


In that case, I'll go after the 15th. How much are the off-season fares? 这样的话,我就十五日后再去。那淡季的票价要多少钱呢?
One of Europe's busiest ports, it has been a center of the diamond industry since the 15th century. 它是欧洲最繁忙的港口之一,从15世纪开始就是一个钻石工业中心。
Before parliament again on June 15th, he said that he preferred to call it a "contribution" . 在6月15日议会再开之前,他说他更愿意将其称之为“资助”。
By the time I interviewed him, for research for a book on interreligious relations, the dialogue was in its 15th year. 截至我为写一部有关宗教关系的书对戴维森进行采访时,他们之间的对话已经进入第15个年头。
He said on March 15th that when he helped to silence a sex offender's victims, he was "doing what I was required to do. " 他在3月15日曾说,在让遭受性侵犯的受害者保持缄默时,他“只是在行分内之事。”
However, such a fine view of the outstanding maritime rights and interests of China in the 15th century was short-lived, How sad indeed! 但是,如此优秀杰出的航海权益观却在15世纪的中国昙花一现,何其悲哉!
If she did not already know that, she was given a reminder on December 15th, when members of Congress voted themselves a 62% pay rise. 假如她还不知情,十二月十五日已经给了她一个提醒,当天国会议员自己表决将薪资调高六成二自肥。
The results of stress tests, due on July 15th, should show how much more help is required. 7月15日的压力测试结果将向我们显示了还需要多少额外的帮助。
Tea is confused, the 15th for people to eat greasy before Spring Festival period overmuch and creating something of a characteristic meals. 茶糊涂,是人们正月十五前后因春节期间吃油腻东西过多而创制的一种特色饭食。
Tuesday brought his 15th sitting for the gaokao. This time he took the exam together with his teenage son. 周二,他迎来了自己的第15次高考,今年他和十几岁的儿子一起参加高考。
On August 15th the mayor, Tom Barrett, was leaving the Wisconsin State Fair when he heard a woman cry out for help in the parking lot. 八月十五日,市长汤姆巴雷特参加完威斯康星州会展活动正欲离去,忽然听到停车场传来女人的求救声。
But none of this will happen if Franklin P. Scudder is here in London on the 15th of June. 然而,如果富兰克林·P·斯卡德尔六月十五日在伦敦,这种事就绝不会发生。
The Lehman Brothers bankruptcy on September 15th was a shock to the system, but not the only one. 九月十五日的雷曼兄弟破产对金融体系是一个震撼,但不是唯一的一个。
The company failed to deliver results on time and on August 15th was summarily sacked just one year into a five-year contract. 该公司没有及时公布成绩,8月15日原期五年的合同执行了一年便草草中止。
The festival also features lanterns, costumes and music, and is part of a tradition which can be traced back to the 15th Century. 灯笼、服装和音乐都是狂欢节的传统,这些习俗可以追溯到15世纪。
Chineseexploration was an age of exploratory Chinese travels abroad, on land and by sea, from the 2nd century BC until the 15th century. 中国勘探是一个时代的探索中国出国,在陆地上和海上,从公元前2世纪至15世纪。
The bible, one of the finest works of art in the 15th century, is said to contain over a kilo of gold in its illustrated pages. 这部《圣经》,是十五世纪的杰作之一,据说绘制里面的插图就用去了一公斤多的黄金。
This project began for me with an old woman in Xi'an, on December 15th 2005. 我第一次在西安实践慈善厨房项目,是2005年12月15日与一个老人一起。
'When a bill collector calls, I can say, 'I'm going to pay you on the 15th, ' ' he said. 收账员打来电话的时候,我能说‘我会在15号付款’了。
The mausoleum stood intact until the early 15th century, when Christian Crusaders dismantled it for building material for a new castle. 这座陵墓一直都完好无缺,直到15世纪早期,十字军拆除了它来获取建筑材料,建造一座新的城堡。
Around the 15th year of his rule, amid the grandiosity of his empire-building, a touch of hubris was perhaps overtaking the Nubian ruler. 在他统治的第15个年头,王国的建设热火朝天。到这个时候,这位努比亚统治者自大的情绪开始蔓延开来。
Up to 20m Africans were taken across the Atlantic between the 15th and 19th centuries, denuding many places of their most able workers. 在十五至十九世纪有超过两千万非洲人被带过大西洋,令非洲许多地区丧失了最能干的劳动者。
But it has taken until February 15th this year for the Mashpee to be recognised as a sovereign Indian nation. 然而,直到今年2月15日,玛许比才被认可为一个有自治权的印第安民族。
archipelago, this was an obligatory port of call from the 15th century until the advent of the steamship in the 19th century. 英雄港位于亚速尔群岛众多岛屿中之一,从公元15世纪开始,一直到公元19世纪汽船问世,来往船只都会在这里停靠。
The feared warriors developed this form of swimming around the 15th century. They had to brave waves and currents. 这种游泳方式起源于15世纪,胆怯的武士必须面对汹涌的波涛和旋流。
The first tomb, known as Changling, was built at the beginning of the 15th century. 第一座墓叫长陵,是十五世纪初建的。
The Middle English Period stretches roughly to the early years of the 15th century. 中古英语期大约持续到十五世纪初。
You do not know me, I was a junior high school students in China, I studied at the 15th Middle School in Dalian. 您并不认识我,我是一名中国的初中生,我就读于大连市第十五中学。
By the beginning of the 15th century the time was ripe for a grand meeting. 到15世纪初大型聚会的时机成熟了。
You might ask, why is not the first day of each month will be a solar eclipse, why not the 15th of each month will be a penumbral eclipse ? 大家会问,为每个月的初一都会有日食,还有,为每个月的十五都会有月食呢?