日,科学家们计划向西班牙某港口投放由电池驱动的机器鱼,以监测水中污染物。
HHMI researchers have now learned that this pairing causes a physical change in the shape of the kinase domain. 霍华德•休斯医学研究所的研究人员现已经得知,这种配对导致了激酶结构域形状上的物理变化。
Then she saw the flowers were planted in the shape of a heart , and positioned so she could see them from her sewing- room window . 然后她仔细看,发现番红花长成一个心型,而且正对着她的卧室窗户就能够看到的地方。
I took it out and saw that it was a piece of red material, in the shape of a letter about ten centimetres long. It was the capital letter A. 我把它拿出来才发现原来是一片红色的布料,看起来像是一个字母,约有10厘米长,那是个大写的“A”。
the hexagon of the outer layer, in the shape of a snowflake and showing the appearance of running water, symbolizes tolerant nature. 六边形状如雪花,态似流水,则寓意上下东西南北六合,象征包容一切的宇宙。
This staunch safety net comes in the shape of one of England's finest players and may I be so bold as to say Arsenal's finest ever? 这个坚定的安全防卫线当选为英格兰最好的队员之一,我这么说是不是大胆了一点?
It looks like a tiny shallow sink with a small faucet, but it is in the shape of the rectangular tank. 它看起来像是个带龙头的浅洗手盆,但却是在正方形水箱中。
There is no political counterweight in the shape of a real European finance minister charged with growth, " he added. " “现在没有一个政治性力量,如一个真正的欧洲财政部长来负责经济增长”,他又说。
A type of full support bra with cups in the shape of a paraboloid of revolution with its axis perpendicular to the breast. 这一款提供的支撑覆盖全“球”,形状上是一个抛物线绕着垂直于乳房的轴旋转所得。
Okay, it might not be an engagement ring, but it's a ruby in the shape of a heart on the finger traditionally reserved for engagement rings. 好吧,也许不是订婚戒指,但是!那是一枚心形的红宝石戒指,而且戴在了传统意义上戴订婚戒指的手指上。
As a reward the bakers were allowed to, or asked to create celebratory goodies in the shape of the Islamic crescent. 作为奖赏,面包师们被允许——或是被请求——创造出一种外形类似于伊斯兰新月形状的美食,用来庆祝这一次胜利。
This one was very young, with inexperience even in the shape of his mustache which he had shaved too much on the left side. 他非常年轻,从他胡子的形状看,他很缺乏经验,他左侧的。
The GC can be considered as an electric motor entirely consisting of permanent magnets in the shape of cylindrical bars and annular rings. 色谱可以被视为一种完全电机组成的形状的永久磁铁圆柱酒吧和环形环。