cater for

  • un.备办食物:;凑合
  • 网络迎合;投合;满足

第三人称单数:caters for 现在分词:catering for 过去式:catered for

cater forcater for

cater for


上班族警惕 节后症候群(1)- 双语新闻 - 21英语网 ... adjust 调整 cater for 迎合 deprivation 剥夺 ...


...lize) 抬高...价格、涨价cater 食物,投合(cater for)contain v. 制服(To halt the spread or development of)


职称同义词汇总(1)_周姐姐_新浪博客 ... careful 小心 cater for 满足 census 人口普查 ...


航海及海运专业词汇英语翻译(C11) ... catenation 耦合联接联接器 cater for 为…服务 cater 供应伙食 ...


#看纪录片学单词# 之《家园》... ... ★ tanker n. 油轮 ★★ cater for 迎合……需求,为……服务 ★ derive from 源自,衍生 ...


实用英文10000单词 ... ... blackout n. 灯火管制, (暂时的)眩晕, 中断 cater for vi. 备办食物, 满足(需要), 投合 cram v. 填满 ...


英美重要报刊的热点话题词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... casualties n. 意外;灾难 cater for 满足需求 catharsis n. 宣泄 ...


商务英语词汇精选: A-D-青青岛社区 ... catalogue 商品目录 cater for 目录购物 catering business 提供餐饮服务,承办酒席,接 …

When companies try to cater for older customers, they do not always get it right. 当公司试着迎合老年客户,他们并不总是做得正确。
As part of your bid it would be useful to understand which one you will use and how you will modify it to cater for our requirements. 作为出价的一部分将有助于了解你将使用哪一个,你将如何对其进行修改以满足我们的要求。
A month ago the Financial Times ran a feature on how department stores are trying to cater for "the consumer who has Arrived" (6). 一个月前,《金融时报》报道了一篇百货公司怎么试图迎合“走进门的消费者”的文章(6)。
Dongtan's three villages will be in harmony with nature and will cater for a mixed population with a wide variety of lifestyles . 东滩三个村落吸引着生活方式多样化的人们,创造一个人与自然和谐共存的城市。
And to cater for different needs and to extend its market, Kingsmark is trying to better its auxiliary packages of products and designs. 为了迎合不同的需要及市场增长,加明企业尝试优化产品及包装的设计。
Your earthly ways are often quite crude, but we do not belittle your attempts to cater for all types of illness and disease. 你们尘世的治疗方式通常是很粗糙的,但是我们也完全不会贬低你们为对付所有形式的疾病所做出的尝试。
Alternatives had to be introduced (presumably to cater for those who preferred a life of servitude). 引入备选方案是必要的(可能为了迎合那些更喜欢过屈从式生活的人)。
Perhaps the clearest example of a specialist business set up to cater for the very rich is Stonehage's own practice. 谈到专为超级富豪提供服务而成立的企业,Stonehage自身的业务可能是最明显的范例了。
One suggestion is to open a few different wines to cater for the variety of food on offer. 建议之一是开几瓶不同的葡萄酒迎合提供的不同食物风味。
On both sides of the street are a few hundred shops, selling mainly souvenirs and antiques to (cater for) the foreigners' tastes. 街道两旁有数百家商店,主要出售外国人喜欢的仿古制品和纪念品。
Even in small towns a number of theatres have been built in the last few years to cater for the local population. 即使在小城镇,过去几年内也已建了一批剧院来满足当地人们的需求。
WTM says in its annual Global Trends report that Europe has done little so far to cater for Asian inbound tourist needs. 世界旅游交易会在年度《全球趋势》(GlobalTrends)报告中称,在满足入境亚洲游客需求方面,欧洲国家迄今仍少有作为。
In Beijing, as in other big cities, hundreds of privately run schools have sprung up in recent years to cater for them. 在北京,以及其它几个大城市,这几年建了许多私立学校,接收农民工小孩上学。
As an excellent inheritor of her thoughts, Zhang Yimou's movies indicate the trend to cater for western culture. 张艺谋作为继承其衣钵的优秀学生,其电影创作存在有意识地迎合西方文化霸权的倾向。
We do not have the necessary to cater for the the world to China's request, exactly, the request is from the developed countries. 我们不能一味的迎合世界对中国的要求,确切的说是发达国家的要求。
However, the system would also need to cater for those cases where it was not possible to provide an immediate response. 但是,该系统还将需要为无法提供即时响应的情况作出必要安排。
A team of 10 has been working on the vast fruitcake, which also has to be big enough to cater for all the guests at the reception. 一个十人的团队已经着手制作这个大得足够招待婚宴上所有宾客的水果蛋糕。
City officials claimed these figures were inaccurate but said the site was designed to cater for 1, 667 families in total. 但是,市政官员却认为这些数字不准确,他们表示该居住点的设计标准是为1667个家庭提供庇护。
As with all Total War games, we cater for a very wide range of system specifications. 和所有其他的全战系列一样,我们为玩家提供了一系列操作系统的说明。
But we continued to cater for important state guests until we reopened in 1989. 但我们继续为一些重要的国家来宾烹制菜点,直到1989年我们重新开张。
When informants become witnesses , there should be regimes in place to cater for such witnesses, where appropriate, to testify anonymously . 当线人成为证人时,应有恰当的制度照顾他们的需要:在可行范围内容许证人以不具名方式作供。
Normally, applications call this routine to know the protocol, IP address and port number being used to cater for a particular RPC service. 通常,应用程序调用这个例程来了解特定RPC服务所用的协议、IP地址和端口号。
A temporary training school at Perowne Barracks in Tuen Mun was set up to cater for the higher number of trainees . 该署更在宝龙军营设立临时训练学校,以应付大量的学员。
The creation of extra rules in the system is to cater for the wrongly classified cases. 可以在系统中创建额外的规则来解决错误分类的案例。
Retailers also have to cater for very different tastes around the country. 零售商们还必须迎合中国人之间差异巨大的口味偏好。
Even to an untrained eye, it is immediately obvious that the city is struggling to cater for its growing number of cyclists. 即使没有专业训练的眼光来看,这城市正在满足日益增多的骑自行的人这点也一目了然。
The responsibility of an artist is to create artworks to cater for people's needs for aesthesis and enjoyment. 一个艺术家的责任是去创造艺术作品以迎合人们的审美和享受的需要。
There are plenty of good restaurants which cater for most pallets, from traditional Spanish cuisine to Chinese, Indian. 有很多好的餐厅的照顾最托盘,从传统的西班牙料理,以中国,印度。
To cater for the aversion to red meat, and a new-found need for omega-3 fatty acids, fish dishes are on every menu, even in steak houses. 为迎合讨厌红肉的人和新发现的对欧米伽3脂肪酸的需要,鱼菜上了每一份菜单,甚至是在牛排餐馆里。
Part of this comes from a better understanding of your needs, and to cater for the changes in your circumstances. 这部分来源于对你自身需求的更高觉知而到来,并且是为了迎合你自身情况的转变。