
美 [ˈiː ˈjuː]
  • n.【组】欧洲联盟
  • 网络欧盟(European Union);铕(europium);欧洲(Europe)



欧盟(European Union)

欧盟(EU)向中国政府发出最后警告,要求中国政府限制向电信网络设备供应商提供补贴,否则就将面临欧盟的贸易制裁。2013 …


欧洲联盟eu):1992年,欧共体成员国正式签署了《欧洲联盟条约》,目标是建立欧洲经济货币联盟和欧洲政治联盟。1993 …


...一种金属元素,银白色,用作彩色电视机的荧光粉,在铕(eu)激光材料及原子能工业中有重要的应用,我这里有俄罗斯客户 …


所有在欧洲 (EU) 或美国 (US) 境内的 VIP 用户允许最大速率为 384kbps在欧洲或美国境内的其他非 VIP 用户允许最大速率为 25…

英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... (gen+eric, 来自 (eu + (patho 病+ ...


欧盟委员会(EU)的智能电网标准化推动工作从2009 年3 月颁发的M441 指令开始,2010 年6 月EU 发布指令M468,要求欧洲各 …


6.稀土元素铕Eu)在激光材料和原子能工业中有重要应用。该元素只存在两种天然同位素,且在自然界它们的含量相近,该 …

The European Union President Herman van Rompuy said the programme would be financed by the EU, the IMF and the private sector. 欧盟总统范龙佩表示,这次救助项目将由欧盟,国际货币基金组织和私营部门提供资金。
The statement said the EU travel ban and asset freeze on sanctions list of new officers and a pro-Gaddafi, the Libyan airline. 声明中说,欧盟将在旅行限制及资产冻结的制裁名单中新增一名亲卡扎菲人员及利比亚一家航空公司。
But the price of any EU bail-out of Greece is likely to be savage austerity measures, overseen by officials sent in from Brussels. 但无论欧盟为希腊提供何种纾困,代价都可能是严酷的财政紧缩措施,在欧盟派来的官员监督下施行。
With all the protection the EU has in place, it was surprising to see it was a hotspot for biodiversity loss. 随着所有的保护措施都已在欧盟适当开展,仍然令人惊讶的是、这仍是生物多样性减少最多的地区。
The rest of the EU is already beginning to feel a little further away. 在感觉上,欧盟其它国家似乎已经更加遥远了。
Every time there is an EU summit and an announcement of a new deal to solve the crisis, markets bounce for a few days. 每当欧盟(EU)召开峰会和宣布新的危机解决方案时,市场就会出现几天的反弹。
It is often said that in the face of the euro crisis the EU must either integrate or disintegrate. 经常有人说,面临着欧元危机的欧洲要么整合要么分裂,哪一种都有可能。
The EU's leaders, who seem to lurch from one crisis summit to the next, will have no capacity left to focus on global challenges. 似乎从一次危机峰会赶赴另一次危机峰会的欧盟领导人,将不会有余力关注全球挑战。
There is nothing to stop this in the EU rules, if Mr Blair is appointed president, so long as it is not "in connection with his duties" . 即使布莱尔当选欧盟主席,只要出书“与他的本职工作无关”,欧盟规则对此并无限制。
The European Union followed up in July 2005 with its savings tax directive designed to catch funds being held offshore by taxpayers. 此后,欧盟(EU)于2005年7月份颁布储蓄税指令,旨在追踪纳税人海外持有的资金。
The True Finns' chances probably rest on the degree to which Mr Soini is prepared to compromise his anti-EU position. 正统芬兰人党的机会或许将取决于索依尼准备对其反欧盟立场作出让步的程度。
And, like the constitution, it failed to meet the objectives laid down by an EU summit in Laeken almost seven years ago. 和欧盟宪法一样,里斯本条约没能够满足其年前Laeken峰会上的既定目标。
Certain European nations are trying to move the goalposts so that some of their Eastern neighbours will find it easier to join the EU . 某些欧洲国家想尽力改变现有规则,以便于他们的东方邻国加入欧盟。
In its filing, China is requesting consultations with the EU to try to resolve the matter. 在递交世贸组织的文件中,中国请求与欧盟磋商,以求解决此事。
