pin down

  • na.强迫(人)承认[履行]条约;用…束缚住;阻止;牵制
  • 网络确定;压制;使受约束

第三人称单数:pins down 现在分词:pinning down 过去式:pinned down

pin downpin down

pin down


2012四级阅读:互联网的碳足迹_外语教育网 ... fossil fuel 化石燃料 pin down 确定;使受约束;阻止 due to 由于;归因于 ...


2012四级阅读:互联网的碳足迹_外语教育网 ... fossil fuel 化石燃料 pin down 确定;使受约束;阻止 due to 由于;归因于 ...


2011在职硕士核心词汇 - 学习资料 - 神州培训网 ... pin 大头针 钉住 压制 pin down 压制 摁倒 take place 发生 ...


自考英语二大纲词汇表... ... pile up: 累积;(指若干车辆)碰撞在一起 pin down: 钉住;使受约束,牵制;准确说明 Pittsburgh: 匹 …


围的... ... ◎ 围聚[ get together from all directions] ◎ 围困[ hem in;pin down;bottle up;invest;besiege] ◎ 围栏[ fencing] ...


自考信息(英语1复习资料) ... Intelligence n. 智力,情报,消息 pin down 钉住,准确说明 In place of 代替 ...

Wheatley and Looser set out to pin down the point at which a face starts to look alive. 惠特丽和露泽着手找出脸在哪个点看起来有生机。
Moni Bidin says the method is robust and that larger surveys to come will pin down the dark matter distribution more precisely. 莫尼.必丁说,这种方法是稳健的,接下来的更多的测量将会得出更精确的暗物质的分布。
Porrello's team are now trying to pin down how the regeneration works in the hope of developing a treatment for adult heart disease. Porrello的研究小组目前正在确认心脏再生的具体工作过程,以期开发成年心脏疾病的新疗法。
It is difficult in this case to pin down how much is too much because many SWFs do not publish accounts. 而在此情况下,界定多少钱算太多也很困难,因为许多主权财富基金并不公开账目。
He and Trujillo went back and pored over the older images to help pin down the circular path it travels around the sun. 他和Trujillo回去反复研究了这些老图片以帮助他们确定它环绕太阳公转的轨道。
To pin down SOD's relevance, the team has been spiking different types of neurons with the antioxidant to see how the various cells react. 为确定SOD扮演的角色,菲力普斯的研究团队让各种不同类型的神经元表现这种抗氧化剂,然后检视这些细胞的反应。
A flurry of bilateral meetings are trying to pin down specific decisions, out of which a numerical deal will be reverse-engineered. 一系列双边会谈正试图对一些特定决定加以限制,通过这种做法迫使众多交易倒退。
As is often the case in the murky world of foreign-labor recruiting, responsibility for this debacle is hard to pin down. 在外籍劳工招募乱象丛生的世界里,这种事情上是很常见的,这种行为的责任很难弄清楚。
"Jessica, " said her mother, who was also a study in what good clothing can do for age, "push that pin down in your tie -- it's coming up. " “杰西卡,”她母亲说,她的穿着也可以帮助人们研究漂亮的服装能怎样美化上了年纪的人。“把领带夹别牢--快脱出来了。”
but it was never possible nowadays to pin down any date within a year or two. 然而,如今想把日期说准到不差一两年,是根本不可能的。
I read the novel three times, yet I couldn't pin down what exactly the author was trying to say. 我已经读过这本小说三遍了,但是我还是不知道作者到底想要说些什么
It is never possible nowadays to pin down any date within a year or two . 要把任何日期确定下来,误差不出一两年,在当今的时世里,是永远办不到的。
The flavour was mysteriously hard to pin down: traces of chocolate, hints of earthiness and a slight mustiness around the edges. 要想用言语描述它的风味实在困难:丝丝巧克力的浓滑、淡淡的泥土味和轻微的中药味。
Trying to pin down exactly when the contractors would be done remodeling the house , Nancy was frustrated by their elusive replies . 南希试图使承包商明确表态到底什么时候可完成房子的改建,但这些承包商的回答闪烁其词,使南希感到沮丧。
As with any evolving art form, trying to pin down the rules is impossible. 如同任何不断发展的艺术形式,舞蹈没有一成不变的规则。
Reddy said these quick changes have made bird evolution hard to pin down, and several smaller prior studies have led to conflicting results. 她表示,鸟类进化速度非常快,给研究造成了一些困难。此前几项规模较小的研究得出的结论互相矛盾。
Banks are still scrambling to pin down their exposure to Dubai World since the announcement last week of a standstill to debt repayments . 自迪拜世界上周宣布暂停偿债以来,各银行仍在忙着确定自己对该公司的风险敞口。
Are they related? we don't know, we don't have enough evidence to be able to pin down that kind of connection. 它们之间有关系吗?我们不得而知,至少我们还没有足够的证据把这两件事牵连在一起。
Such criminality may be hard to pin down after all this time, but it is worth the effort. 过了这么久,现在再对这种犯罪行为采取行动的难度很大,但人们仍值得付出努力。
The one hope Pluto fans had for revenge was that it was very tough to pin down Eris' size exactly. 冥王星的粉丝曾有一复仇的希望,那就是要准确确定厄里斯星的大小是很难的。
Since objective, technical criteria are harder to pin down in these areas, debate, including political debate, is necessary. 这些方面很难确定客观的技术条件,争辩、包括政治性的争辩,必不可少。
He is clearly out of step with modern condom. But how and when things changed for boys is hard for me to pin down. 他和现代男孩的特征显然不符,但是我难以确定男孩子会以什么方式在什么时间发生变化。
Why do I speak in generalities when strangers ask me what I do for a living and then try to pin down what kind of books I write? 为什么在陌生人问我职业的时候我会含糊其辞且试图压制我所写作的书呢?
It seems that while it is easy to be impressed by an abstract feelgood factor, it is harder to pin down specific benefits. 虽然看上去一种抽象的感觉不错的因素容易给人留下印象,但说出具体的益处则困难得多。
The task of their regiment was to pin down one of the flanks of the invading army. 他们团的任务是牵制侵略军的侧翼。
It is easier to pin down fraud at the bottom of this chain that at the top. 揭露这个链条底部的欺诈行为,要比针对链条顶部更容易。
The talks also will pin down the cost of spare parts, training rounds, training courses, delivery dates, documentation and other details. 会谈也将牵涉到备件的成本,训练弹,培训课程,交付日期,文件和其他的细节。
When used to pin down abstract concepts or unusual design details, design by metaphor or simile bridges a major gap of understanding. 在涉及到抽象概念或难以理解的设计细节时,利用明喻或暗喻可以避免设计者与客户之间产生大的理解分歧。
The requirements are difficult to pin down, and significant challenges are often posed by legacy data sources. 需求很难查明,遗留数据源常常提出重大的挑战。
This is hard to pin down, because we do not know the true scale of the mess our banks are in. 很难说出个具体数字,因为我们不知道银行所处困境的真实规模。