box office

  • n.票房;售票处
  • 网络票房收入;票房作战;电影票房

复数:box offices

box officebox office

box office


1.售票处;票房the place at a theatre, cinema/movie theater, etc. where the tickets are sold


中国特色词的译法 - Billwang 工业设计论坛 ... 票贩子 scalper,ticket tout 票房 box office 拼图 jigsaw ...


舞台英文术语 ... office 办公室 box office 售票处 will call 等待 提取 ...


考研阅读精读笔记(2006-2007)_一舟_新浪博客 ... standing-room ticket 站票 box office 票房;票房收入 stage n. 舞台;阶段 ...


不过,我想你不会介意我在那位VIP阁下来访的当天去你的游乐场拜访吧……   第四辑:   票房作战Box Office)   小心,有个无 …


好消息是,电影票房(box office)再创神话,突破百亿大关;坏消息是,猖獗的盗版行业着实让好莱坞“很受伤”——一份2009年度 …


box的特殊意思_爱问知识人 ... box off 隔成若干间 box office 售票室; 票房 box up 藏于箱中 ...


QK3000 » 经营小游戏 » 经营电影院贩卖部(Box Office) 浏览全部 益智 | 方块 | 解谜 | 射击 | 动作 | 技巧 | 策略 | 守城 | 角色扮...

Love theme has always been a good box office, so many directors are willing to shoot a beautiful, touching love story. 爱情题材向来票房不错,所以很多导演愿意拍一部唯美的,感人的爱情故事。
So he took the job, as a way of proving to Hollywood that he could make a box-office winner. 所以他接了这份工作,以向好莱坞证明他可以拍出个票房赢家。
'You can never plan for box-office success, ' he said. 'You can only put your entire life into making a film and hope for the best. ' 他说,你永远不能为了票房成绩来做计划,你只要在拍摄影片时全身心投入,然后希望一切顺利。
It's taken the top box office place since opening to the public just a few days. 公映几天以来,它一直占据着票房榜榜首的位置。
Box-office riches, like so much of the female population of this planet, follow him from continent to continent, nursing a raging crush. 票房大胜,世界上这么多女性对他的青睐,从一个洲蔓延到另一个洲,对他的热情还在渐渐增长。
The investment analyst commented that I don't believe how much popular it is among the audience and it's hard to predict its box office. 电影投资分析师评价,“我不认为人们会多么喜欢它,票房也很难说。”
The rise of the international box office has as much to do with a shifting global economy as with the evolution of the movie business. 海外票房比重的提高与全球经济的变迁及电影产业自身的演变都大有关系。
The long hot streak at the box office seems to be losing steam, just as the summer hits. 在夏季来临之际,美国票房持续已久的火爆形势看来要失去动力了。
I've never really paid attention to the box office, earned how much money, any film makes before. 我从来没有真正注意到票房,赚多少钱,之前任何电影都是这样。
I may now see movies a bit later than other people, but I'll be more relaxed watching box office hits in the comfort of my own living room. 我现在可以比其他人晚一点看电影了,但我在自己的起居室看电影会比在盒子办公室里更放松。
Mainland to issue Li Bona security official said the move was to avoid piracy on the potential impact at the box office. 内地发行方保利博纳负责人称,此举是为了避免盗版对票房造成的潜在影响。
To maintain the momentum if, next Monday may be just a declaration to break box-office in Taipei billion. 若声势维持,可能下周一光是台北卖座即可宣告破亿。
Box office analysts noted that it could be the start of a roll for the company, which will release "Halloween II" next weekend. 票房分析家称这将是温斯坦公司打开票房的第一波,下周末上映的《万圣节2》(“HalloweenII”)预计也会有不错的票房。
Although the Senate did not follow the co - author with the box-office hit what World War II, "Li meters, " but quietly in the fire, Xinhua. 虽然没跟着与参合着打什么票房大战,可“李米”却静悄悄地在电里火了。
I feel able to take the box office champion this summer, not necessarily as a preference to look at the market or not. 本人感觉能不能拿这个暑假的票房冠军,还不一定,作为优惠场去看看还是不错的。
Then the box office has been reoriented, with its own access from the side of the building. 售票处也更换了位置,从楼的侧面可以直接到达。
Most viewers do not know "who you are, " Guer naturally affected the box office. 大部分观众并不知道“你是谁”,故而理所当然地影响了票房收入。
Knowing no one to ask to accompany him, he went alone and in the lobby saw a French governess who was being turned away from the box office. 他知道找不到人来陪他,就一个人去了,在门厅里他看到一个法国家庭女教师正在售票处前要买票买不到。
As the continued popularity of disaster movies at the box office demonstrates, we are all too aware how, as a race, we might be wiped out. 正如一直受欢迎的灾难片的票房所表明的,身为同一个种族的我们大家,太清楚我们可能会怎样被尽数消灭。
Screens after inland the box office performance, Chen Musheng said modestly that "the pressure has, the goal did not dare to have. " 至于内地上映后的票房表现,陈木胜谦虚地说,“压力有,目标就不敢有了。”
Two thirds of the total box-office receipts so far have been generated abroad. 全球票房目前为止有三分之二来自海外。
Meryl Streep , whose film Mamma Mia! is now her biggest box-office hit, agreed Christmas was an intense time. 刚凭电影《妈妈咪呀》获得了从影以来最高票房的梅丽尔·斯特里普表示在圣诞节时间总是显得很紧迫。
Only movies new enough to still be in a significant number of theaters are positioned to realize a box-office bump. 只有足够新的、仍然在许多影院上映的影片才能够实现票房成绩大增。
In the world of the multiplex and billion dollar plus box office receipts , it's easy to forget that not every film comes to every theater . 在电影领域,一部电影具备多元化的题材和上亿的投资,再加上票房收入这几个特点,就算不在所有戏院上映,那又怎样。
Inception will have to contend for box office glory with at least four Chinese blockbusters this summer. 《盗梦空间》今年夏天将于至少四部中国大片竞争票房。
Hollywood is lobbying hard to stop them. It has launched a separate effort to have Congress ban box-office futures. 好莱坞正竭力游说阻止这两家交易所,且已从多方发力推动国会立法禁止票房期货交易。
here was reserve itself done into a box - office clerk , a doorman , and an assistant , glorying in their fine positions. 在这里,矜持的神气活生生地体现在一个售票员一个门房和一个助手的身上,他们都因自己的崇高地位而得意洋洋。
Russia, with its shrinking teenage population, is an unlikely spot for a box-office boom. 随着年轻人口数量不断萎缩,俄国不大可能成为票房亮点。
And say what you want about those three franchises, the fact remains that they continue to make money at the box office. 你能想象在这三个专营权中他们想要什么,事实是他们继续在票房上赚钱。
Rounding out the top five at the U. S. box office was yet another sequel, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. 进入美国票房前五位的影片还有《哈利波特与凤凰令》。