crude oil

  • na.原油
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crude oilcrude oil

crude oil


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一般我们讲的原油期货( Crude Oil ),也就是轻原油或是纽约轻原油(纽约商业交易所NYMEX的商品)…

Crude oil futures fell from record recently as terrorist attacks in London raised the possibility of an economic slowdown. 当伦敦受到恐怖分子攻击且提升了经济减速的可能性的时候,原油期货的价格也跌破了记录。
Among the agreements to be signed is one between the two country's railway authorities on the transport of crude oil . 两国还将签署包括两国间铁路原油运输在内的一系列的协议。
This makes it relatively easy to process Libyan crude oil into ultra-low sulphur products that are increasingly required in global markets. 把这种原油加工成全球市场上需求量越来越大的含硫量超低的产品,要相对容易一些。
The Company's results are estimated not to have positive correlation with crude oil prices due to higher special oil levy. 由于特别收益金较高,公司业绩不再与原油价格成正比。
But that doesn't explain most of these moves. Instead, as with crude oil, this seems to be mainly about speculators jumping in. 但这并不能解释金银价格在大多数时间里的走势。相反,跟原油一样,它们的走势似乎主要与投机者的趋之若鹜有关。
But no one knows for sure how much crude oil lies buried beneath the frozen earth. 但几乎没人知道在这块冰封的土地下究竟有多少原油。
Natural gas that bubbles out of crude oil on the surface due to the decrease in pressure between the reservoir and the surface. 由于在储层与地面之间的压差,在地面从原油中释放出来的天然气。
The Coast Guard said it had sent investigators to confirm whether crude oil had begun to wash up on parts of the Louisiana shoreline. 美海岸警卫队表示,他们已派出调查者验证原油是否已经开始触及路易斯安那州海岸线
Freezing point: the cooling of crude oil into a solid by the liquid temperature at the time known as the freezing point. 凝固点:原油冷却到由液体变为固体时的温度称为凝固点。
At least in the case of crude oil, however, escalating prices appears to be trimming demand, Flynn said. 不过Flynn表示,至少是对原油而言,价格加速上升似乎在抑制需求。
"The trend [for crude oil] seems to be down at this point, " says John Wilson, chief technical strategist at Morgan Keegan. “这种趋势(指原油价格)似乎下跌到此告一段落,”约翰·威尔逊,摩根士丹利首席技术策略顾问这样说。
The crude oil was then conducted to all the bottom part of the tower to bed is tilled. 于是原油被引入蒸馏塔底部以待蒸。
Heading to the US BP says a mile-long tube is funneling crude oil from the ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico into a tanker on the surface. 据美国表示,英国石油公司利用一只一英里长的管子将原油从墨西哥湾破裂的石油井中抽取出来,储存到表面的油轮上。
The Kochs admitted that they had improperly taken thirty-one million dollars' worth of crude oil, but said that it had been accidental. 科赫公司承认其以非正当手段侵占了约合三千一百万美元的原油,但声称这仅仅是意外。
Crude oil continued to go on Friday, American cotton plunged, short-term PTA were expected to rally continuing turbulence. 上周五原油继续攀高,美棉大跌,预计短期PTA将延续震荡反弹行情。
As we have already begun to see, the mere threat of a disruption to the world's oil supply has caused the price of crude oil to jump. 正如我们已开始看到的,单单是有征兆显示全球石油供应可能中断,就已导致原油价格大幅上涨。
Crude oil prices have hit a two-and-a-half year high amid concerns that the unrest in Libya could turn into a full-blown civil war. 受利比亚国内动荡局势的影响,原油价格达到近两年半以来最高点。
' He also said there was no evidence that position changes by speculators 'precede price changes' for crude-oil-futures contracts. 他还表示,没有证据表明投机头寸的变化先于原油期货合约价格的变化。
Pipelines are able to transport only a limited number of products, including natural gas, crude oil, and water recently. 管道只可以运输一部分物品,包括天然气,原油,最近也能运输水了。
Old-timers used to say that a commodity was something that hurt when you dropped it on your foot - gold, sugar, wheat, crude oil. 过去人们喜欢说商品就是你掉在地上砸自己脚的东西——黄金,糖,小麦,原油。
Bezos participation of financial analysts in a conference call, said: The global crude oil prices rose for us, it is a good thing. 贝佐斯在金融分析师参与的电话会议上表示:全球原油价格的上涨对我们来说反而是一件好事。
Gold has historicaly had a strong correlation with crude oil prices, as the metal can be used as a hedge against oil-led inflation. 历史上,黄金曾与原油价格有着很强的关联,因黄金可以用于对冲石油引发的通货膨胀。
"The Koch Method is to cheat the producer out of crude oil, " he said. 他说“科赫方法就是阻止生产者得到原油。”
The experimental results show that Sudanese high TAN crude oil is very easy to crack over the catalysts. 结果表明苏丹高酸原油虽然性质较差,但是很容易催化裂化。
Crude oil and industrial metals continued to move higher after the Greek parliament approved implementation bills. 在希腊批准实施财政撙节法案以后,原油和工业金属继续走高。
Pipeline transportation features large transport capacity and low cost and is thus the main means of crude oil transportation. 原油管道运输量大,费用低,是最主要的输送方式。
Now some of you will be wondering what marmite is. Marmite is a breakfast bread beloved of the British. It looks like crude oil. 你们中的一些人也许会问马麦是什么,马麦英国人热爱的早餐面包酱,它看上去象天然油。
The low mature crude oil may be the result of the algal substance generating into hydrocarbon at the early period of diagenesis. 并指出低熟原油可能主要为成岩作用早期藻类物质成烃的结果。
If the ship is fitted with a crude oil washing (COW) system, and intends to crude oil wash, the following questions should be answered. 如果船上安装原油洗舱且拟施行原油洗舱,应回答下列问题。
Saudi Arabia had been warning that crude oil demand towards the end of the year could be stronger than Opec's official projection. 沙特一直在警告称,到年底前,原油需求可能比欧佩克官方预测的更加强劲。