a big deal

  • na.要人;重要的事
  • 网络巨额交易;大事;是指重要的事,大事

a big deala big deal

a big deal


影片库–中影星美院线 ... 开心魔法 Magic To Win 巨额交易 A Big Deal 追爱 Great Wall My Love ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... a best man 男傧相 a big deal 要人 a big pot 大人物 ...


deal with ... He smokes a great deal. 他抽许多烟。 a big deal [美, 口]要人; 重要的事 a great deal 许多 ...


21世纪大学英语读写教程第三册 Unit7 -... ... grace 优美;风度 a big deal 了不起的事,大事 in good shape 处于良好状况 ...


❤EFY❤Learn a Word❤ ... ... A BIG DEAL 重要的事 大事 A big deal 是指重要的事,大事。 ...


check - 英汉词典 ... with flying colors 出色地 a big deal 重要的交易; 重要的事物或人 cash a check 兑换支票, 取现钱 ...


deal sb... ... deal sb a blow 给某人以打击 a big deal 大交易;没什么了不起的事,微不足道! a good deal of 许多,很多,大量的 ...

The last time I moved, it was a big deal -- I had to abandon all my stuff and was out of my mind with stress. 上次在我搬家的时候,真是劳师动众--原来的一切东西都要扔掉,搬家的压力让我喘不过气来。
Kristen tries to be a strong independent female and always makes a big deal out of going out with her girlfriends on V-Day. 她一直都在努力成为一个独立女性,而且总是和她的朋友们在情人节那天玩到尽兴。
The only real hassle is keeping track of all those extra JAR files, but as you'll see in this section, that's not such a big deal. 唯一的麻烦就是跟踪这些额外的JAR文件,但是正如在这一节中会看到的,这不是个大问题。
The law had not progressed because other issues had taken priority, but since the earthquake "it has become a big deal" , Ms Zhang said. 张欣表示,由于其它议题占据了优先地位,该项法律一直未有进展,但由于大地震,“它已经变得很重要”。
I was touched. And I told him that it wasn't a big deal, that I enjoyed the children. 我挺感动的,我告诉他这不是什么大不了的事情,再说,我也很喜欢孩子。
chase: you don't have to make a big deal about it, i just thought i'd let you know. i decided tuesdays would be a good day to do that. 切斯:你别把这当什么大事儿,我就想让你知道我的心意罢了。以后我决定每周二都过来说一下咯。
Honey, you got to be used to all these things, because you are a great guy, not beaten by this little stuff. It's not a big deal. Jennifer像在哄小孩,(亲爱的,你得适应这一切,你是个了不起的男子汉,不会被这点小事压垮的,这实在算不了什么。)
It was such a burden doing things other than singing as a singer but now I feel that it's not a big deal as I get older. 这是这种负担做事以外唱歌作为一名歌手,但现在我认为这不是一个大问题,我渐渐地长大。
Just make it a quick, innocent touch and don't make a big deal out of it. 一定要迅速,看起来是无意间的触碰,不要小题大做。
If you consider how much sand can be moved in a short period of time by wind, this is a big deal. 如果要说短时间内被风搬运来的沙子有多少,这里就有很多。
That's not such a big deal if you do it occasionally, but it can become galling if you make it a habit. 偶尔一两次这样做可能无所谓,但是不要让它成习惯。
My last roommate was a drama queen. Every time I forgot to take my shoes off, she got really mad and made a big deal out of it. 我上一个室友特喜欢小题大做。每次我进门忘了脱鞋,她就特生气,唠叨半天。
who spend their lives chasing the big deal, or trying to mass a lot of money to get into a big deal, but to me that is foolish. 我遇到过许多人,他们花了一生的时间来寻找大生意,或者试图筹集一大笔钱来做大生意,但是对于我来说,这是愚不可及的一种做法。
My bank, First Direct, seems to have cracked it, so I do not see why Citi thinks it is such a big deal. 我的银行——英国的FirstDirect似乎已经解决了这个问题,因此我并不明白为什么花旗还认为这是一个大问题。
If your family's used to using just one account, it might sound like a big deal to ask everyone to use separate accounts and passwords. 如果你们家习惯使用同一个账户,就需要询问每个人的帐户和密码,这样会变得很麻烦。
Well, the TV producer did not think this was going to be a big deal; she was not digging this line of thought. 不过,电视制片人并不认为这将是一个大问题,她没有挖掘这一想法。
Start small, with something that isn't really a big deal, but might help you do something just a little bit better than you do it today. 从一些不是很重要的事情开始,但是有可能能帮你在做事情时一点点地进步。
If the press-shy Larson, 44, was a big deal when I wrote about him in 1999 (see fortune. com), he surely is a bigger deal today. 如果这位四十四岁,不愿抛头露面的拉森,在1999年我写到他的时候已经是个大人物的话,那他现在肯定就是个更大的人物喽。
It may not sound like such a big deal, but it helps keep your most important &used folders at the top, and the rest at the bottom. 也许这听起来不是什么大事,但它将你最重要的和最常用的文件夹列在前排,其他的则在后面。
It's not such a big deal if you're tracking how much you spend on pizza. 要是你在记录比萨饼花了多少钱,就是记错了也没关系。
"With Ultra HD, you're going to see people stepping up, too, and you'll see at the show it's going to be a big deal, " Mr. Shapiro said. “超高清电视也一样,你会看到人们开始跟上潮流,在这场展会上,你会看到这些产品引起轰动,”夏皮罗说道。
I did not quite know what to say. I told her that the dress was not a big deal and she had no reason to be upset. 我不知道自己究竟想说什么,但我告诉她那件连衣裙并没有什么大不了的,她不该为此而闷闷不乐。
What's more, buyers of such an expensive piece of furniture is never few. A big deal of such may be closed every a few months in the shop. 而且买这样贵重家具的顾客并不是惊鸿一现,店里大概每几个月就会做成一笔这样的大生意。
I think this campaign demonstrates what I've been trying to articulate for a long time: that compulsory hijab IS a big deal in Iran. 我认为这次宣传活动展现了我一直以来试图述说的:在伊朗,强制戴头巾确实是件大事。
So, if portability to new architectures is trivial, why is such a big deal made of it? 因此,如果到新体系架构的可移植性是如此平凡,那么为什么它会如此重要呢?
'I don't know if New Moon can beat [Transformers] as it is a huge number, but reaching over $100 million is still a big deal, ' he said. 德加拉伯迪安说,我不知道《新月》能否击败《变形金刚》,因为后者的成绩实在骄人,不过能达到1亿美元已经很不错了。
She dont want to see me angry and she wanted me to understand it's not a big deal to lose! 她不想看见我生气,她只想我明白失败其实没甚麽大不了!
B: Yes, but he brushed it off as if it were not a big deal to him. 说了,可是他没有理睬我,好像这跟他没有多大关系。
It was just something that happened, not a big deal, at least for the two of them, but Clara made the mistake of telling Luis. 本来,在他们两人之间发生的风流韵事若秘而不宣也算不了什么可克拉拉犯了个错误把这件事告诉了路易斯。
"If they don't turn out to be scientists, that's not a big deal, " he said. “如果没有把他们培养成科学家,那也没啥了不起,”他说。