come through

  • na.胜利;脱险;支付;捐献
  • 网络经历;成功;安然度过

come throughcome through

come through


介词短语_百度百科 ... come out 出版;出现,显露;结果是 come through 经历,脱险 come up 走近,上来;发生,被提出 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come round (非正式的)来访;绕道 come through 经历(困难);获得成功 come to 苏醒;共计;达到 ...


什么是成功?_百度知道 ... 成功指南 aspirational 胜利;成功 come through 有机会获得成功 have the ball at one's feet ...


大学英语4级英... ... come out 发表,出版;出现,显露;结果是 come through 经历…仍活着,安然度过 come to a conclusion …


一些动词加介副词构成的短语动词 - 豆丁网 ... come out 出现;发现;结果是 come through 经历……仍活着 come to 苏醒;总数为 ...


英语小题讨教_百度知道 ... C. make over( 修改,移转) D. come through( 经历, 脱险, 传出, 捐助) A. saw me at( 在…看我…


《Under the Sea》教案3(人教版选修7) ... come out 出版,(花)开 come through (电话)接通 come up 走近,上升 ...


英语小题讨教_百度知道 ... C. make over 转让/改变 D. come through (指信息)传来 A. saw me at 看见我在 ...

When you get your first target it's always a good sign because you think the others will come through as well. 当你完成了第一签,这总是一个好兆头,因为其他签约也会陆续而来。
The industry may feel it has come through a near-death experience in better shape than it could have hoped at the beginning of the year. 业界可能会觉得他们已经在鬼门关走过一回,来年孕育着希望,再怎么说也不会更差了。
It was just a light aside, but he meant the sternness of his remarks to come through. 尽管只是一个小插曲,但由此奥巴马传递了他将要表达的严厉。
Its soul, he reminded Mr Frazier, did not come through a cable in the wall, but lay within. 他对弗雷泽说,打字机的灵魂不是来自墙上的电线,而是来自其内部。
First and foremost I need to come through the next couple of days' training unscathed and I'm just pleased to be back involved. 首先最重要的是我需要参加接下来两天的训练并保证不再受伤,我对于有可能复出非常兴奋。
But all that she may wish to have, all that she may wish to do, must come through a single channel and a single choice. 然而她可望得到的,可望从事的,都只有一次性选择,摆在她面前的只有一条通道。
Companies have mostly understood that visitors to their sites do not necessarily come through the front door. 公司们大都懂得他们网站的访问者不必非要经过网站的首页。
This needs to come through to me for visibility but I should not be a bottle-neck for adding content. 这需要通过能见度来我,但我不应该是一个瓶子的颈部添加内容。
You've come through years when no matter what you did, it was hard to raise your income, and changing jobs seemed not to help. 过去的几年里,不管你做什么,你都很难提高的收入,改变工作也无济于事,这些已经过去。
There's "no doubt that TV will come through the Internet in a few years, " he told Ars earlier this week. 早在这个礼拜之前,Pouwelse告诉Ars,“毫无疑问几年之后,传统的TV播放将在整个因特网上流行开来”。
He said: "I feel good. I'm really happy to have come through my first game. " 他说:“我感觉好极了,很高兴自己能够第一次代表球队首发。”
"If earnings come through and we don't double-dip, we could end up in positive territory for the year, " he said. “如果盈利不错且不发生二次衰退,今年年底时股市可能录得涨幅。”他说。
Michael is young enough to make a complete recovery and I know he's mentally strong enough to come through the long months ahead. 迈克尔足够年轻,他可以完全恢复,而且我知道他的精神力量非常强大,这足以帮助他度过接下来要走过的这几个月。
Well, he seems to have come through it all right. He must have the Devil's own luck. 当然,看上去他也算熬过来了。他也一定算是魔鬼运。
The day was cloudy but the sun was trying to come through. 天阴多云,但是太阳还是想冲出来。
Then the Spider Man with his web let her down as she had come, through the hole in the sky. 蜘蛛人用他的网让她降落,就和她来时一样,穿过那个天上的洞口。
The Roma game this season showed how much strength of character we've got because we had to come through a penalty shoot-out to win that. 对阵罗马的比赛展现了我们顽强的意志,因为我们要通过点球决战获胜。
Any significant feedback from Europe 'would come through the financial markets, and that's what is much more unpredictable, ' he said. 他说,欧洲任何重要的反馈都将通过金融市场反映出来,而这更具不可预见性。
Mr. Carter had come through a scrappy childhood, often subsisting, he said, on government-issued cheese. Carter说他曾度过了一个狂躁的童年,总是挑战底线,并登上了政府问题名单。
"It will come through a showcase arch with a bit of fanfare, " said the company's PR manager, Doug Wallace. 公司的公关经理道格华莱士说:“在一片鼓乐声中,汽车将通过一个拱形展示台。”
Anybody who wanted an intelligence-community assessment on any of this stuff would've come through me, and I got no requests at all. 任何想做这份情报材料的人一定会经过我,但是我没有受到任何询问。
There was hope that this year the rains would not fail, and that somehow they would come through. 人们希望今年的雨会如期而至,他们就能顺利渡过困难。
I shall have to ask the bank manager to let me go into the red until my salary cheque come through. 在我收到薪水支票以前,我请求银行经理允许我欠债。
Oh no. It had to come through the challenge. It only comes when He, the Lord, prepared a table for you in the presence of your enemies. 不会的,要从挑战而得,惟有当主在你的敌人面前为你摆设筵席,才会吃到这样的食物。
No one gets out of this world alive, and few people come through life without at least one serious illness. 没有一个人能活着离开这个世界。极少有人能一生一世没有一次重病。
Consider, I said: Brazil had come through the financial crisis in reasonable shape. 我说,细想一下:巴西比较顺利地渡过了金融危机。
Mum bought me a bike as a gift as I had come through the graduation exams with flying colours. 因为我在毕业考试中各科成绩优异,妈妈给我买了一辆单车作为礼物。
He has come through that darkest period and he hopes that this run will encourage anyone else not to give up hope. 现在他已经走过了那段最黑暗的时期,并且希望这一跑能够鼓励其他人不要放弃希望。
Mr Kleiner located a building in Palo Alto and, although the money had not yet come through, Fair-child Semiconductor was founded. 克莱纳在加州帕洛阿尔托找到了一所房子,而飞兆半导体公司就这样成立了——虽然当时还没有拿到资金。
When we're with someone who isn't a fixture of our daily life, our egos relax enough to let a little authenticity come through. 当我们和一些日常生活中和我们没有什么交集的人一起时,我们的自我会足够得放松,以至于让一些真实的事情浮出水面。