ahead of time

  • na.比原定提前地
  • 网络提早;事先;预先

ahead of timeahead of time

ahead of time


大学英语四级常用词组 ... ahead of 在...之前 ahead of time 提前 all at once 突然,同时 ...


提前用英语怎么说 -天涯问答 ... ahead of one's times 比所处时代先进 ahead of time 提早 ... imputation 诋毁 ...


大家快来帮帮忙啊~~~_百度知道 ... Planning 规划,计划 ahead of time 事先 asking for trouble 自找麻烦 ...


2009... ... get ahead:to become successful 力争上游、努力奋斗 ahead of time: 预先; ahead of one’s time: 有先进、创新的看 …


2:00pm 超越时代Ahead of Time) 导演:Bob Richman3:20pm 伦敦河(London River) 导演:Rachid Bouchareb7:00p…


大学英语精读第二册06-英语听力-大耳朵英语... ... cut open 切开 , 给…开刀 ahead of time 预先 , 事前 sometime or other 早晚 ...


Friends 老友记 第六季 第十集... ... tape: 录音 ahead of time: 提前提早 millennium: 千年 ...


提的组词、用法、造句、详细意... ... [in advance;beforehand;ahead of time] 先于预定的时间或日期 [carry by the hand] 用手提 …

All the tasks having been fulfilled ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week. 因为所有的任务都提前完成,他们决定度假一周。
When they've been apprised of your emergency action plan ahead of time, they're better prepared to help. 当他们对你的紧急行动计划有了提前的了解,那么他们就可以为紧急救援做更充分的准备。
That means you should at least give it a little thought so you can think of a good answer ahead of time. 这意味着你至少应该给它一个不大的思想,使您可以想到的一个很好的答案提前的时间。
Heading home after a day's work, he never knew ahead of time whether he would encounter Rhoda, the charmer or Rhoda the crab. 忙碌了一天以后,在回家的路上,他总是无法预料他会遇到什么样的罗达,是可爱的罗达呢,还是唠叨的罗达。
All right, your teaching fellows have the authority to work with me and grant you an extension, but you have to ask for it ahead of time. 明白吗,你们的助教可以和我商量,批准你们延期,但你们必须提前申请。
He knows his direction even if he did not know ahead of time that he would have to answer the specific question posed. 他虽然事先并不知道,但他知道他的方向,他当然会回答提出来的这个具体问题。
I'm afraid I can't switch schedules with you at the last minute. You have to at least let me know ahead of time. 我恐怕不能临时跟你换排班。你至少应该早一点跟我商量才好。
I'm a little ahead of time, I know, but it would be better to wait here rather than miss the train. 我想我来得稍早了一点,不过,就是在这儿等,也比赶不上火车好。
" They answered, " We did not know, but our leader had warned us ahead of time, and when he saw it he knew. 商队里的人回答:“我们不知道,但我们的队长事先警告过我们。当他看见这棵树时就知道了。”
Parsing this syntax is equally ambiguous, and you must know the layout of an XML response ahead of time to be able to make sense of it. 语法解析同样含混,你必须先知道XML响应报文的布局,然后才能搞清楚它的含义。
If you know ahead of time that you are going to run into obstacles, you can be better prepared to deal with them. 如果你可以预测到你将要遇到障碍的时间,你就可以更好的应对它们。
The size of the loss would depend on how much the price falls, something difficult to know ahead of time. 亏损程度将取决于价格的跌幅。不过,在这之前是非常难预测的。
If you live in New Orleans, you may live as if you are ahead of time, just taking things easy and waiting for the time to catch up with you. 如果你生活在新奥尔良,你的生活方式就好象你永远领先于时间,凡事不慌不忙,总等著时间来追赶你。
Many of these tasks become more manageable with a little bit of script work ahead of time. 只需事先完成一点脚本工作,就可以更好地管理这些任务。
She knows ahead of time how much enhancement in loan size is coming, and can plan her activities accordingly. 她预先知道贷款规模正在提高多少,并可因此而计划自己的行动。
As you release all your karma ahead of time then the gathering can flow as you and earth dreamt it to be. 当你提前解除了所有相关的业力,那么那次聚会就会朝着你和地球所梦想的方向流动。
As she's getting older, it's getting better. especially if I can explain ahead of time to her who I'll be talking to, why and for how long. 随着她一天天长大,这种情况也有了很大改观,特别是当我事先告诉她,我要和谁交谈,为什么要谈以及谈多久的时候。
If need be, take some time to drive to the office ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going. 如果有需要的话,提前花时间开车去办公室熟悉下环境。
Maybe she was destined not to die so early. Her mother arrived at home ahead of time and smelled a strong gas after opening the door. 也许是命不该绝,许玉萌的母亲这天刚巧提前下班,回到家打开门就闻到一股浓浓的煤气味。
Prepare yourself for the interview ahead of time. It's easy to imagine the types of questions you'll likely be asked. 提前做好面试准备,其实要想象一下你可能被问到的问题并不难。
Prepare yourself for the interview ahead of time. It's easy to imagine the types of questions you'll likely be asked. 提前做好面试准备,其实要想象一下你可能被问到的问题并不难。
As time goes on and you practice and play you will recognize that the ball is going to be low ahead of time and begin bending automatically. 随着打球时间的积累和你自己不断地练习,就能观察出这个球的线路会非常的低,这时你就能很自觉地屈膝去击球了。
For the withdrawal of such deposit, the Bank shall be informed in writing seven days ahead of time. 支取存款需在7天前书面通知银行。
He made up his mind to fulfill his task ahead of time secretly. 他暗下决心,一定要提前完成任务。
Also, this time the priests and Levites were all prepared and had sanctified themselves ahead of time. 同时,这回祭司和利未人全部预备好了,并在节期之前,先洁净自己。
This is all part of the project management procedures that should be defined and agreed to ahead of time. 所有这些项目管理步骤都应该提前定义并且获得一致同意。
You could always make the slow cook ahead of time, and keep it in the refrigerator for a few days. 你可以提前把糙米慢煮至半熟,然后放入冰箱存放几天。
How can we be ready to say thank you ahead of time? 我们怎样才能准备好要说谢谢你提前吗?
Wait a minute. I would like to say something. Since we've reached the annual target ahead of time, shouldn't we organize a staff trip? 等一下,我想要提一件事。既然我们提早达到年度目标,是不是应该安排一次员工旅游?
If I'm hosting Christmas dinner I try and get as much of the work done ahead of time. 如果我要举办圣诞晚餐,我就会尽量提前做好大部分的准备工作。