break into

  • na.闯进;拦(别人话头);侵占(别人时间等);突然…起来
  • 网络闯入;破门而入;强行进入

第三人称单数:breaks into 现在分词:breaking into 过去式:broke into 过去分词:broken into

break intobreak into

break into


介词短语_百度百科 ... begin with 从开始 break into 闯入 break off 断绝,结束 ...


英语常用词组_百度文库 ... break forth 迸发,突然 break into 破门而入,打断,占用 break off 突然停止(中断) ,打断,折断 ...


真题网 - 英语四级词组列表 ... break in 非法闯入;打断,插嘴 break into 非法闯入,强行进入 break off 中断,突然停止 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... break in 训练;强行进入;打断 break into 闯进;突然…起来 break off (使)折断;中断;断绝 ...


英语常用词组_百度文库 ... break forth 迸发,突然 break into 破门而入,打断,占用 break off 突然停止(中断) ,打断,折断 ...


真题网 - 英语四级词组列表 ... break in 非法闯入;打断,插嘴 break into 非法闯入,强行进入 break off 中断,突然停止 ...


四级英语短语大全_百度文库 ... break in 闯入;插嘴 12. break into 强行闯入 13. break off 中止,中断 14. ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... break in 训练;强行进入;打断 break into 闯进;突然…起来 break off (使)折断;中断;断绝 ...

If you were alone and had only a few minutes to hide from crooks who were about to break into your house, where would you hide? 假如你一个人在家时有匪徒正要闯入你家,你只有几分钟来躲起来的话你会躲在什么地方呢?
If someone were to break into my house now and seize my company laptop I would be amazed if they were to find anything terribly interesting. 如果现在有窃贼闯入我家,偷走我的公司电脑,要是他们能从中找到很有价值的东西,我会非常吃惊。
Obviously , if you are capable of setting fire, i should have know earlier that you are able to break into houses. 很显然,如果你有能力纵火,我早就应该知道你也有破门而入的能力。
A struggling screenwriter falls victim to an unscrupulous talent & literary agent while trying to break into the entertainment industry. 当一个奋斗中的编剧试图进军娱乐工业的时候,他不幸地成为了肆无忌惮的人才和文学经纪人。
The sorry-looking, blackened figure that emerged, at once admitted that he had tried to break into a shop during the night. 从烟囱里出来的那个满脸愁容、浑身漆黑的家伙立刻承认,他企图在夜里闯进商店。
After a decade of remarkable expansion in Africa and Asia, Chinese construction groups are beginning to break into more mature markets. 最近10年,中国建筑企业在非洲和亚洲地区展开了令人瞩目的扩张,如今,他们开始进军更为成熟的市场。
All the sort of classic department stores are desperate to break into that area, and are doing it in a much much more imaginative way. 所有这种类型的著名商店都拼命挤进这个领域,并采取了一种更有想象力的经营方式。
After a detour working in Shanghai for a U. S. pork producer that wanted to break into that market, Mr. Yu struck out on his own. 为一家想打入中国市场的美国猪肉生产商在上海工作了一段时间后,俞东雷开始自己创业。
"We will be able to break into the steel drum business with our plastic tight-head drums, " he said. “我们将能够打入钢桶业务与我们的塑料紧头鼓,”他说。
The technology has allowed entrepreneurs to break into what used to be one of the world's most regulated markets, telecoms. 这项技术使得创业者们能够进入电信行业这个原先世界上管制最严格的市场。
Find the smartest security whiz you know, and ask him to break into your application. 找一个认识的安全高手,请他攻击您的应用程序。
In Iowa, two men attempted to break into a man's home after mucking up their faces with a black magic marker. 在爱荷华,有两名男子入室抢劫前用变色笔给自己涂了个大黑脸。
The brothers said they were trying to break into the business and had a right to use their family name. 兄弟俩说,他们正在努力闯进这个行业,并且有权使用自己的姓氏。
Michael tells Self that they are a little on edge as they are about to break into the Company's building. 迈克告诉Self他们就快打入公司大楼内部。
If people see a robber trying to break into their neighbor's house, then they should call the police. 如果人们看到一个强盗正要闯入他们的邻居的房子,就应该报警。
The fashion people, on the other hand, looked like some sort of bizarre chorus line about to break into a rendition of "Think Pink! " . 而另一方面,时尚人士们像合唱队一样怪异的排成行,好像准备着一场“粉红运动(ThinkPink)”的表演。
Despite a moderate hype, it is hard to point to many youngsters ready to break into the first team. 尽管经过大肆宣传,但还是得指出,许多年轻人还无法打入一线队。
He had almost run out of fuel and was forced to break into a filling station. 他差不多把油用光了,被迫强行开进一家加油站。
They laugh, chat and occasionally hop up to break into a goofy dance. 他们笑着、讨论着,有时候甚至突然蹦起来跳一段滑稽的舞蹈。
Next, take a look at some of the tools attackers use to break into a system. 接下来,研究一下攻击者用来闯入系统的一些工具。
He gave her work as an extra in his film King of Kings, as well asadvice on how to break into Hollywood screenwriting. 他除了给了她第一份工作,在电影《万王之王》里当一个临时演员之外,还对她该如何闯入好莱坞的剧本创作一行给出了建议。
Last evening, I had the uneasy feeling that some men were trying to break into my room to shampoo me. 昨天夜里,我有种不安的感觉,就是有几个人想闯进我的房间给我洗头。
He added that it was impossible to say whether any hackers had actually exploited the flaw to illegally break into a database. 他表示,现在无法判断是否已经有黑客利用这个漏洞侵入过数据库。
The Rails wrappers, combined with fantastic community support, make it easy to break into this new world with a very low initial investment. Rails包装器(加上很棒的社区支持)使得进入这一新环境变得简单,而且最初的投资非常低。
The others manage to break into the Embassy's back door just as the security camera swings around to where they were standing. 其他人想法在保安摄像机转到他们所站的位置时,擅自进入了大使馆的后门。
If you were to walk up to Arthur Bonner and say, " Hey, Butterfly Man, " his face would break into a smile. 如果你走向亚瑟·邦那并且说:“嗨,蝴蝶男人”,他的脸上会绽放出笑容。
Let me get right to the point. We really need to break into the Chinese market. Why do you think you are the man to do it for us? 让我直说了吧。我们需要打入中国市场。为什么你觉得您是我们合适的人选?
Don't hound him with IMs, break into his email, or hook up with him when you're both lonely at 2 a. m. hoping you'll get back together. 不要给他发信息、不要非法进入他的电子邮件、不要在凌晨2点你们都很寂寞的时候打电话给他说你想要和好。
If someone were trying to break into your house, what would your reaction be? 如果有人试图闯入你的房子,你会有什么反应呢?
A neighbor called police and reported two men trying to break into the house. 一个邻居报警说有两个男人正试图破门进入他家。