blow up

  • v.炸掉;爆炸;充气;放大
  • 网络炸毁;发脾气;爆发

第三人称单数:blows up 现在分词:blowing up 过去式:blew up 过去分词:blown up

blow upblow up

blow up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... blow one's top (美)气急败坏;发脾气 blow up 给(轮胎等)打气;爆炸 on board 在船(车、飞机)上 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... blow over 被淡忘 blow up 发脾气;放大(照片等) make hold to 冒昧地…擅自(做)… ...


高一英语必修一词组归纳 ... 133.break the law 违法 135.blow up 爆炸;炸毁 136.put prison 把某人投入监狱 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... blow over 被淡忘 blow up 发脾气;放大(照片等) make hold to 冒昧地…擅自(做)… ...


【最新】高一英语必修1 词组归纳总结 - 豆丁网 ... beg for 乞讨 blow up 充气,爆炸 set up 建立,创立;设置,竖起 ...


消防专业词汇英语翻译(A-C) -亿城英语 ... blow the fire 吹火 blow up 爆发 blow-down pressure 放定压力 ...


blow up的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... n.放大,扩大 blow up n.爆破,吹满 blow up n.爆发,鼓起,放大 blow up ...


炸掉(blow up)萤幕。Dr. Spitzer: Wait--!等一下--!

It had a track record of returning to the same targets; it had tried to blow up the World Trade Centers with a truck bomb in 1993. 以往的记录显示,该组织有重复打击同一目标的习惯:1993年,基地组织就曾试图用卡车炸弹炸毁世贸中心大厦。
All this makes the consequences of any "safe asset" blow up all the more serious. 这一切使得任何“安全资产”爆炸的后果都更为严重。
So, I'm plugging along here -- (Laughter) and I'm just going to have to blow up the staircase. 所以,我在这里不知疲倦的努力工作——(笑声)而且我马上就要去炸掉这座楼梯。
The incident took place less than a week after a botched attempt on Christmas Day to blow up a U. 这个事故发生离圣诞节尝试炸毁美国bound班机事故不到一个星期。
Some of his shots pierced the German planes, and they would blow up in plural explosions as both engines caught fire. 其中有一些射中了德国飞机,当两个引擎都着火了的时候,飞机就会爆炸。
The financial blow-up demonstrated that many highly rewarded people did not know what they were doing. 金融危机表明,许多获得高薪的人们不知道他们在做什么。
BEIJING: An air show in northwest China's Shaanxi province saw a Chinese fighter jet blow up in the air on Friday morning. 北京—本周五上午在中国西北部陕西省举行的一航空展上一架中国战斗机发生爆炸。
Nigerian man accused of trying to blow up a transatlantic flight last December has sacked the defence team at his trial in Detroit. 被指控去年12月份在跨大西洋航班上实施爆炸的尼日利亚男子在底特律的审判中解雇了自己的辩护团队。
headaches can tell you that they make you feel as though every hair on your head is about to blow up. 患过偏头痛的人都能告诉你,头痛起来的时候,感觉就好像每根头发都要竖起来一样。
Mr. Hatoyama, for me your secret is like trying to blow up a fire through a rolling pin. It just doesn't work. 鸠山先生,你这个诀窍对我来说,就好比擀面杖吹火--一窍不通。(红灯记)
Number two, at 11%, was a sharp fall in the U. S. dollar; number three was a 'blow up in asset prices. ' 11%的人认为美元急剧贬值是最大担忧;第三名是“资产价格泡沫破裂”。
Yet were a clearing house to blow up, national taxpayers would be the ones bailing it out. 然而如果结算机构参与进来,各国纳税人将成为帮助欧洲金融市场脱离困境的主要力量。
His wife of 29 years, Signy Hayden, 52, says, 'I feel he really cares about what I have to say now, and he won't blow up if it's bad news. ' 与他结婚29年的妻子、今年52岁的西格尼-海顿(SignyHayden)说,现在我感到他真的关心我要说的事了,如果是坏消息,他也不会发脾气。
Well, the heart stent came from that little blow-up box that you might have learned in elementary school. 这个心脏手术支架是从大家小学就学到的纸气球中衍生来的。
I wanted to, but I knew that if I sopke to her, I'd just blow up at her, so I decided to just go home. 我是想这么做来着。可我知道,如果我们当面对峙,这段感情就彻底完了。所以我决定掉头回家。
Berger said Clinton was afraid that two campaign issues were about to blow up in his face: Haiti and gays in the military. 柏格说克林顿害怕两个竞选问题是关于使他的脸:海地和同性恋的军队。
He has been charged with trying to blow up the airliner as it was coming in to land. 他已被控在客机即将着陆时试图炸毁客机。
This fan is used to blow up to 90% of the air around the outside of the compressor and combustion chamber. 风扇用来将压缩机和燃烧室外面90%的空气吹动以产生气流。
Another option would have had a team sneak in to blow up the remaining pieces of the drone. 另一个选择是派一支队伍潜入伊朗,炸掉这架无人机的残骸。
The captain's " little blow up" , in so much as the waves were from 6 to 18 feet high, was what I'd have called a storm. 船长说天气“耍小脾气”,可就波浪高达6至18英尺这点看来,我该把这“耍小脾气”叫做风暴了。
None was revealed to be holding unexpected ordnance that could blow up in investors' faces. 没有任何一个银行被揭露出持有着不被看好的可能会毁掉投资者面子的炸弹。
A dozen plots against New York have been thwarted or have failed since the attacks, including one to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge. 自从911袭击以来,十几次针对纽约的阴谋已被挫败,或已经失败,包括一起企图炸毁布鲁克林大桥的阴谋。
The October 2010 attempt to blow up cargo airplanes using bombs placed in printer cartridges only confirms the point. 10月一起将炸弹藏匿在打印机墨盒中企图炸毁货运飞机的事件为上述声明做了有力的注解。
On September 23rd Michael Finton was charged with trying to blow up the federal building in Springfield, Illinois. 九月二十三日,迈克尔·芬顿涉嫌企图炸毁位于伊利诺斯州斯普林菲尔德市的联邦办公楼被起诉。
This is possible only by increasing the money supply and the balance sheet of the Fed itself, a practice that sooner or later must blow up. 只有通过增加货币供应和扩大美联储自身资产负债表才有可能做到这一点,而这种做法迟早会撑不住。
Bangladeshi man was found guilty by a court in London of involvement in a plot to blow up airliners. 一名孟加拉国男子因涉嫌密谋炸毁客机而被伦敦一家法院判罪。
The retreating German army tried to blow up all the bridges across the Rhine river to stop the Allied troops from crossing into Germany. 撤退的德国部队尽力破坏跨越的莱茵河所有桥梁以阻止盟军部队通过而进入德国。
German authorities have arrested one suspect allegedly trying to blow up two trains. 德国官方逮捕了一名涉嫌企图炸毁两列火车的嫌疑犯。
It said he had a bomb and threatened to blow up the Boeing 727 unless he received $200, 000 cash and four parachutes when the plane landed. 除非当飞机登陆的时候,他收到了$200,000现金和四个降落伞,否则它说他有一个炸弹而且威胁炸毁波音727。
Officials say the bomb was a redesign of an explosive that was used to try to blow up an airplane bound for Detroit from Amsterdam in 2010. 美方官员说,这枚炸弹,是根据2010年意图炸毁一架由荷兰阿姆斯特丹飞往美国底特律市班机的爆裂装置改装而成的。