pass on

  • na.“pass away”的变体;递;传达;通过
  • 网络传递;传授;把…传给别人

pass onpass on

pass on


新目标英语八年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... message 消息 pass on 传递 suppose 假定 ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... have on 穿着 pass on 传授,传递 look on 旁观 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... pass by 走过;(时间)逝去 pass on 把…传给别人;转入 pass out 失去知觉;分发 ...


高考必备词组 - 豆丁网 ... pass for 冒充,假扮 pass on 传下去 pass through 经历 ...


中考英语复习资料_百度知道 ... part-time job 兼职 pass on 把……传给另一个;转移 pay attention to 对...注意;留心 ...


dream's blog : 《六人行》第10季笔记 ... come up with 提出,拿出 pass on 传递;前进 spruce oneself up (把自己)打扮起来 ...


有关pass的短语谁能告诉我_百度知道 ... pass over( 忽视) pass on( 通过) pass out( 晕倒) ...

Consumers are also being squeezed, which makes it a lot harder to pass on those costs. So there's a profits squeeze. 消费者的日子也不好过,使得企业很难转嫁成本.因此企业的获利受到挤压。
Sure of himself, he took every opportunity to pass on his superior knowledge to his audiences. 他总是自以为是,利用一切机会向他的听众传达他高人一等的知识。
If one has only practiced for a few months or years, whatever one will be able to pass on will of course be very limited. 如果一个人只仅仅是练习了几个月或是几年,无论他能够通过什么他的所得都会很有限。
Joshua said to the priests, "Take up the ark of the covenant and pass on ahead of the people. " So they took it up and went ahead of them. 约书亚又吩咐祭司说:“你们抬起约柜,在百姓前头过去。”于是他们抬起约柜,在百姓前头走。
Yet it seems like just yesterday that she taught me a lesson in forgiveness that I can only hope to pass on to someone else someday. 我唯一希望在某一天传递给其他人的,是她教给我的学会宽恕的一课,这就像是发生在昨天。
Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning new age to you all. 行星上小部分人正在学习这个,而且你们全部通过新世纪黎明之光。
What was Edward's human last name? And are there any other details about his mortal life that you could pass on to us? 爱德华姓什么?你可否提供更多关于他作为凡人时的生活细节给我们知道?
The ability to put that 40 yards pass on the flanks or the ball over the last line of opposition defense is an absolute must for a DM here. 那种地面长传40码或是穿透对手最后一道防线的直塞,这种能力是我们现在绝对需要的兽腰所具备的。
The small town Chan brothers did not believe in haunted houses and could not pass on the great price for such a large building. 小镇里的常兄弟不相信房子闹鬼,他们不愿意将这幢房子转手卖给别人。
Water of every monthly pay wants to hand in, do not expect to have pass on, what fault is you is incorrect. 每月薪水要上交,不要期望有回馈,什么错都是你的不对。
people write to tell her problems. to ask for help. and sometimes to ask her to pass on information to other readers. 人们写信给告诉她问题。请求帮助。有时请她转达信息及其他读者。
There are going to be times where you pass on sex with a girl and you don't regret it for a second. 有时候你会拒绝一个女孩,而且事后你也不后悔。
The named credential feature is usually used to pass on credentials while invoking Web services from within the application. 在从应用程序内部调用Web服务的时候,通常使用命名凭据的特性来传递凭据。
To see that he can pass on something he used to love because he feels secure in his decision is a great attribute. 看到他因坚持自己的决定,而能够放弃曾经最爱的东西,这可是件好事。
The original painting could still recover some value, he says. 'I hate to tell you, but we are kind of waiting for him to pass on. ' 他说,原画仍有可能挽回一些价值,“虽然说出来不好听,但我们真有点希望他死了”。
i said id pass on his decision , and i promised id make you see sense. 我说我会把他的决定告诉您,而且我还答应要让您明白事理。
Her relation with her aunt was as superficial as that of chance lodgers who pass on the stairs. 姑母和她的关系象经常在楼梯上相遇,同居一栋楼里的寄宿者一样疏远。
I told him that I should be very glad to pass on his request to you. 我告诉他我很乐意把他的要求转告给你。
That definitely came out of having my first child and thinking about what I'd want to pass on from my family and from my husband's family. 这样做当然是来自生育自己第一个孩子的缘故,心里想着自己要把自己家族和丈夫家族的什麽传下去。
Wayne is the right man to carry on that tradition and I'm delighted that Denis Law was able to pass on the mantle. 维恩便是继承这项传统的合适人选,我很高兴丹尼斯·劳能够传之衣钵。
After brief discussion, Board congratulated Swanson and asked her to pass on their congratulations to Browne as well. 经过简短的讨论,董事会斯旺森表示祝贺,并请她转达他们的祝贺和布朗。
At the time of the mass first contact, each of us intends to come forth and pass on this sacred history to you. 在第一次接触之时,我们都会走向前来介绍这些神圣的真相。
"We cannot continue to give China and other governments a pass on this critical issue, " he said in a statement. “在这一关键问题上,我们不能继续给予中国及其他国家政府开绿灯,”他在一份声明中表示。
about whether this generation of Americans will be able to pass on what's best about this country to our children and their children. 美国的这一代人能否将这个国家最优秀的本质传承和发扬下去。
I've still got to drive myself home, so I am going to have to pass on this round of drinks. 我还得自己开车回家呢,所以这一次的祝酒我就免了。
He took the pass on the baseline and fired his first professional shot without hesitation. Airball. 他底线接球,果断地投出职业生涯的第一球,但却是个三不沾。
It is often the Bajau who pass on such programmes to local communities. 而经常是巴夭人来把这项计划推广给社区人民的。
He tried to inspire and pass on his enthusiasm to some of his friends, but they were too daunted by the task. 他试图用自身的热情来鼓舞身边的朋友,然而,他们却都知难而退了。
Do NOT use your hands, since you can easily pass on an infection by touching shared objects ( doorknobs , copy machines, microwaves, etc. ). 掩住口鼻的时候不要用手,因为您将通过碰触其他公用物体(比如门把手、复印机、微波炉等)而轻松地传播病菌。
And he instructed me to pass on his warmest regards, which I've no intention of doing, as he well knows. 他还拜托我送上最温暖的祝福,好像他知道我本来不打算这么做似的。