pile up

  • na.堆积;积聚;(汽车等)挤在一起;(使)(船)搁浅
  • 网络累积;堆起来;积累

第三人称单数:piles up 现在分词:piling up 过去式:piled up

pile uppile up

pile up


大学英语四级常用词组 ... pull to pieces 把…撕成碎片 pile up 堆积;积聚 in place 在适当的位置;适当的 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... pull to pieces 把…撕成碎片 pile up 堆积;积聚 in place 在适当的位置;适当的 ...


大学英语自学教程 - 豆丁网 ... on average 根据平均标准;平均而言 pile up 累积;(指若干车辆)碰撞在一起 Atlantic 大西洋 ...


2010年10月24日_donliu2000_新浪博客 ... I'D RATHER HOLD IT - 宁可忍住 PILE UP 堆起来 FORGOT SOMETHING 忘了什 …


IBT词汇题 - 豆丁网 ... account for=explain 说明 25. accumulate=pile up 积累,聚集 26. accumulate=collect 累积,聚集 27. ...


纵横美国 ... share 分享, 共有, 分配 pile up 堆积, 积累, 搁浅, 撞毁 pile 堆;成堆的东西 ...


纵横美国 ... share 分享, 共有, 分配 pile up 堆积, 积累, 搁浅, 撞毁 pile 堆;成堆的东西 ...

You know all the pesky ads that pile up in your mailbox and eventually end up in your recycle bin? 你知道那些堆在你邮箱中,并最终会被删除的讨厌的广告吗?
Storm surges are caused by a hurricane's high winds, which pile up a "mound" of water along the front of the eye as the storm moves forward. 飓风的狂风导致风暴潮,在面前堆起一座“水堤”随着风暴往前移动。
Do not pile up in drawers with diamond ornaments or jewelry box, diamond ring rubbing against each other would be a "kill each other. " 切勿将钻戒饰物一起堆放在抽屉或珠宝箱内,钻戒相互摩擦时会“自相残杀”。
Casually for a few code into a pile up to see whether the same size . 随便取几块码成一摞,看看大小是否一样。
My grandfather used to say, the purpose of business is not to pile up millions or billions, but to produce happiness. 我祖父常说,做生意不是为堆积百万或上亿财富,而是为带来幸福快来。
Necessary expenses can pile up, but you should have no doubt when it comes to your education or self-improvement programs. 必要的花费可能搁浅,但你应该毫不犹豫地将钱投向教育或自我提高的项目。
Excess caloric energy in the diet is stored in white fat calls that pile up in the body, particularly in the thighs and abdomen. 膳食中过量的卡路里储存于白色脂肪细胞中,囤积于身体,特别是大腿和腹部。
And so it began to pile up until one day I collapsed from the strain of it, becoming an empty shell, a parody of who I used to be. 所以它开始慢慢地堆积起来,知道有一天我在那些压力中崩溃了,变成一个空壳,变成过去的一拙劣的模仿品。
Imagine the poor guy on the ground, sitting there at a red light, as a flaming five car pile-up is hurdling down towards him from the sky. 想像一下在地上的那位可怜的哥们儿,正等着红灯呢,就眼看着五辆燃着大火的车从天上向他砸过来。
sterling is beginning to lose a bit of its competitive edge against the euro as Europe's troubles pile up. 英镑开始对欧元失去了些许的竞争优势,因为欧洲的麻烦也应接不暇了。
Under these conditions, the material in front of a roller tends to pile up and forces the object to roll slightly uphill. 在这种情况下,滚动件的前部的材料产生堆积并且产生使物体向相反方向滚动的力。
your in-box at least once a day and prioritize the contents. Deal with routine correspondence promptly instead of allowing it to pile up. 购买并使用有每日计划的日历或电子记事簿。每天至少处理一次收件箱,并将内容列出优先次序。要及时处理那些日常函件,以免积压成堆。
I love the gleaming moonlight. Only in such a moon can one let his thoughts pile up, and merge with the color and texture of the night. 喜欢淡淡的月光,只有这样,思想才可以在深夜里沉淀,才能与夜的色泽相吻合。
This oblique configuration redistributes the shock waves that pile up in front of a plane at Mach speeds and cause drag. 这种倾斜的外形把超音速飞行时集中在飞机前部并形成阻力的冲击波重新分布。
The elder sister isn't way like this, the true spirit all has the time of depletion, but these poison corpse but pile up. 姐姐,这样不是办法,真气总有耗尽的时候,可是这些毒尸却越来越多。
Sometimes, getting rid of all the clutter in your home can be a daunting task, especially if you've let the stuff pile up over the years. 有些时候,处理家中凌乱是一件令人生畏的事情,特别是成年累月堆积而成的材料。
As long as this first rate into the B is small compared to one of those two rates, B we're never going to pile up B. 只要生成B的第一个速率,小于这两个速率其中之一,我们就绝不会积聚。
In all the chaos of a galactic pile-up, plenty of gas should get funneled toward the center and gobbled up, astronomers reasoned. 他们解释说,在星系堆积的混乱中,很多气体向星系中心汇集,然后被吞没。
Make sure that you don't wait until problems pile up before making a reckoning -- that would be firing belated shots. 切记不要使问题成了堆,才来一个总结,放马后炮。
l Don't wait until problems pile up and cause a lot of trouble before trying to solve them. 不要等到问题堆积起来引起许多麻烦的时候才试图解决它们。或者“等到……的时候就已经太晚了。”
Butthe corpses pile up, in cold fleshy detail, as disturbingly graphic asI've seen in a commercial film. 然而尸体越堆越多,那冷冰冰的血色的细节,就像我从前看过的商业片里的一样,令人不安地生动。
round the corner of crescent bay , between the pile - up masses of broken rock , a flock of sheep came pattering. 沿着新月海湾的地方,从一堆堆破碎的岩石堆中,一群羊叭嗒叭嗒地跑了过来。
Maybe it can be tested with all the dirty clothes that have started to pile up in my room . . . 也许可以用我房间内开始堆积的所有脏衣服来测试…
A space for the power is bound to pile up electricity and principles, the article to a synergy means, and an example. 而求空间某点的电势,要用电势叠加原理,文章就此给出一种叠加方法且举例说明。
In worm-free woodlands, leaves pile up in drifts on the forest floor. Trees and shrubs in wormless places depend on litter for food. 在没有蚯蚓的林地里,落叶成堆地堆积在森林的地表,树木和灌木丛依靠枯枝落叶层生长。
The value of education is not to pile up knowledge, but to help students become good citizens and to promote happiness. 教育的价值并非知识的堆积,而在于帮助学生成为好公民并带来幸福快乐。
Traditional rubbish collection is dirty, smelly, labor-intensive, and rubbish can pile up in basement though way to bins. 传统的垃圾收集工作非常肮脏,难闻,耗费劳动力,可能在放到垃圾箱里之前垃圾已经在地下室堆积如山。
Eats the self-service in the buffet invention country, especially the attention do not pile up excessively many foods in the food plate. 在自助餐的发明国里吃自助,尤其注意不要在食盘中堆积过多的食物。
Things can go wrong on a big scale, as it did in the case of a pile-up accident in Sydney recently which claimed the lives of 100 people. 有时候乱子会闹得很大,就像最近在悉尼所发生的那场连环交通事故那样,造成100人死亡。
Something entirely different happens when flesh-and-blood humans try to pile up stocks one at a time. 如果让有血有肉的人类来一个一个地组建投资组合,就会有一些完全不同的事情发生。