all over the world

  • adv.遍及全世界
  • 网络世界各地;遍及世界;犹如全世界所知

all over the worldall over the world

all over the world


新目标英语八年级下第三单元重... ... 9. 航天博物馆 the Museum of Flight 11. 全世界 all over the world 12. 例如 for example ...


八年级下册英语词组_百度知道 ... Make a living 谋生 all over the world 世界各地 give money to 捐钱 ...


初三英语知识点_中考网 ... 一天三次 three times a day 遍及全世界 all over the world 一年到头,终年 all the year round ...


NIP是什么意思啊?谢谢!_百度知道 ... all over the body 浑身 all over the world 遍及世界 go over one's notes 从头到尾看笔记 ...


GOD IS A GIRL... ... Discover and see, 钢琴谱1 All over the world 犹如全世界所知 She is known as a girl 她是一个女孩 ...


翻译一下歌词_百度知道 ... iterance………… |评论 All over the world, 在全世界 The mind shall be key 精神是把钥匙 ...


初二下英语第七单元词组_百度知道 ... long jump 跳远 all over the world 整个世界 be good for 对……有益 ...

The American labor market has attracted immigrants from all over the world and has one of the world's highest migration rates. 美国劳动力市场已经吸引了来自世界各地的移民,并拥有世界上最高的迁移率。
You for allowing people all over the world to see us in the end you are not a woman? 你让全世界的人来看看我们,你到底是不是女人?
The long life-span of BF was an important target pursued by the iron and steel enterprises all over the world. 高炉长寿是国内外钢铁企业追求的重要目标。
Especially, when a strong meteor shower is coming, the amateur astronomers all over the world mostly observe visually. 特别是在强流星雨来临的时候,遍布世界的爱好者绝大多数均使用目视观测。
A great deal of this has been happening in the Great Barrier Reef, particularly in coral reefs all over the world. 在大堡礁已经有许多这样的情形出现,全世界的珊瑚礁也同样如此。
it must be pretty exciting to see so many participants from all over the world. 能够看到来自世界各地的参展商,一定非常激动人心。
Drugs are a problem all over the world so this region is no different than any other region. 毒品是一个世界范围的问题,这一地区与其他地区毫无两样。
The concept of the nano-materials and the current developments in all over the world were introduced briefly in this paper. 简要介绍了纳米材料的概念及其在世界各国的发展现状。
Since the beginning of this year, terrorist attacks all over the world have become more rampant. 今年以来,世界各地的恐怖袭击有增无减。
People have come from all over the world with many different reasons to see the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. 来自世界各地不同理由的人来这里看威廉王子和凯特-米德尔顿的婚礼。
But Xury was happy to help me . 'I'll go all over the world with you , ' he cried . 但苏里很乐意帮助我。“我愿意跟着你走遍世界,”他大声说。
His clients pay up to $7, 000 for a full face of injections and come to him from all over the world, some as often as six times a year. 他的客户为一整张脸的注射支付高达7,000美元,他们从世界各地慕名而来,有些人的频率高达一年6次。
Specializing in manufacturing candy machines, the company is geared to the service for clients all over the world. 公司面向全世界的客户,专业生产糖果机械。
All over the world, what you often refer to as the working people are waking up to what has been happening around them, and seeking answers. 横跨世界,那些你们通常称之为上班族的人都在觉醒,明白了自己身边发生着什么,并且在寻求着答案。
with cameras from all over the world all trying to get the same head-on shot. 来自世界各地的摄像机,都想拍到相同的正面镜头。
The world vintage wine is all around us. Let's go to a cocktail party and know some wide knowledge friends all over the world. 世界佳酿就在我们身边,让我们以酒会友,广识天下朋友。
It is spreading all over the world, even faster than the speed of the sun light. It is in great demand in the Western countries. 而今正以高于阳光的速度广传世间,弘法人才,并于西方世界广为需求。
Backed by wealthy investors like Hicks, and tapping into a huge fan base all over the world, Premier League clubs have struck gold. 得到了希克斯这样富有投资者的支持,走近遍布全球的球迷受众,英超联赛已经勘探到金矿。
The astronomical observatories of all over the world recently observed violent solar storm at the surface of the sun. 最近,全球天文观测站观测到在太阳表面发生了一次剧烈的太阳风暴。
This product HAS been sold all over the world without advertising, just as the proverb says, "Good wine needs no advertising" . 这种产品不作广告,却行销全球,正如俗话所说:好酒不用挂招牌。
Of course, this sort of thing is happening all over the world, wherever the gospel is going out. 当然,这类的事,在福音所到之处,正在全世界发生。
This book is said to have been translated into many languages, so it is well known all over the world. 据说这本书被翻译成很多种语言,在国际上享誉盛名。
As you know, our trademark is known all over the world. 你知道,我们的商标在世界上声誉很好。
For much of the mortgage boom, Merrill was able to sell the bulk of the CDOs it underwrote to investors all over the world. 在抵押贷款业务繁荣兴旺的那段日子,美林能够将它承销的大部分CDO顺利出售给世界各地的投资者。
These buildings are part of a new generation of innovative, exciting skyscrapers set to appear all over the world over the next 10 years. 这些高层建筑是新一代创新建筑的缩影,在未来十年内,激动人心的摩天大楼将在世界各地拔地而起。
The concept of peace is a very important one in cultures all over the world. Think about how we greet people. 和平的概念在全球各国文化中占据主要位置,想想我们是如何与人问候的。
He compared the teen star to the British pop group The Beatles, who were adored by girls all over the world back in the 60s. 他比较了童星的英国流行乐队披头士,谁是女孩崇拜各地在60年代世界回来。
"East wind all over the world, the purple thousands of Montreal to open" implies here that the vitality of spring wind. “东风吹遍人间后,紫红万千满地开”,这里的东风指蕴涵生命力的春风。
And when I get a little bit of press, I hear from people all over the world. 当我有点压力时,我倾听来自世界各地的人。
If you know English, you can travel all over the world without being misunderstood by others. 如果你懂英语,你就可以走遍全世界而不会被人误解。