Arcane discussions about treaty change and rows about Britain's place in Europe have been the stuff of EU summits for literally generations. 围绕条约修订的秘密讨论,以及关于英国在欧洲地位的吵闹,在几代人的时间里,一直存在于欧盟峰会上。
But both speakers said the EU should allow countries to set higher capital standards if national circumstances required them. 不过,这两位都认为,如果本国的经济情况有需要的话,欧盟应该允许这些国家将资本要求的标准定的高点儿。
Germany's Angela Merkel made clear two years ago that, if Russia wanted better relations with the EU, it had to mend fences with Poland. 德国总理安哥拉·默克尔两年前就清楚的说过,如果俄罗斯想与欧盟有进一步的合作,那就必须改善同波兰之间的关系。
Many airlines have given much higher assessments of the cost and said the EU was being unfair. 许多航空公司认为这样做的成本很高,欧盟的规定不公平。
So it is tempting to shrug off the announcement on November 26th that China pulled out of an EU-China summit, at less than a week's notice. 因此,当中国在距离欧中峰会预定召开日期不到一个星期的时候宣布退出,人们很容易忽视其中的重要性。
With the Arab spring turning into a hot summer, the gaze of EU diplomats will no doubt be drawn across the Mediterranean. 随着阿拉伯的春天转入炎热的夏天,欧盟外交家们的眼光注定要从地中海上空掠过。
Ireland rejected the idea of aligning EU corporate taxes (or at least the tax base) as a danger to its low-tax growth model. 爱尔兰拒绝同欧盟的企业所得税(或者是至少是税基)保持一致,因为该做法会威胁到它本国的低税增长模式。
A statement by foreign ministers of the European Union (EU) even seemed to equate the recognition of Israel with that of Palestine. 一个欧洲联盟(欧盟)外长声明甚至似乎等同于承认以色列就是巴勒斯坦国。
The relationship between EU countries and Mr Wolfowitz had always been strained as a result of his involvement in the Iraq conflict. 由于沃尔福威茨与伊拉克战争有关,欧盟国家与他的关系一直比较紧张。
At least as important as the intrinsic policy problems is the changing nature of influence within the EU. 至少德国在欧盟内部的地位变化与欧盟内部切实存在的政策问题同样重要。
Greece has formally asked for the activation of an EU-IMF financial rescue package to help pull the debt-ridden economy out of its crisis. 希腊已正式向欧盟及国际货币基金组织递交了关于“一揽子”经济救援的申请以扭转其负债累累的局面。
But yesterday the EU delegation told the conference that these did not add up to a deal that would satisfy UN-backed scientific advice. 但欧盟代表团昨日对大会表示,这些提议加起来,还不足以满足联合国支持的科学建议的要求。
The EU ducked the matter in Copenhagen by giving Ankara a "date for a date" to start accession negotiations. 在哥本哈根首脑会议上,欧盟企图回避此事,向安卡拉提出一个日期,以就土耳其入盟的时间进行讨论。
Parts of the EU are now mature enough to understand, at least conceptually, that there is not much money around. 部分欧盟成员国已经足够成熟,至少在概念上能够理解这种情形,现在没有太多的钱。
He proposes a grand bargain: swap Britain's veto over European integration for the right to opt out of any EU policy area. 他提出一件大事:用英国对欧洲一体化的否决权去交换脱离欧盟政策的区域的权利。
Employers should be encouraged to introduce equal pay and EU social funds used to help close pay gaps, he said. 什皮德拉表示,应当鼓励雇主实行平等薪酬,动用欧盟社会基金来帮助填平薪酬差别。