break even

  • na.扯平;不赔不赚;(球赛)不分胜负
  • 网络收支平衡;收支相抵;不赚不赔

break evenbreak even

break even


BEC HIGHER - 外语角 - 时空网 ... Breach 破坏,违反,侵害 Break even 收支平衡 Bridging loan 临时贷款 ...


大学英语四级词组 - 豆丁网 ... enjoy oneself 得到乐趣,过得快活 break even 不赔不赚 even as - 6 - 正当,恰恰在...的时候 ...


test99_bec_words - 豆丁网 ... brand loyalty n. (消费者)对品牌的忠实 break even v. 收支相抵,不亏不盈 breakthrough n. 突 …


数据库_英语口语锦集(oralenglish)_软件世界网 ... break through 突破/穿过 break even 不赚不赔 the break of dawn 破晓。 ...


test99_bec_words - 豆丁网 ... brand loyalty n. (消费者)对品牌的忠实 break even v. 收支相抵,不亏不盈 breakthrough n. 突 …


打破记录英语怎么翻译?_百度知道 ... break down 打破,破坏,拆除 break even 打成平手 break forth (怒火)爆发 ...


项目管理术语英汉对照表 - MBA智库百科 ... Breadboarding 实验模型 Break Even 盈亏平衡 Breakdown 分解 ...


吉祥_新浪博客 ... 59.bore someone to death 使某人烦得要死 62.break even 得失相当,不赔不赚 63.bring home the bacon 某 …

In that case, the bank could be break-even , or even at a loss, for the year as a whole. 在这种情况下,花旗今年可能会颗粒无收,甚至出现亏损。
Yusuf Mehdi, a Microsoft senior vice president, declined to say when the company planned to break even in search. YusufMehdi,微软高级副总裁,失望的说当我们公司计划要突破甚至带搜索领域,我们面对的是亏损。
It will take you 5 years to break even from what you are saving compared to how much more you have to pay. 你们将采取5年内可达到收支平衡,从你比较节省你要付出多少。
But I'd like to break even, so we're building up a set of revenue models that don't require licensing or advertising. 但是我想至少能够不赚不赔,因此我们建立起一套创收模式,不需要经营许可,也不需要广告。
Do you think you'd be able to get the centre to break even within say six months? But remember, there's no extra money for major promotions. 你认为你们能够让中心在六个月内收支平衡么?但是记住,这里没有额外的资金做大型促销活动。
Also, do a break-even analysis that shows how much revenue you need to cover your initial investment. 同样,做一次盈亏平衡分析。由它现实你需要多少收入才能足够涵盖最初的投资。
I figure that our business should be able to break even in about a year. 我估计我们的生意应该约一年就可以打平。
The aim is for the company in North America to be able to break even in a domestic market with annual sales of 10m vehicles. 公司在北美的目标是在国内打破年销量1千万辆的指标。
While i have been trading this, i have had break even weeks and i have had 500+ pip weeks, taking what i can out of the market. 我交易的时候,我有时候好几周都在休息,也有时候几周盈利500多点,而且是到手利润哟。
By my reckoning, someone who buys a newspaper a day, a magazine a week and three books a month will break even by the fifth month. 根据我的估计,一天买一份报纸、一周买份杂志、一月买三本书的人,到第五个月就收回了本钱。
Despite its low charges, Jajah expects to break even in the next six months and reach 1m registered users by the end of the year. 尽管收费很低,但Jajah预期在未来6个月内能实现收支平衡,到今年底,注册用户将达到100万人。
In private, GM's advisers and some board members acknowledge getting Opel to break even may be the best the company can do. 通用汽车的咨询师和部分董事在私下场合承认,公司最多或许也只能够让欧宝不赚不赔。
But a quarter of all funds were 20 to 30 percent down. At the low end of that range managers needed to rally 43 percent just to break even. 但有25%的基金较高水位线低20%-30%.若以该区间低端衡量,基金经理只有令所管理资产反弹43%,才能损益两平。
The company had also said it expected third-quarter operating profit to be "around break-even. " 公司当时还表示预期第三季度的营业利润能够实现“收支平衡”。
After break-even analysis and sensitivity analysis, it is estimated that this method will bring great economy profit. 经财务盈利能力分析和敏感性分析,预计可实现较大的经济效益。
Cathleen: I understand that, but you'd feel better if you took a break, even for just a short while. 我明白,但你如果小歇一会会感觉更好,哪怕只是短短的一会儿。
Steve Jobs said when he opened the App Store that it was designed to merely break even -- and he probably meant it. 史蒂夫乔布斯说,开设AppStore的目的仅仅是想保持收支平衡-他有可能真的是这样想的。
I knew the magazine I was on assignment for could never afford such a fee, meaning I would barely break even on the story--yet again. 我知道作为一个供职于杂志社的人根本无法承受这样的收费,这意味着我只能勉强保持收支平衡。
Last month the postal service issued a report outlining proposals to help it break even and beseeching Congress to approve them. 上个月邮电业发布一则求援报告,并且恳切国会通过。
Often, their charter is simply to break even in the long run, which should give them an edge in times of crisis. 通常,他们的特许执照在长期来看是简单的不赔不赚,在危机时候则让他们处于边缘。
We're hoping that we'll at least break even, and perhaps make a small profit. 我们预计我们的生意至少收支平衡,或者略微获利。
With the market going up since this year, I've now reached the point where I break even. 今年股票价格不断上升,我现在已经到了不亏本的水平。
Prior to the report of the Advisory Ereli said the entire video network break-even only 1%, 99% of the video sites are losing money. 艾瑞咨询此前的报告称,整个网络视频盈亏平衡只有1%,99%的视频网站都处于亏损状态。
Most of the majors' big projects are designed to break even at prices substantially lower than the current cost of crude. 多数大型石油公司的重大项目在规划时制定的盈亏平衡油价水平都显著低于当前的原油成本。
It is committed to bringing the business into profitability within three years after reaching break-even point in the next financial year. 它承诺下一个财政年使公司扭亏,然后在此后三年内使公司开始盈利。
The two break-even charts mentioned above do NOT highlight the profit or loss at different volume levels. 上述两种均衡图均未突出表示在各种业务水平下的损益。
Examples include a mortgage calculator and payment schedule model, a product break-even model, and a sales forecasting model. 例如抵押计算器和偿还进度表模型,产品收支平衡模型,和销售预测表。
Analysis of risk is still confined to the stage of Break-Even Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, and Probability Analysis. 对风险的分析只停留在盈亏平衡分析、敏感性分析、概率分析阶段。
"But that's just a break-even. We're also generating electricity. " “但那只是收支平衡,而我们还能发电。”
The gap, or break-even, between the two yields implies what investors expect inflation to be. 这两种收益率间的息差暗示投资者对通胀的预期情况。