as usual

  • adv.照常;照例
  • 网络像往常一样;像平常一样;和往常一样

as usualas usual

as usual


大学英语四级常用词组 ... as good as 和...几乎一样 as usual 像平常一样,照例 as to 至于,关于 ...


英语短语词组(2145个) ... as to 至于,关于 as usual 像往常一样,照例 as well as (除…之外)也,既…又 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... as good as 和...几乎一样 as usual 像平常一样,照例 as to 至于,关于 ...


人教版高一英语单词表_百度文库 ... wool 羊毛.毛织 as usual 照常 2 天背完初中单词 4 天背完高中单词 reliable 可信赖的.可 …


急~!09中考英语考纲单词表!_百度知道 ... as soon as 一……就 as usual 和往常一样 as well as 也;还;而且 ...


英语词组大全 - 豆丁网 ... as soon as ……= the moment …… 一……就…… as usual 象往常一样 as well 也; 同样 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... as though 好像,仿佛 as usual 通常,平常地 as well 也,还有 ...


六级通过必备——六级高频词组汇总_新东方网 ... along with 与……一起 as usual 与往常一样,如常 at a loss 茫然不知所措 ...

Besides, the patient was, as usual, completely lost in one of his projects and wouldn't want to be disturbed. 除此之外,这位病人常常全神贯注在自己的想法中,不想被打扰。
Meanwhile, Kenyon stated it is business as usual for Chelsea despite the fact Arsenal are set to investigate the matter. 同时,凯尼恩声明不管阿森纳怎么想这就是生意。
As usual, a great proportion was trumpery which had begun to accumulate in his father's day. 照常,大部分的东西是华而不实的,还是他父亲手里就开始积藏了。
Driver appeared to re-uninstall the device, assuming that the original show did not install device drivers, as usual devices. 卸装显现器驱动重新装置,假设原本没装显现器驱动,往常装置。
She opened the window. The garden was absolutely calm, and all that was visible was that the street was deserted as usual. 她又打开大窗子。园里毫无动静,她望见街上也和平时一样荒凉。
Do not worry, wait, I have what looks bleak, he always said: the sun will come out, it will come as usual! 先别急,等一等,我有什么事情看来不妙时他总是说:太阳还会出来,它会照常出来的!
This was a fine early autumn morning as usual. The fresh chilly morning air was like the first breath of autumn. 这是个平常的早秋的清晨,清冷潮湿的空气像秋天的第一丝呼吸。
She was looking very young tonight, as usual, indescribably beautiful in a simple strapless dress of a green and white silky cotton. 她今晚看起来很年轻,像往常一样穿着一条简单的绿白相间的无背带丝棉裙子,漂亮得难以形容。
As usual, the forces of darkness have triumphed over good. Life is nothing but misery, briefly interspersed with agony . 就像往常一样,黑暗的力量占了上风。我的生活中除了痛苦,还是痛苦。
In the meantime, her organisation, funded entirely by a government grant, is trying to go about business as usual. 在此期间,这个完全由政府拨付支持运转的组织正尽力像往常一样完成自己的工作。
As usual, if you know of other fascinating people that would suit a similar follow up list, be sure to tell us in the comments. 象往常一样,假如你还知道其他有意思的人物,他们的事迹也类似以下名单中的人物,那么请务必在评论里告诉我们。
Should the father wake the children from the dream of the fairy tale, or let them wake subconsciously like the Sundays as usual? 作为父亲,该把孩子从童话梦里面唤醒,还是让他们能象过周日一样睡到“自然醒”?
But the copy he gave him had not been written out in full as usual. It was simply a blank sheet of paper. 这是一个简单的一张白纸,相反,他给他复印件已经像往常那样把全文写的。
Yet despite our collective best efforts, one year on, the capital markets seem to be reverting to business as usual. 不过,尽管我们共同竭尽全力,但一年过去了,资本市场似乎正在回归常态。
But the copy he gave him had not, as usual, been written out in full. (他给他的那封信,就像平常一样,没有被全文写出)比较。
I went to work the next day and, as usual, stood on the garbage bin, ready to dispose of the litter. Suddenly my feet slipped and I fell! 第二天早上我去上班,如同往常一样我站在垃圾桶上处理垃圾,可是我却一脚踩滑了!
She was as usual disentangling her eyeglasses, which had got caught in her lace tie. 她像往常一样把挂在她花边领结里的眼镜解下来。
Yet U. S. policy makers seem intent on keeping it alive, and Wall Street management acts as if it's business as usual. 然而美国的政策制定者似乎还想让它活着,而华尔街的管理层表现得仿佛什么事儿都没发生似的。
His students were touched, and did as he said. All in all, that year he released twice as many animals as usual. 他的学生被感动了,于是他们按照先生的话做了。因此那一年王先生放生的动物是往年的两倍。
He did not wear his heart on his sleeve, and when he left his chambers to walk to that last meeting, his face was much as usual. 他并不感情外露,当他离开办公室去参加最后一次会议时,他的脸色跟平常一样。
As usual, he tuned his radio for the 7 a. m news broadcast before he began to get washed. 就像平常一样,他在开始洗漱前,将收音机调至早晨7点的新闻广播。
Miss Emily met them at the door, dressed as usual and with no trace of grief on her face. 爱米丽小姐在家门口接待她们,衣着和平日一样,脸上没有一丝哀愁。
It's true that scientists don't know exactly how much world temperatures will rise if we persist with business as usual. 的确,科学家并不能准确地得知,如果我们一切照旧行事,世界的气温将会上升多少。
There was, as usual, a crowd of folks about the door, but none that Rip recollected. 门口,和往常一样,聚着一堆人,但是瑞普一个也不认识。
He was all smiles as usual and showed me that fashionable blazer that he's been wearing out to his matches. 他一如既往地笑着,给我看他穿出去比赛的一件新的衣服。
Dudley's gang had been chasing him as usual when, as much to Harry's surprise as anyone else's, there he was sitting on the chimney. 达力和他的一伙跟往常一样追着哈利跑,结果哈利竟坐到了伙房的烟囱上,这使他受到的惊吓并不比别人小。
But that breaks the jar, but he didn't like the skinny, as the head also don't torsional moment, looking at the jug, as usual cast his way. 可是那个摔破罐子的人,却像没这么回事一样,头也不扭一下,看都不看那罐子一眼,照旧赶他的路。
But at the end of each day he realised, to his despair, that just as much time had gone as usual, whatever he did. 但是每天结束的时候他都绝望地意识到,不论他怎么做,时间还是会照常流走。
MS: It would be a shame if it is true, absolutely, but I think it is as usual whatever you do in certain moments. 迈克尔-舒马赫:如果是真的那绝对是可惜的。但我认为在某些时候无论你做什么都是常有的事。
One morning the prince and his dog were out as usual, and in chasing their game they drew near the bank of the Nile River. 一天早晨,王子和他的狗像往常一样出去,追捕猎物时,他们越来越靠近尼罗河。