
美 [pik]英 [piːk]
  • v.偷看;窥视;微露出;探出
  • n.偷偷的一看;一瞥
  • 网络聚醚醚酮(Polyetheretherketone);工程塑料聚醚醚酮;聚醚醚铜

第三人称单数:peeks 现在分词:peeking 过去式:peeked




1.[i]窥视;偷看to look at sth quickly and secretly because you should not be looking at it

2.[i]~ out/over/through, etc.微露出;探出to be just visible


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大学英语精读单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... temptation n. 引诱,诱惑 peek vi. 偷看 behavior n. 行为 ...


睒字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 眨眼〖 twinkle〗 窥视peek〗 晶莹的样子〖 sparklingandtransparent〗 ...




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常用托福tpo听力词汇整理_天道留学 ... zigzag 字形 peek 一瞥,匆忙看过 accessible 可到达的,易接近的 ...


近景扑克牌魔术都有哪些手法?_百度知道 ... break 布雷克 peek 偷看牌 crimp 偷拗牌 ...

Prepare to be informed, entertained and a little bit horrified as we give you a sneak peek into the next two years of your life. 请准备好了解我们为您提前预告的您接下来两年的愉快而又有点可怕的生活吧。
The man laughed in apology and bent to straighten up the cardboard flaps, holding them open in an invitation for her to peek inside. 那人笑着连声抱歉,弯下身来,抻开纸箱口盖,请她往里瞧。
I admit I had a little peek inside. There was a freshly washed pair of blue jeans, a white tee shirt, and a grey hooded sweat shirt. 我承认我窥视了一下他包里的东西,一条刚洗好的牛仔裤,一件白T恤,还有一件灰色带帽子的汗衫。
It would be a good idea to take a peek into their services for an updated list of hundreds and hundreds of used car values. 瞄一瞄里面一排排的二手车更新清单是个不错的主意。
My son was always playing with an unseen figure. Peek-a-boo over the back of the recliner one time when he was one-year-old. 我儿子一岁大的时候总在躺椅上和一个隐形人玩躲猫猫的游戏。
Dreaming about the future was not something on Mr. Holmes's mind as he gave a reporter a rare peek behind the Disney operations veil. 霍姆斯先生可不在梦想未来,他宣称在迪斯尼操作表面的背后,仍有一次少有的高峰期。
Because a group guess is often more accurate than that of any one individual. Just don't let them peek at each other's responses. 一群人的猜测结果往往比一个人的猜测结果准确得多,只要他们没有相互偷看对方的结果的话。
That's the best thing to do, because you get a little sneak peek and she gets to talk to you without feeling uncomfortable. 这是最好的方法,因为你偷看到了她的胸部,她却不会有任何的反感,还会继续和你聊天。
Soon after that I came back for a tour with SKY, and Greg came to the hotel to see Kevin Peek and I with two guitars. 自那以后不久,我和天空乐队回来搞演出,格雷格带着两把吉他来到宾馆,看望我和科文·彼克。
In a German documentary, Peek is shown with a group of American students who test his memory. Their teacher tells him she was born on Aug. 在德国的一个纪录片中,Peek和一群测试他记忆力的美国学生一同出现,他们的老师告诉他自己出生于1947年8月5日。
There have been numerous assumptions, hopes the city a certain a way we have come together with you peek, you are so worried about. 有过无数次的假想,希望在这城市的某一条我们共同走过的路上能与你不期而遇,对你是那样的牵挂。
As I said it's still a system and game in development, and any of this can change entirely. This is just a peek into the current workings. 正如我谈过旳,游戏正在开发中,而这头是里面一个系统,或许以后又可能会完全推翻重做。现在旳看到旳,头是当前工作旳一小部分。
He was able to identify his elation on meeting Peek as happiness; for the first time he had not felt ashamed of himself. 他知道他在见到Peek时的那种兴奋的感觉是幸福感;有生以来头一次,他没有感到自卑。
First , if you did not read the scenario , take a peek at it first so all of this makes sense . 首先,如果您没有读过所谈的情况,请先看一下前文,不然你会不知所云。
For the Bank's Monetary Policy Committee this is a useful peek at the state of the economy at the moment that it makes its decisions. 通过这可以管窥经济状况,为英国央行的货币政策委员会(MonetaryPolicyCommittee)的决策提供有用的参考。
but you know as well as I do that if someone has a picture for you to look at you are going to take a peek! 了。不过如我一样,你知道,某人有张照片给你看,你定会偷偷地瞧上一眼!
Most visitors are content to window shop, but a few will try to peek at things you do not intend for public consumption. 大多数访问者都亲睐于这些窗口购物,但是有少部分人会偷窥那些你不打算提供的公共消费项目。
Perhaps the next generation of British seniors will peek over the pond and demand what they seem to be missing. 也许下一代的英国老年人未来可以惬意地看着池塘,弥补曾经的缺憾。
Initiates an asynchronous peek operation that has no time-out. The operation is not complete until a message becomes available in the queue. 通过通知“消息队列”开始查看消息并在完成后通知事件处理程序,启动一个异步查看操作。
Fields reached into the incubator, extracted one of the pink petri dishes and slid it beneath a microscope. "Have a peek, " he said quietly. 道格拉斯将手伸到孵卵器中,取出一个粉红色的培替氏培养皿,把它移到显微镜下。“来看一下。”他小声地说。
The ceremony has been a well-guarded secret, but some of the performers head into the Olympic Stadium, offer a sneak peek. 开幕式是一个严格保密的秘密,但随着部分演员进入奥运会体育场,也可让我们提前一窥。
Queen Mary finally quietened Margaret Rose by giving her a pair of opera glasses to peek through. 最后,玛丽女王给了她一副观剧镜才使玛格丽特·罗斯安静了下来。
Step back and peek at what bars limit you. Take a deep breath, break them down, and emerge into the freshness of a new life! 后退一步看一看囚禁自己的牢笼吧。深吸一口气,打破这樊篱,在新生活中重生。
This model is flawed, because we don't mean to put our precious data into a sealed vault and only peek in every few years. 这种模式是有缺陷的,因为我们并不想把自己宝贵的数据放入一个密封的金库,每隔几年才能看上一眼。
She blindfolded him, and led him to his chair at the head of the table, making him promise not to peek. 她蒙上了他的眼睛,然后将他带到了餐桌前,并让他发誓不偷看。
What's the point? This question gives the interviewer a peek into your self-perception as well as a read on how creative you are. 那个问题的沉点是什么?那个问题能够让雇从了解你的自我了解以及你的创旧能力。
You'll have a chance to try out the main index page, and then take a peek under the hood to see how some of the components work. 您将有机会试用主索引页,并窥视一下部分组件在幕后是如何工作的。
Not to be secretive, but I could probably get you in there for a peek. 也没什么好隐藏的我或许可以让你稍微看一眼
Well. . . you could read the documentation or peek at it's source code. 嗯,你当然可以去阅读文档或是窥探一下它的源代码。
It's more like we peek at each other for a few seconds at a time thru the thin but substantial veils that separate us. 正像某次薄而可观的面纱虽将我们隔开,而我们却在数秒之内互相窥视一样。