
美 [.i 'ti]英 [.iː 'tiː]
  • conj.〈外〉和
  • abbr.〈美(=eastern time)东部时间




Indeed, UNIX (the kernel, et al. ) is often chosen specifically for its networking applications. 实际上,UNIX(内核等)被选用的原因通常是它的连网应用。
It has been used in the treatment for prostate cancer, liver cancer, primary malignant osteosarcoma and breast cancer, et al. 目前,该技术主要用于前列腺癌、肝癌、原发性恶性骨肉瘤及乳腺癌等疾病的治疗。
He said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head. 他说假设的现实生活ET的样子(意指ET电影里)与传统图片中的很相似,一个小身躯,大眼睛和脑袋。
For Shell, Exxon et al to hoard oil underground would be to leave billions of dollars of investment languishing unused. 对于壳牌,埃克森等石油公司囤积石油在地下无异于将数亿计的美元投资放置不用。
Gog stood up. His face was tired and he looked ill. "Be qui-et! " he said. "Guards! Take her away. Back to 888. " 高格站起身。他面色疲惫,憔悴不堪。“住嘴!”他喊着,“卫兵!把她带走。带回888号监狱去。”
Prof Davies said: "We need to give up the notion that ET is sending us some sort of customised message and take a new approach. " Davies教授说:“外星人向我们发送特定信息的这个说法该改改了,我们必须实行新的探索方案。”
Y et it is not inevitable that this series of events will quickly spiral into a broader geopolitical clash in Asia. 不过,这一系列事态未必会迅速升级,演变为亚洲全面的地缘政治冲突。
Our happiness, only half the practice, learned to leave, but did not learn tof et. 咱们的福祉,只练习了半壁,学会了离开,却未学会忘记。
get out of [^et aut Cv] She tried to get out of helping her mother. 逃避,摆脱她尽量逃避帮助她的妈妈。
Et it is so far away from us that it appears as a mysterious spot in the sky. 然而,它离我们过于遥远,以至看上去成了天空中一个神秘的小点。
"We do not see any evidence for a fifth planet . . . as announced by Vogt et al. , " Pepe wrote Science in an e-mail from the meeting. “我们看不到任何沃戈特所宣称的第五颗行星的证据”波比在会上以电子邮件方式写信给科学杂志(Science)。
And the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention summed up, in a paper released at noon ET, the state of the epidemic today. 同时,在美国东部时间中午的时候发布的报纸上,疾病预防中心总结了艾滋这种恶疾的现状。
The advantages included its easy to manipulate, safety, short operating time, less bleeding, quick recovery, and et al. 具有手术时间短,出血少,术后恢复好,简单易行等优点。
Clinically, the occlusal Viertcial rising has been used to treat deep overbite, sleep bruxism, temporomandibular joint disorder, et al. 临床上咬合升高常用于治疗深覆牙合、夜磨牙症及颞下颌关节紊乱。
"I can't look at a picture of him without thinking: ET, " she wrote recently. “我一看到他的照片就没法不想起:ET,”她最近这么写道。
The microwave synthesis had been main due to its advantages of fast reaction, convenience, low energy, avoiding reunite et al. 其中微波合成法具有快速、简便、节能、避免团聚等特点,受到人们的普遍关注。
Between them, and establish a wonderful telepathy, ET sad time, Elliot will feel depressed, ET sick, Elliott also followed uncomfortable. 在他们之间,建立起一种奇妙的心灵感应,E.T。难过的时候,艾里奥特也会感觉忧郁,E。
Conclusions The portal hypertension in the early stage of obstructive jaundice might be due to the increase of ET. 结论阻塞性黄疸早期即有门静脉压力的升高,它可能是体内ET水平升高致肝窦阻力增加的结果。
Without the assistance of your ET friends, Man would have been unable to progress thus far. 如果没有你们ET朋友的援助,人类迄今无法取得发展。
By using the derivative method, we obtained the same result with that of the previous work of Chen, et al. in 2006. 通过使用微分方程的方法,我们得到了和陈等人2006年相同的结果。
"Odi et amo" (I hate and I love) begins one, revealing his feelings for a woman who can both melthis heart and break it. “Odietamo”(拉丁语,“我又爱又恨”)就是其中之一,它流露出对一个既能让他的心熔化又能让他心碎的女人的深深感情。
Your senses tell you that these craft are of extra-terrestrial origin and that they must be doing something to the Sun. 你们的直觉告诉自己那些是ET的它们一定在对太阳做些什麽。
Explanation: On Valentine's Day (ET) the Sun unleased one of its most powerful explosions, an X-class flare. 解释:就在情人节这天(美国东部时间),太阳释放了它最具力量的爆炸之一——一个X级的耀斑。
So Gino et al. wondered if this has consequences for the self, like an increase in unethical behaviour. 所以基诺等人想知道,这么做是不是会对自身产生负面影响,比如不道德行为的增多。
Up to 6% of the general population have essential tremor (ET). 至6%的总人口有原发性震颤(ET)的。
Severe Bradycardia during Spinal and Epidural Anesthesia Recorded by an Anesthesia Information Management System Lesser JB, et al. 麻醉信息管理系统记录到腰麻和硬膜外麻醉期间严重的心动过缓。
Caspi et al. was not a small study, but it also should surprise us that an analysis of a larger population yielded different results. Caspi等人的研究不是一个小研究,但是它也应该使我们惊讶对更大特定人群的分析产生了不同的结果。
Kinsey et al. (1948) reported orgasm in boys of every age from five months onwards and in a baby girl of four months. 金西以及他的同事1948报告过5个月以后年龄男孩和4个月大小女婴的性高潮。
Endothelin(ET) is a recently discovered potent vasoconstrictor peptide exerting effects through combination with its receptor. 内皮素(ET)是一种血管收缩肽,与ET受体结合而发挥作用。
Meeting a trustworthy friend - G et along well with him, because in life, meeting a confidant is really not easy . 遇到可相信的朋友时,要好好和他相处下去,因为在人的一生中,可遇到知己真的不易。