at odds with

  • adj.相抗争于
  • 网络与…不一致;与…不和;差异

at odds withat odds with

at odds with


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成三必备-短语介词_关娜_新浪博客 ... next to 贴近,几乎 at odds with 与…不和 in stead of 代替 ...


外研版高一英语必修一重点词组_百度文库 ... at no time 从不,决不 at odds with 与……不一致,差异,争执 at once 立刻,马 …


BBC news 2010-11-15 加文本|BBC world news ... give up 放弃;投降,认输; 猜不出 at odds with 与…不和, 与…争吵 draw dow…


外研版高一英语必修一重点词组_百度文库 ... at no time 从不,决不 at odds with 与……不一致,差异,争执 at once 立刻,马 …


考研-... ... at loggerheads with 与……意见不合,与……吵架,争论 at odds with 与……争执,意见不一致 apart from 除…外; …


考研-... ... at loggerheads with 与……意见不合,与……吵架,争论 at odds with 与……争执,意见不一致 apart from 除…外; …

But this is often at odds with the desire for academics to work on "industry relevant" problems, as well as to get funding from industry. 然而这一角色通常与期望学术界解决现实相关问题的愿景,或者从工业界获得资助的目的相矛盾。
"Pesky new fossils. . . sharply at odds with conventional wisdom never seem to cease popping up, " Ruben wrote in his PNAS commentary. “极新的化石…尖锐地向传统知识体系发起挑战,而且看起来永远不会停止挑战,”鲁本在PNAS上的评论文章里写道。
You know you're a God in the making; even if your present path in life is at odds with that eventuality. 你知道你是神在做,即使现在你的人生道路可能发生的是,在与赔率。
He was AT odds with the Russian avant-garde school of the time, but his work showed the confidence of a man sure of his style. 他对当时的俄罗斯先锋派持不同观点,但是他的作品表现出一个男子汉坚守自己的风格而毫不动摇的信心。
On each, Merkel is at odds with Washington (and London), though she prizes a strong alliance with the White House. 默克尔在每一点问题上都与华盛顿政府(及伦敦政府)意见不一,虽然她自己高度重视与白宫的紧密联盟。
Ofgem is also at odds with the government over its estimates of how much consumer bills will have to rise to pay for the investment needed. Ofgem在关于“估计消费者账单须提升多少来支付投入需要”的问题上与政府意见不和。
Some of the statistics seem to paint a surprisingly benign picture of the industry at the moment, but the reality seems at odds with this. 一些统计数据似乎为当前的私人股本行业勾勒出了一幅出人意料的美好图景,但现实似乎并非如此。
China's culture of secrecy is at odds with its invitation to foreign companies to help modernize its business sector. 中国的保密文化与其邀请外国公司助推其商业领域走向现代化的努力背道而驰。
LOUIS: Me? Don't you see? I'm not the spirit of any age! I'm at odds with everything and always have been! 我?难道你不明白?我不是任何时代的灵魂。我同所有事物都不一致,而且历来如此!
The latter is important since the general-equilibrium effects are sometimes at odds with intuition from a partial-equilibrium approach. 后者是重要的,因为一般均衡的影响,有时不符合直觉从一个局部均衡的办法。
He had to put in for a transfer to another department since he has always at odds with the office manager. 因与办公室主任不和,为只好申请调到其他部门工作。
The image of administrative agencies as a "fourth branch" seems, at least formally, at odds with this three-part paradigm of government. 作为“第四部门”的行政管理机关的形象看起来便与这种三分式的政体范例不相一致,至少从形式上看是这样的。
As I wrote earlier, the idea of the "self-made person" is at odds with its moral connotations. 正如我以前写过的,“自力更生”的理念与它的道德含义不一致。
Clearly the views of these bloggers were at odds with a substantially large portion of the rest of Iran. 明显地,这些部落客的观点实质上和大部份的伊朗人是不一致的。
Rather, we suggest that this particular application of adaptability was directly at odds with the purpose of menus. 另外,我们认为这种适应性的用法直接违背了菜单的用途。
No matter that the case is flimsy: the court has already declared the key elements of the treaty "not at odds" with the Czech constitution. 无论阻挡的力道多么薄弱︰宪法法院已宣布里斯本条约的关键元素与捷克宪法「并不冲突」。
Dr Mahathir, who has been at odds with Mr Abdullah for three years, said he would co-operate. 3年来一直与阿卜杜拉不和的马哈蒂尔称,他会配合调查。
It is understood that this participation is not at odds with democracy. 公认的是,这种参与是与民主不相抵触的。
The Box I saw today appeared to support Hulu, but it'll be a miracle (and at odds with history) if Hulu doesn't try to block it. 我今天看到的Box似乎支持Hulu,不过除非发生奇迹(从历史上来看),否则Hulu肯定会试图屏蔽它的。
But one explanation may be that Austrian economics, precisely, itself is at odds with common prejudices and people cannot accept that. 然而一种解释可能是由于奥地利经济学派,确切地说是它本身就是不符合多数人共同的偏见,他们不能接受这一点。
But, I don't think science and religion are necessarily at odds with one another. 但是我不否认宗教信仰与科学发展之间存在矛盾。
Yet for all the new agreements, stringent protection of foreigners' intellectual property is at odds with China's development strategy. 然而,所有新达成的协议,严格保护外国人知识产权与中国发展战略之间是存在差异的。
It ' s not pleasant being at odds with you. Couldn't we sit down and solve the problem intelligently? 跟你起冲突不是让人愉快的事情,咱们不能坐下来明智地把这件事情解决掉吗?
Those of you who are finding yourselves struggling and at odds with self and others are those who are like the salmon swimming upstream. 你们中的那些发现在自我斗争的人,并且在自己身上发生奇怪事情的人,而其他人就好像是大马哈鱼在逆流而上一般。
Those demands kept Russia and China at odds with the United States, Britain and France over a proposed draft resolution. 这使得俄罗斯、中国与美国、英国和法国在一个被提议的草案结果上争论不休。
Christopher Reeve proved that wearing colored spandex doesn't have to be at odds with giving a nuanced performance as an actor. 克里斯托夫•里夫证明,作为一名演员,穿着彩色的弹性纤维服装和进行细致入微的表演不一定是矛盾的。
Elected easily , Roosevelt attacked corruption with vigor , championed social legislation, and was consequently soon at odds with Platt . 罗斯福轻而易举当选后,起劲攻击贪污腐化,支持社会立法,结果很快就与普拉特发生矛盾。
This raises a practical question about whether ethical behavior is at odds with the notion of maximizing reported profitability. 这就提出了一个现实的问题,是否道德的行为,是不符合的概念最大限度地报盈利能力。
It is "modem" , certainly, but it is an expressive modernism that was quite at odds with the rectilinear "international style" of its time. 它当然很“现代”,但却是一种富于表现力的现代主义,与同时代的垂直式的“国际风格”大相径庭。
The social dilemma is a special situation in which individual rationality is at odds with group outcomes. 社会两难是一种个人利益和群体利益存在冲突的情景。