dawn on

  • v.开始理解
  • 网络渐渐被理解;明白;渐渐明白

第三人称单数:dawns on 现在分词:dawning on 过去式:dawned on

dawn ondawn on

dawn on


物业管理英语第一讲:Property Management ... rather than 而不是 dawn on 开始(被人)理解,渐渐(使人)明白 end up 结 …


《穿普拉达的魔鬼》狠毒老板俏助理_影视英语 ... come in for 接受,继承 dawn on 渐渐被理解 drive 干劲 ...


The... ... 3. Southern money: 这里指朗恩来自南方的富裕家庭。 4. dawn on: 逐渐(被人)知晓; 明白 5. end up with: 以……告终 ...


物业管理英语第一讲:Property Management ... rather than 而不是 dawn on 开始(被人)理解,渐渐(使人)明白 end up 结 …


成长的烦恼-英语点津 ... 32. ailing: 生病的。 34. dawn on: 开始明白(某个事实),醒悟。 35. unsettled: 不安的。 ...


绯闻女孩第三季12 - My Empire - 博客大巴 ... crash into 闯入 dawn on 渐渐开始明白 slip one's mind 忘记了 ...

It didn't dawn on her until later that his truck was not in its usual place in front of the house. 直到没在以往的地方看见他的卡车,坎迪才觉得有点不对劲。
(dawn on) It suddenly dawned on me that money couldn't make up for all that he had suffered in the past five years. 我突然意识到,金钱无法弥补过去五年里他所遭受的苦难。
The question was never end. Until the thought began to dawn on Susanne that perhaps our cast had so much fun, it never would. 问题永远也没有结束。直到那个想法在Susanne的脑海中浮现。或许我们的演员群是这门的高兴,它永远也不会结束。
But slowly it began to dawn on me, that something rather special was happening. 但是慢慢地我突然意识到,有一件很特别的事情在发生。
By the early 1980s it had begun to dawn on GM that the Japanese could not only make better cars but also do so far more efficiently. 而到了20世纪80年代初,通用终于开始明白日本人不仅能造出更好的汽车,而且生产效率也远高于他们。
People in Europe and Africa will be able to see it high in the sky before dawn on Thursday. 非洲和欧洲的人们在周四拂晓之前可在天空中观察到本次月食。
After 14 years of matrimony it is beginning to dawn on me that I'm a bad wife. 结婚14年以后,我开始觉得我并不是一个好妻子。
It might just also be beginning to dawn on both sides that they are arguing in the path of an avalanche. 双方可能也开始明白眼下的形势:他们正在一条有雪崩危险的道路上争吵不休。
It was dawn on the beach and my first, sleepy thought when I saw something poking out of the sea was: shark! 海滩上正是黎明时分,我看见有东西突出海面,睡意朦胧中的我首先想到的是鲨鱼。
It didn't dawn on me that there might be a few holes in my education until I was about 35. 我到了三十五岁时才突然认识到我的教育可能存在一些漏洞。
Ra Goel : Taken at dawn on a frosty morning as the sun was rising over a river in the small hamlet of Stedorf in north Germany. RaGoel:在德国北部的Stedorf小村庄拍摄到的黎明美景。严寒的早晨,太阳映衬着河水升起。
At dawn on a selected day, the corpse is sent to the burial site among mountains which is always far from the residential area. 在一个选好的日子的黎明,尸体被送往山里通常离住宅区很远的天葬台。
But something slowly began to dawn on me D I still loved what I did. 但是我渐渐发现了曙光,我仍然喜爱我从事的事业。
is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of great whole of life dawn on you. 在你耐心地操劳于生活的琐事的过程中,你才能领悟整个生活的伟大意义和形象。
The truth began to dawn on him. 他开始明白真相了。
Otherwise, at dawn on the first day, after he marries another woman, the little mermaid will die, turn to the sea foam. 否则,在黎明时分,在第一天后,他娶了另一个女人,小美人鱼必死伤心,翻到海上的泡沫。
It is beginning to dawn on me that the 7 of 10 events have slowed down from that which was predicted. 我开始明白了,十个阶段中第七阶段事件和预期相比放慢了速度。
At the dawn on the lawn the yawning drowned man began to frown . 拂晓时在草坪上,打呵欠的溺水者开始皱眉头。
Talks between the players' association and the football league ran until dawn on Thursday morning before resuming later. 足球运动员协会与足球联盟之间的对话持续到周四早上,随后重新开始。
Otherwise, at dawn on the first day after he marries another woman, the Little Mermaid will die broken-hearted and turn to sea foam. 否则,在第一天清晨,他结婚后,另一名女子,美人鱼会死伤心,把大海的泡沫。
In the search for ultimate truth, if it fail to dawn on us , it is we who have not found it. Ultimate truth exists. 试译——如果你不理解那最终的真理,那是因为你根本就没有找到它,它其实无处不在。
The time has come to sail a new ship into a new dawn on a New Earth. 现在时机已到,一艘新船进入新地球新黎明。
At dawn on Aug. 19, Muscovites woke to the announcement on radio and TV that an Emergency Committee had been formed to govern the country. 8月19日凌晨,梦中醒来的莫斯科人从广播和电视得知,已经成立了治理国家的紧急状态委员会。
It continued its fast movement and was just north of Luzon near dawn on September 13th. 它继续其快速移动,并在13日近破晓时份到达吕宋以北海域。
And in northern Wisconsin, a pelting ice storm before dawn on Saturday gave way to a long, slow snowfall the rest of the weekend. 并在北部的威斯康星州,一个可怕,非常非常可怕的冰风暴破晓前,就周六了出路,以长期,缓慢的降雪,其余的周末。
Eventually it will dawn on you that the flippy little punches are the baby, and your heart will miss a beat. 最后你会明白那小拳头似的击打其实是婴儿,而且你可能会错过的。
I saw some kind of understanding dawn on him. We set to naming prices. 我看到他有了一点理解的神情,于是我们开始谈价钱。
It was close to dawn on Christmas Day when we came Home from the Rue d'Odessa with a couple of Negresses from the telephone company. 我们从奥德萨街同电话公司的几个黑女人一起回到家里时已快到圣诞节的黎明了。
'It didn't dawn on me that as soon as Jane acknowledged her own sexual freedom, she'd distance herself from me and finally escape. ' 我不明白的是,当简得知自己所享有的性自由时,她会和我保持距离并最终离我而去。
Children be to hold self-do or bought lanterns to stroll dawn on the roads, extremely excited. 刚出生的宝宝们会拿着自制的或买来的灯笼在街上闲逛,十分开心。