catch up on

  • v.听消息
  • 网络补上;补上某事;弥补

catch up oncatch up on

catch up on


自考英语综合英语课文(1) ... so that 以便(用来引出目的状语从句) catch up on 赶上,补上 towards the end of… 即将结束 …


初中英语总复习_百度知道 ... catch one's breath 喘口气 catch up on sth 补上某事 catch up with 迎头赶上 ...


英语动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... catch fish 抓鱼,捕鱼 catch up on 赶上;得到……消息;弥补 catch fire 着火 ...


压力 失眠 怎么办 ... a cumulative effect: 积累效应 catch up on: 补上;赶完 head-start: 抢先起步的优势;有利的开端 ...


S05E12 ... evacuate 疏散 撤退 排泄 catch up on 赶做(尚未做的事情) 1.sarky 挖苦人的 ...


高考词组全表(第一部分) ... catch sight of 发现, 突然看见 catch up on (用额外时间)补做,赶做,补上 catch up with 赶上 ...


Heroes 英雄 第二季 第七集_看英雄学英语... ... bomb: 炸弹 catch up on: 赶完;事后得到关于…的消息 murder: 谋杀 ...


2我们今晚把工作赶完,所以我不能和你一起去看电影了catch up on)3约翰不习惯这儿的新生活,所以打算搬走。

It's impossible for you to catch up on it in a week . 你不可能在一周内赶上来
It now takes me an on hour on the train to travel to work, but at least I can catch-up on my leisure reading; it's an ill wind. 现在我要花上一个小时乘火车上班,但是我至少可以有时间悠闲地读书了,失此得彼嘛…。
After being in the hospital for a year, she had a lot of living to catch up on. 住院一年之签,她必须尽力维持生计。
Come to think of it, you should get out your English books and catch up on your reading assignments. 说起这个让我想到,你该去把英文课本拿出来,把阅读作业看完。
Trying to catch up on sleep on the weekends can just push one's biological clock further out of whack. 试图在周末补觉有可能只会进一步打乱自己的生物钟。
Some may see that as a daunting prospect, but the Arsenal striker looks upon it as merely a chance to catch up on all that he has missed. 也许负荷量有点大,但阿森纳前锋认为这只是弥补他失去的东西的一个小机会。
But even with that I was still out most nights, so I made up for it at weekends, allowing Emma to catch up on sleep. 虽然如此,我大部分的夜晚还是在外面,因此我便在周末弥补,让Emma多睡会儿。
Getting very little sleep during the week and trying to "catch up" on the weekends is not a good idea because it alters your sleep schedule. 每周只有少量的休息,并且试图在周末“补回来”,那么这并不是个好主意,因为这改变了你的生物钟。
e. g. No matter how hard I try I cannot seem to catch up on all the bills. 无论怎么努力,我好像就是无法付清所有的账单。
We try to catch up on a year's worth of happenings that the rushed phone calls never quite covered. 我们想把这一年电话中没能表述的内容一下说完。
He has neglected his work for too long and it is impossible for him to catch up on it in a month, let alone in a week. 他对工作忽视太久了,别说一个星期,就是一个月也不可能赶完它。
Mr. Jones: No problem at all. To tell you the truth, I could use the extra time in my schedule to catch up on some paperwork. 没什么,说实话,我可以利用这段多余的时间赶一赶一些文案工作。
It's gonna take me a week to catch up on these reports. 我需要一个星期(的时间)来赶回这些报告落下的进度。
Ha ha ha, a few days free and then send a picture of some Grandmaster city pigeons, to the rush, with the late, catch up on a loose set. 哈哈哈,几天有空再发一些广安门鸽市的图片,去的匆忙,一起晚了,就赶了个散集。
There is a river fishing in the elderly, a child came to see him fishing, skilled people, so not long to catch up on a crate full of fish. 有个老人在河边钓鱼,一个小孩走过去看他钓鱼,老人技巧纯熟,所以没多久就钓上了满篓的鱼。
Oh it's so quiet tonight! You could hear a pin drop. Gives me a chance to catch up on my reading. 啊,今天晚上可真安静啊!连针掉到地上你都能听到。真是莫大的读书良机啊。
We have to get ahead of our workload in order to leave, and then we have to catch up on our workload upon our return. 为了度假,我们不得不提前完成我们的工作量,然后我们不得不在我们度假回来时赶我们的工作量。
No doubt after I catch up on sleep, and learn to balance trays high on my left hand. 毫无疑问,我睡足觉,学会用左手端稳高高的盘子后。
Not only did we catch up on all the movies we wanted to see, but we had a fantastic first date. 我们不仅看完了所有想看的电影,还经历了一次绝妙的初次约会。
Catch up on your reading. Practice whatever you are learning. Also practice what you preach . Important people are watching. 赶上阅读进度。练习你目前正在学习及你极欲鼓吹的东西。重要人士正在观察你的表现。
All I wanted to do was to catch up on all the sleep that I had missed over the past three years. 所有我想做的只是补回我三年所错过的睡眠。
Catch Up on Your Z's - Cravings don ' t always come from weakness, sometimes they come from a simple hormone imbalance. 补充睡眠-产生食欲的原因并不能总是归咎于身体虚弱,有时单单的荷尔蒙失调就能使人们食欲大增。
I pulled my iPhone from my pocket to catch up on the news in a public park, just blocks from my office in downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia. 在离我在新斯科舍省哈利法克斯市中心办公室只有几个街区的一个公园内,我从衣袋里掏出苹果手机(iPhone)查阅新闻。
I'm about to catch up on some rest tonight cuz Hwany and I are gonna be performing on Inki-mayo tomorrow. 我今晚大概会休息一下因为Hwany和我明天会去人气歌谣表演。
Take advantage of your holiday to catch up on your reading. 趁你休假之机把要读的材料补上吧。
Take advantage of your illness to catch up on your reading. 趁你生病之机把要读的材料补上吧。
Use the time to catch up on all the latest releases without feeling guilty about anything else you're supposed to be doing. 利用这些时间来弥补了所有最新的新闻稿,而不感到内疚一切,你应该以做的事。
After all, people can not live without things that attract you to move forward, we can not catch up on this thing did not pay run. 毕竟,人活着不能没有东西吸引你往前走,也不能没有为追赶上这个东西而付出奔跑。
The more I tell her to catch up on the reading, no go. 我越是告诉她要读书,她越是不肯读。
Yeah, I'll need it. I've got to catch up on my sleep. 是呀,这是我需要的,我需要好好的补充睡眠。