walk into

  • na.走进;〈俚〉打骂(仆人等);〈俚〉大吃
  • 网络步步进入,进入;走进教室;走进了旅馆

第三人称单数:walks into 现在分词:walking into 过去式:walked into

walk intowalk into

walk into


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(W1)|无忧教育 ... walk home 走回家 walk into 走进 walk off with 偷走 ...


含有 步... ... 11. 步枪[ bow gun;rifle] [walk into;step into] 步步进入,进入 [sentry;sentinel] 军队驻扎时担任警戒的士兵 ...


2011年08月21日_mpzzch2_新浪博客 ... as usual 和往常一样 walk into 走进教室 with the test papers in her hand 手里拿着试卷 ...


1. 他和朋友一起走进了旅馆walk into)2. 我们不允许宠物进入房间。


... 10. 它违反了规则( be against) 1. 他和朋友一起走进了旅馆walk into) 2. 我们不允许宠物进入房间。( allow sb to do st…


英语选择_百度知道 ... walk over 轻易地胜过 利用 walk into 不小心遇上 走进 walk across 穿过 ...

They don't have to make an extra effort to command attention. When they walk into a room, it tends to come naturally to them. 他们不需要格外的关注,因为当他们走进房间时,人们的视线会自然而然地被吸引过来。
"You may be a qualified candidate, but none of that matters if you walk into that interview lacking confidence, " he added. “你可能是一位合格的候选人,但如果面试时你不自信,那一切资历都不重要。”他补充道。
A bull can walk into a river, get attacked by piranha s , and a few minutes later only its skeleton will be bobbing in the water. 一头牛可能会走到河里,受到食人鱼的攻击,几分钟后就会看到它的骨架在水中映出的亮光了。
When you walk into the door at a public place, please wait there for a few more seconds and let the door open for others. 先一步比别人进入大门的时候,就在那里多站几秒钟,帮别人开着门。
Schedule walks on your business calendar. Turn a walk into a brainstorming session with a coworker. 附表走在您的企业日历。变为一个同事头脑风暴会议散步。
When you walk into the gallery, you feel as if you were inside a fragile, white seashell. 当你走进画廊的时候,你会觉得你进入了一个易碎的白色贝壳之中。
As Brian forced himself to walk into Room No. 32 to collect Peggy's things, he saw the tiny paper dolls smiling back at him from the wall. 当布赖恩强迫自己走进32号病房,收拾佩吉的遗物时,看到了墙上那些冲他微笑的小小的纸娃娃们。
You could walk into the office one day, only to be sent away with a pink slip and your employer's "sincerest regrets. " 那你某天走进办公室之后,就可以带着解雇通知书和他的“万分惋惜”离开了。
You know how tempting it is to walk into a coffee or candy shop. 你知道,进入一家咖啡店或者糖果店是多大的诱惑。
So the joke begins like this: An economist, a lawyer and a professor of marketing walk into a room. 笑话是这样开始的:三个人走进一间屋子,一位经济学家,一位律师,第三位营销学教授。
We are trying to make a reflection of them and their likes, so when people walk into the celebration, they go, gosh! 我们想尽力反应他们的生活和喜好,所以当人们走进这个庆典时,他们一定很高兴。
I walk into her room, and there was a shy girl, and she was bald, and she was trying to hide her baldness. 我走进了她的房间,她是个很内向的女孩。她没有头发,她自己想极力掩饰这一点。
If you walk into a McDonald's in London, the clerk won't ask if you'd like to "supersize" that. 如果你走进伦敦的一家麦当劳,店员不会询问你是否要来个“大号快餐”之类的问题。
Unlike earlier when I could walk into the shop any time I pleased, I now had to call a receptionist and fix up an appointment. 不像以前我什么时候高兴到理发店来就进来的时候了,现在我不需事先给接待员打电话才能定下理发时间。
When you walk into the bookstore and see a table filled with books on dieting , you know it must be January. 当你走进书店,映入眼帘的是琳琅满目的减肥书,你就能肯定这一定是一月份。
She gabbled about having purchased something, then made him close his eyes and walk into the living room. 她急促地说买了一样东西,然后,让他闭上眼睛走到客厅。
Already entered high three me as if to walk into a strange circle, how should manage? 已经进入高三的我似乎走入了一个怪圈,该怎么办呢?
"I'll walk into a restaurant, and I'll have no idea people are looking at me, " she says. “当我走进一家餐厅时,我会不察觉人们在盯着我看,”她说。
We assume when you walk into a hospital you are going to be taken care of, but maybe we put a little too much faith in hospitals. 我们假设当你走进医院的时候,你是去被照顾的,除此之外,我们应该对医院多一些信任。
When you walk into a place, act like you know where the hell you're going, even if you don't. 出场时,即使一点头绪也没有,你也要表现得好像很清楚自己要去哪里、要做什么。
Nowadays, when I walk into Wistron, when I talk to my family and friends about it, I feel genuinely proud to be one of its members. 现在,每当我走进纬创,每当我和家人朋友谈起纬创的时候,我都会为自己是纬创的一员而感到自豪。
I can walk into a shop, pick up something expensive, and then walk out with it without handing over any cash. 我可以走进一家商店,选件贵重物品,然后不付现金就离开。
Doesn't it seem a bit unrealistic to be able to walk into a dark space, hit a switch, and instantly fill the entire space with light? 在黑暗空间里行走,碰一下开关,瞬间就会点亮整个空间——是不是显得有些不现实?
He is going to make a sortie, Dany realized, and if he takes Ben Plumm's head, he'll walk into the wedding feast and throw it at my feet. 他要前去出击了,丹尼意识到,而要是他带来本·普拉姆的首级,他会走进婚礼大宴,将它甩到我的脚下。
Television reports said the 54-year-old president was able to walk into the hospital, while Ms Lu, 59, had to be helped into the building. 电视新闻报告表示五十四岁的总统陈水扃可以自行走进医院,而五十九岁的吕秀莲则要人搀扶。
If you were to walk into one of these rooms, you would see this. 如果你走进这其中一个房间,你就会看到这个。
We walk into a large room where video screens have been displaying both sides of our conversations for spectators and members of the press. 我们走进一个大房间,里面的我们里面房间电视屏幕显示着我们与鉴定人员的谈话内容,以便观众和以便显示鉴定媒介人士观看。
You're about to walk into a whole new cash generating world; the LARGEST and most amazingly uncomplicated methods on the planet! 你将要走进一个完整的全新的钞票倍增世界。这将是我们这个行星上最大的最迷人的但却一点儿都不复杂的方法和程序。
You know, how 'bout the bakery air, when you walk into a bakery and you get that warm front of, like, croissants in your face. 又或是那烘焙的香气——当你走进一家面包店,那暖暖的如牛角包一般的香气扑面而来。
Most scientists are surprised when they walk into a lab in Beijing and sit down and interact with a team. 大多数科学家,当他们走进一所北京的实验室,坐下并与开发团队交谈时,会感到很惊奇。