
美 [mætʃ]英 [mætʃ]
  • n.比赛;火柴;竞赛;婚姻
  • v.相配;满足;适应;配对
  • 网络匹配;对手

复数:matches 现在分词:matching 过去式:matched

exactly match,match perfectly
match pattern,match description,match record,match demand,match price
match box


n. v.

用于点火for lighting fires

1.[c]火柴a small stick made of wood or cardboard that is used for lighting a fire, cigarette, etc.

体育运动in sport

2.[c]比赛;竞赛a sports event where people or teams compete against each other

匹敌者an equal

3.[sing]a ~ for sb.sb's match敌手;旗鼓相当的人a person who is equal to sb else in strength, skill, intelligence, etc.

相称的人╱物sb/sth that combines well

4.[sing]相配的人(或物);般配的人(或物)a person or thing that combines well with sb/sth else

相同的东西sth the same

5.[c]相同的东西;非常相似的东西a thing that looks exactly the same as or very similar to sth else


find/meet your match (in sb)

遇到对手;棋逢对手to meet sb who is equal to, or even better than you in strength, skill or intelligence


3.匹配match) iptables命令的可选match部分指定信息包与规则匹配所应具有的特征(如源地址、目的地址、协议等)。匹 …


斯诺克_互动百科 ... 场( Game) 比赛Match) 一杆球( Break) ...


火字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 火不登〖 suddenly〗 火柴match〗 火场〖 thesceneofafire〗 ...


相字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 相能〖 beongoodtermstoeachother〗 相配match;fit;gowellwith〗 相碰〖 collidewith〗 ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 759 news n 新闻,消息 760 match n 比赛,竞赛 761 quickly adv 迅速 ...


匹_百度百科 ... 6. 同类;友辈[ friend generation] 8. 匹敌,对手[ match] 10. 二人[ two persons] ...


Mathematics Glossary - 豆丁网 ... mass 质量 match 配对 mathematical statements 数学陈述;数学语句 ...


M开头的英文单词越多越好 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... mat n. 席子;草席;垫子 match n. 比赛,竞赛;对手 match n. (一根)火柴 ...

Honest dialogue is the only way forward in determining whether you and your potential partner may be a suitable match. 决定您与您的潜在合作伙伴是否可能是合适的匹配的唯一方式就是坦诚对话。
Xiangzi had nothing more to say. Best to get out as quickly as possible, for he knew he was no match for them in a brawl. 祥子没话可说,只好赶紧离开这里;无论如何,斗嘴他是斗不过他们的。
He lightly struck another match and let his cigarette dangle from the corner of his mouth. 他又轻轻擦亮了一根火柴,然后把烟咬在嘴角。
In Russia, you often have to match your drink with that of your host if you want to be friendly. 在俄罗斯,你经常要把你的饮料换成跟你朋友都一样如果你要示好。
The tunes are so incredibly cheesy that they are funny, and they seem to be a perfect match for Sonic's early-'90s sense of style. 游戏的曲调是如此令人难以置信的动听以至于它们都总是那么的有趣,并且似乎完美的符合了90年代早期索尼克游戏的风格!
It turned out to be the last match he would ever play, although he had not announced such plans until last week. 虽然桑普拉斯直到上周才决定退役,但美网赛将成为他的最后一次比赛。
After that, the match was close and he lost a bit of his intensity. 在之后,比赛接近尾声,他击球强度减弱了。
Merging data for the customer is often difficult because the data used to match the different images of the customer no longer matches . 为客户合并数据通常比较困难,因为用于匹配不同客户映像的数据不再匹配。
And once the croc is a up to see its prey materializes once more. Reaction time is also quick, to match its warm blooded prey. 鳄鱼一加速,猎物就在劫难逃,为了适应捕杀热血动物的需要,鳄鱼必须在极端时间内做出反应。
They seem to have known the result of the match. 他们似乎已经知道比赛的结果了。
Still, the idea is amusing--converting a coffee maker into a PC-like device that would match the rest of your desktop. 不过这个想法还是很有趣的,把咖啡壶做成电脑主机的样子让它更符合桌面的样式。
It is comparatively easy to read this "password" file and simply try and match the knock pattern to gain access to this system. 这个“密码”文件非常容易读取,并且通过尝试和匹配敲打模式,可以获得对系统的访问权限。
If I hadn't have been sent off we almost certainly would have won the match and my life would be much easier now. 如果我没有被罚下的话,那么我们几乎肯定能赢下比赛。
Child as she was, she was more than a match for him. 她虽是一个小孩,却胜过做她的对手。
He anxiously desired to have his niece married, to make for her a suitable match. 他亟想把他内侄女嫁出去,给他找个门当户对的配偶。
You up to it ? In the game of emotional counterfeit, you think you're my match ? 你玩儿得起吗?三心二意、貌合神离,你是我对手吗?
Because false eyelashes come in various lengths and shades, it's so easy to match them up with your own. 假睫毛有各种不同的长度和颜色,所以很容易与你自己的睫毛配
The first probably eight, nine games of the match was unbelievable level; later the wind came a little bit and was more difficult to play. 第八,九局发挥的水平,简直难以想象;后来有点风,打起来就困难点了。
"We're ready to go to Paris and extract a tiny bit of paint from the numbers and see whether they match the rest of the painting" he said. 我们现准备去巴黎,从该画像的数字区域上提取少量的颜料来看看他们是否和其他的画像相匹配。
Contrary to my expectations, there was no need to be uneasy about the results of the match. 对我的期望相反,有没有需要对比赛结果感到不安。
Then use a striped sweater, match all the hair to one of the stripes in the front and cut. 然后穿上横条纹的毛衣,把所有的头发和胸前的某一横条对齐,然后就可以剪了。
He is usually depicted with a white beard, to match the near eternal nature of his existence. 他通常是被描绘成白色胡须,与他存在的接近永恒的本性相匹配。
It proceeds through each one, trying to match the input form to the pattern and, if it matches, it produces the associated expansion. 它依次通过每个组合进行处理,尝试将输入形式与模式进行匹配,如果匹配的话,它就产生相关联的展开形式。
After the announcement, the social reflects is strong, generally agreed that this level is too high, and does not match with the actual. 公布后社会反映强烈,普遍认为这个水平过高,与实际不符。
Federer added that his assistance makes for 'a good flow of the match, so spectators don't have to wait so much. 费德勒接着说这有助于“比赛顺利的进行,从而不至于让观众等得太久。”
The certificate you are viewing does not match the name of the site you are trying to view. 正在查看的证书与当前你试图查看站点的名称不匹配。
FIFA does not deny receiving a warning but says it has "no indication" of match-fixing in any World Cup matches. 国际足联并未否认接到警告,但称没有证据能够证明世界杯比赛中有假球。
Sure, she say people used to trust family and friends to consider all that and come up with a good match. 当然,她说,人们以前都相信家人和朋友会考虑到这一切,然后介绍一个相衬的对象。
With a wave of resistance will not fade, the same type, three-dimensional sense of strong features, decorative logs are the best match. 具有耐潮、不褪色、不变型、立体感强等特点,是原木装饰的最佳搭配。
China has no intention to match U. S. military power, he said. 中国并不打算与美国的军事实力竞争,他说。