be covered with

  • na.盖满
  • 网络被……覆盖;被……所覆盖;覆盖着

be covered withbe covered with

be covered with


一段情 两颗❤ 三个字 。 ... come out 出来,(花)开,(照片)冲洗出来 be covered with 被…覆盖 be expected to do sth. 被期望做 …


初中英语短语大全 ... 81. be careful 小心 82. be covered with 盖满…,掩满 84. be different from 和…不同 ...


初中英语常用动词词组及短语240个_英语网 ... )be worried 担忧 )be covered with 被……所覆盖…… )be in trouble 处于困境中 ...


初中短语_百度文库 ... be busy with 忙于; be covered with 覆盖着; be familiar with 对…熟悉; ...


初中英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... be careful of 当心,注意,仔细 5) be covered with 被……复盖 6) be ready for 为……作好准备 7) ...


3被动语态的几种类型 ... look after 照料 be covered with 用……覆盖着 be surprised at 对……感到惊奇 ...


英语 动作短语 干什么 短语_百度知道 ... be busy with… 忙于做某事 be covered with用……覆盖 be familiar with… 对……熟 …

This also applies to undertakers; the sex organs of the deceased must be covered with a brick or piece of wood at all times. 也就是说任何时候,殡仪者都要用一块砖或木头盖住死者的生殖器官。
Their walls are sure to be covered with all their favorite heroes and heroines, the Cullen Clan, Bella Swan, and of course hunky Jacob. 他们的墙壁也一定会被所有他们最喜爱的男女英雄人物所铺盖。例如:卡伦家族,贝拉天鹅,当然还有HUNKY雅各布。
During installation, the front must be covered with a light-proof material, so as to avoid generation of current. 安装时用不透光物遮挡正面,避免危险电流产生
The door system is to be covered with an automatic LED light system that can change its color according to the taste of the driver. 门系统要与自动LED灯系统,可以改变其颜色,以根据该驱动程序的味道覆盖。
Some boat builders in the Netherlands have a gorgeous stainless steel hull ready to be covered with the finishing wood. 荷兰的造船师已经做好了华丽的不锈钢船体,并准备覆盖上木头。
If it has a good conservation, and no polish, the blade should be covered with an oxidation layer, and beautiful pattern. 如果保存形态好,没有打磨,则剑身应泛淡淡的氧化层,同时也可以让我们一窥美丽的花纹。
If buildings sprang up suddenly out of the ground like mushrooms, their rooftops would be covered with a layer of soil and plants. 假如建筑物像香菇一样突然从地上冒出来,那么它们的屋顶上就会覆盖着一层泥土和植物。
The countries covered with cherry tree flowers so that it looks as though it might be covered with pink snow. 整个国度处处都是樱花盛开,看上去就像罩上了一层粉红色的雪。
Insulated containers in a good sate of repair are suitable for fumigation and do not require to BE covered with gas tight sheets. 状态良好的保温集装箱适合于熏蒸,不需要用气密性帐幕苫盖。
The probes show that it doesn't have many craters, but seems to be covered with a smooth sheet of ice, a global glacier. 探测船显示它上面的陨石坑不多,但表面似乎覆盖了一层平滑的冰。
Some are highly imaginative: That empty toilet-paper roll could be covered with yarn and made into a doll . 有些人非常有想象力:他们能将空的卫生纸筒芯包上纱线做成娃娃……
However, later inquiries revealed that the driver was wronged. The road had to be covered with such a speed to keep up with the schedule. 后来向旁人打听,说是冤枉司机了,这条路就得这么飚,才能按照时刻表的要求到达。
When the body was recovered her face was found to be covered with her nightdress. 她的尸体被发现的时候,其脸部还盖着睡衣。
Safety valve can be covered with the body or pump Zhucheng one, can also be a separate assembly. 安全阀可以与泵体或泵盖铸成一体,也可以单独装配。
No doubt the place will be covered with gold crests, faux-historic polo gear and red-velvet Napoleonic chairs. 毫无疑问,这个地方将会被金碧辉煌的徽标、仿古马球球具和拿破仑时代的红丝绒座椅装点得贵气十足。
America used to be covered with giant trees. Now we have to visit them in one small park. 美国曾经是一个处处乔木绿荫丛丛的地方,如今我们却要到小公园里才能看到这些树。
It seems to be covered with copperplates. 好像是用铜板铺成的。
The bulletin board at Wilmington's one-stop centre used to be covered with job postings; these days patches of cork lie bare. 威尔明顿一站式职业中心的布告牌过去贴满了各种招聘广告,现在早已被人们揭去,只剩下空空的看板。
He is said to have ordered piles and other bridge timbers to be covered with olive oil as a precaution against decay. 他曾下令要将所有的桩木和桥梁都用橄榄油涂刷以预防腐朽。
If it's the entire thing you want covered, it could be covered with another design. 如果你想完全遮盖,可以在上面纹个新图案。
Lastly, it needs to be covered with a layer of non-porous, non-cracked rock to provide a leakproof cap. 最后,它必须覆盖一层无孔、无缝的岩石作为防泄漏的盖子。
Some of the scientific and educational publishing house of almost all types of books should be covered with plastic film. 一些科教类出版社几乎对所有的图书都要进行覆膜。
All food items must be covered with cling film (or proper lid), dated, labeled and initialed by person who made it or used it first. 所有食品需用保鲜膜或合适的盖子封好保存,并由制作者或最初使用者制作标签,注明日期。
Europa is very smooth and seems to be covered with ice. 木卫二是一颗很光滑、似乎被冰覆盖着的卫星。
When taking off the mask, avoid touching the outside of the mask as this part may be covered with germs. 脱下口罩时,应尽量避免触摸口罩向外部份,因为这部份可能已沾染病菌。
Now most of the books after the cover membership card, and therefore needs to be covered with plastic film up film covering costs. 现在大部分图书封面会员卡制作后需要覆膜,因而又提高了覆膜成本。
Every morning during fall and winter, the whole town, forest and mountain would be covered with fog, sometimes thin sometimes thick. 在秋天和冬天的每一个早晨,我们全部的城市,森林还有山都会被时薄时厚的雾所笼罩。
The container has to be covered with a clean cloth, making the receptacle dustproof sealed. 容器用清洁织布覆盖,插座防尘密封。
It would be better what everything would be covered with approximate pricing. 这将是更好的东西都将具有近似的定价范围。
Floor openings have to be covered with checker plate or equipped with railings. 地板开孔处必须用网纹板盖上或装上拦杆。