day after day

  • na.天天;一天又一天
  • 网络日复一日;日复一日地;一天一天的

day after dayday after day

day after day


【资源】英语常用短语 ... date from 起源于、追溯到 day after day 日复一日 day and night 一天到晚 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... day in day out 日复一日地,天天 day after day 日复一日地 every other day 每隔一天 ...


求英语的常见介词和副词短语_百度知道 ... at work (在工作) day after day (一天又一天) at times (有时) ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 175. cut down 砍倒,切断 176. day after day 日复一日地,天天 177. day by day 一天天地,逐日 ...


新概念第一册L1-86课教案_出水芙蓉_新浪博客 ... drink: 喝水 day after day一天一天的 day and night: 日日夜夜 ...


包含 日 的词语 | 常用词典 | 中华博物 ... [ next day ] 第二天 [ day after day;for days ] 连日 [ bright sun ] 明亮的太阳 ...


... face to face 面对面 day after day 一天又一天地 day by day 一天天地 ...

I didn't know , so I spent much of my time reading , you know , some novels , but , day after day , I began to feel boring only to read . 我不知道,所以我花了很长时间读书,正如你知道的那样,一些小说,但是,一天一天过去,我开始发现仅仅是读书会让人感到无聊。
But ordinary day after day, year after year, who can you think momently, love you love to hear you say that you are talking about. 但是平凡的日子一天一天,一年一年,谁又可以时时刻刻想你所想,爱你所爱,听你所说,讲你所讲。
And she swallow her words, accompany with him in silence, share the happy moment, and grow up with him, day after day. 她明白这一点,所以,她什么都没说,默默的陪在他身边,和他一起分享,一起成长。
They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl, and day after day, Michael sings to his sister in Mommy's tummy. 孩子有可能是个女孩,于是,迈克尔每天都趴在妈妈的肚子上对他的妹妹唱歌。
Day after day Saul searched for him, but God did not give David into his hands. 扫罗天天寻索大卫、神却不将大卫交在他手里。
day after day she studied him intently , transferring what she learned about him through her eyes to the canvas. 日复一日,女画家仔细地研究他,并把她通过眼睛所认知的他表现到画布上。
As the water rose day after day, I continued trying to recover some remnant of my mother's broken china. 河水日复一日地涨个不停,我继续尝试着去找回妈妈的哪怕是一些已经破损的瓷器的残片。
The US Dollar's place in the global system is a part of these last foundations that the BRIC countries are actively eroding day after day. 金砖四国正日复一日地在积极侵蚀美国美元在全球体系可被取而代之的最后基础部分。
I then started to ask her to do all kinds of things for me just like before. Day after day, I could see her face became less pale. 我又开始像以前一样要她为我做这做那,她的脸色慢慢红润起来了。
They find out that the new baby is going to be a girl, day after day, night after night, Michael sings to his sister in Mommy's tummy . 他们知道了这是个女孩,于是,日复一日,一夜又一夜,迈克尔趴在妈妈肚子上为他的小妹妹唱歌。
One day I said hello back. We continued to greet each other day after day. 有一天我回应了他的问候,接下来,我们就一直互相问候着。
And although she spoke to Joseph day after day, he would not listen to her to lie beside her or be with her. 后来她天天对约瑟说,约瑟却不听从,不与她同寝,也不和她在一处。
Wake up nothing, the heart is also in a year and a day after day past, flowing down the scar and tears. 醒来什么都没有,心也在一年又一年一天又一天的过去,流下伤疤和眼泪。
Imagine living in a cage in the dark, unable to move, day after day. 设想一下,生活在黑暗的笼子里,没有空间活动,日复一日。
Day after day I was with you in the temple teaching and you did not seize Me. But may the Scriptures be fulfilled. 我天天在殿里施教,同你们在一起,你们并没有捉拿我;但这是要应验经上的话。
So, day after day, the Queen asked to tea all the princesses for her son to see. 所以,一天又一天,女王将所有的公主够叫来喝茶来让他的儿子看看。
From that point on, the Stanford Prison that had already gone to hell, just continued to ricochet around in hell for day after day. 至此开始,斯坦福监狱已经真的见鬼了,在这一地狱里日复一日地上演暴乱。
Day after day, the Laughing Man continued to stand lashed to the tree with barbed wire, the Dufarges decomposing at his feet. 日复一日,笑面男被绳索捆在树干上无法脱身,而杜法契父女已经在他脚下腐烂分解。
At the beginning, cats may hate this kind of petting. But day after day when they get use to it, petting can be very much welcomed by cats. 一开始猫眯可能会讨厌这种抚摸,但只要每天循序渐进,形成习惯,猫眯也就会乐于此道了。
A thousand useless things happen day after day, and why couldn't such a thing come true by chance? It would be like a story in a book. 一千件无聊的事天天在发生,为什么这样一件事不能够偶然实现呢?这很像一本书里的一个故事。
Day after day he waited in vain for her to telephone him. 日复一日,他徒劳地等待着她的电话。
No. I did not know. Day after day. there was a person always in my heart. Why. I do not know. maybe I will do not know forever! 不。我不知道。一天又一天。始终有个人在我心底。为什么?我不知道。可能我永远也不会知道!
Thank you for your delicious home cooking and for packing so much love and nutrition into my lunch box day after day and year after year. 谢谢你为我做美味的饭菜,在我的午餐盒里盛满爱和营养,日复一日,年复一年。
So he dropped off his hoe and waited there. But day after day, there were no more rabbits coming. What was worse, all his crops were dead. 因此他扔掉了自己的犁在那里等。但是,一天天过去了,再没有兔子来了。更糟糕的是,他的庄稼都死了。
"It's becoming more of a system-wide issue and the currency decline continues to accelerate day after day, " he said. “其合适更多的全系统的问题并且货币下跌继续日复一日加速”他说。
We do our things the same way, day after day, and life seems to be peaceful, comfortable and easygoing. 我们日复一日以同样方式做着同样的事,生活似乎舒适而祥和…。
And yet television does not satisfy, else why would the viewer continue to watch hour after hour, day after day? 然而电视仍然不能满足人们吗?是什么让观众持续一小时又一小时、一天又一天地看电视呢?
(day after day) She did the same job day after day and year after year, but she never complained. 日复一日,年复一年,他做着同样的工作,但从不抱怨。
We always seem to be busy and sink ourselves in the noisy crowd day after day , year after year . 我们总是很繁忙,把自己淹没于嘈杂的人群中,日复一日,年复一年。
They found out that the new baby was going to be a girl, and day after day, night after night, Michael sang to his sister in Mommy's tummy. 当他们发现是个女孩的时候,迈克尔每天都对着他妈妈肚子里的孩子唱歌。