
美 [lɪv]英 [lɪv]
  • v.住;居住;生存;过日子
  • adj.活的;现场直播的;实况转播的;现场演出的
  • adv.在现场直播;在现场表演(或录制)
  • 网络生活;活着

第三人称单数:lives 现在分词:living 过去式:lived

live life,live television,mother live,son live,woman live
live broadcast,live alone,live apart,live downstairs
live performance,live coverage,live concert,live God,live entertainment



在某地in a place

1.[i]+ adv./prep.住;居住to have your home in a particular place

活着be alive

2.[i]生存;活着to remain alive

3.[i](尤指在某时期)活着to be alive, especially at a particular time

生活方式type of life

4.[i][t](以某种方式)生活,过日子to spend your life in a particular way

被记住be remembered

5.[i]继续存在;留存;被铭记to continue to exist or be remembered

兴奋have excitement

6.[i]享受充实而令人兴奋的生活to have a full and exciting life


字典中 生 字的解释 ... (3) 人的一生[ a lifetime] (5) 生活[ live] (8) 后生,长辈对晚辈的称呼[ offspring;descendent] ...


七年级英语单词表 ... Tokyo 东京 live 居住 language 语言 ...




人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... fever n. 发烧,发热 live a. 活的;活着的 Endeavour n. 奋力号(航船的名字) ...


小学英语反义词大全 ... life 生命 live 活着 up 向上 ...


英语动词大全_百度知道 ... 76. leave 离开;剩下;把……留下 82. live 居住;生活;活着;生存 85. make 做;制造;使得 ...

I'd rather figure out my net worth in terms of how much I am worth to the world in which I live. 我觉得我的净资产应该用我对我所生活的这个世界做了多少有价值的事情来衡量。
Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. 有一撒拉弗飞到我跟前,手里拿著红炭,是用火剪从坛上取下来的。
Live a simple life, as the simplest and most true, is often the most valuable. 过简单的生活,因为最简单的也是最真实的,往往也是最宝贵的。
Directed by Feroz Khan, the movie tells the story of a gangster and a prostitute (Madhuri) and their attempt to live an honourable life. 这部电影讲述了一个强盗和一个妓女之间的爱情故事,记录了他们对颓废过去的抛弃,对美好生活的渴求与向往。
Priest: Mary, will you give yourself to Tom, to be his wife, to live with him according to God's word? 牧师:玛丽,将你给自己献给汤姆,成为他的妻子,按照上帝的意思和她在一起生活吗?
And your own Root Guru and all the great beings, if you want them to live long, the best method to do is to reduce meat or not eat it. 而那些你的根本上师和伟大的成就者们,如果你希望他们长久住世,最好的方法就是减少吃肉或者不再吃肉。
In her house, I saw them a happy family and happy, think I will have to live like this, I love this life. 在她家,我看到她们一家人开开心心,其乐融融,心想我以后也要这样生活,我向往这样的生活。
Live in the heart of New York City, Chicago, Boston or another major city for at least a year. 在纽约、芝加哥、波士顿或者其它大城市的中心住上至少一年。
"I thought it would be better to have two people in one house who are friends to live with one man wo both love, " she said. “我认为两个好朋友住在同一间屋子里,和我们共同爱着的一个男人生活在一起会更好一些,”她说。
I have been a migrant worker for over 20 years. I work as a worker, my identity is a farmer, and I live the life of a wanderer. 我曾经是一名洗脚妹,打工20多年来我一直都是一名农民工,农民的身份干着工人的活、过着流浪者的生活。
She had given all her estate to charitable purposes, reserving only twelve pounds a year to live on. 她拿出全部家产,用作慈善事业,一年只留12镑,以此为生。
You got to live it up while you were in college. 你在大学里过的都是逍遥日子。
If I had to live my life without you near me, the days would be empty, the night would seem so long. 如果我的生活我的生活没有你离我近点,日子将是空的,夜晚似乎这么久。
'I've got an old silver spoon, and an old seal too at home, 'said the man, wondering. 'So where do wed "Urbervilles live now, Parson? '" “我家里倒是有一把银匙和一枚旧印。”这人思忖道,“那么你说,我们德伯家族的人现在住在哪儿呢?”
and I (thank God) have been trying to live in the reality of the message from that day forward to the present time. 感谢上帝,从那天起,直到现在,我天天活在这个信息的实现中。
As part of our commitment to our members, we do not allow people that we have detected to have modified their console to connect to LIVE. 作为对我们对用户的承诺之一,我们不再允许经监测已改机的主机用户再接入LIVE服务。
It is totally natural to die or to be killed, rather than to just live without a certain purpose. 死亡或被杀都是很自然的事情总比没有明确目标的残活着好。
But, all in all, this is a beautiful, capable laptop, as long you can live with its high price and mediocre battery life. 但是,总而言之,这是一款漂亮、好用的笔记本电脑,只要你能付得起高价,而且不在乎它在待机方面的平庸表现。
It is usually called Darius' palace , although he probably did not live to see the building finished. 它通常被称为大流士宫,但他可能没能活著看到建设完成。
went anywhere without a thermometer, a hot-water bottle, an umbrella, and a parachute; If I could live again, I would travel lighter. 我曾经到哪里去都要带上温度计,热水瓶,雨伞,才会出发,如果可以重来,我一定轻装前行。
for a soldier, to live is to fight unceasingly, either to live with success or to die with cuts and bruises. 对于战士,生活就是不停的战斗。他不是取得光明而生存,便是带着满身伤痕而死去。
You will never know how much grief you are being spared if you live by God's law. 如果你依照神的律法过日子,你已避免了很多烦恼。
It looks as if I live my physical, waking life automatically, reacting spontaneously and accurately. 我好似全自动地日出而作,日入而息,自发地准确地回应。
We turn away from reality and its truths, which are neither easy to live with nor pleasant to talk about. 我们厌恶现实以及现实的真相,现实既无法让人活得轻松,也无法让人愉快地谈论它。
I realize that being a strong person is not always easy; but I believe that it is the ONLY way to live and to love. 我意识到做一个坚强的人并不总是那么容易,但是我相信这是快乐生活,快乐恋爱的唯一方法。
If I were to live long enough to have a job, I would choose to be a doctor, helping these AIDS patients. 如果我活的足够长去得到一份工作,我将会选择去当医生,帮助其他的爱滋病患者。
In the vein of a live author reading, I'm pleased to showcase this presentation of me reading my zombie novel, "Blood of the Dead. " 在现场的作者阅读静脉,我很高兴地展示这个介绍我阅读我的僵尸小说,死者血。
He came to your city, I try to steer clear of you work and live, I would not want to hurt a repeat, do not want to make himself a collapse. 多次来到你所在的城市,可我努力让自己绕开你工作和生活的地方,我不愿让伤痛一次次重演,不愿让自己一次次崩溃。
A television commercial can bring a customer into a store, but only a real, live salesperson can close the deal. 电视广告可以把顾客带到店里,但只有真正的活着的销售员可以完成交易。
The concrete how much money I am not clear, you may arrive at the horizon graduating to live, on bank BBS and so on has a look. 具体的多少钱我不清楚,你可以到天涯啊应届生啊,银行BBS上啊等去看看。