in effect

  • na.实际上;总之;有效
  • 网络事实上;生效;正在实行

in effectin effect

in effect


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come into effect 开始生效,开始实行 in effect 实际上;正实行中 take effect (药等)见效 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in difficulty 处境困难 in effect 实际上,事实上 in general 一般来说,大体上 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... in any event 无论如何 in effect 有效;实际上 in the event of 万一,如果发生 ...


高二英语:2011年3月集中练习(1)带解析 ... sight 在视线内可以看见 effect 生效,起作用 vain 徒劳 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... in difficulty 处境困难 282. in effect 实际上,事实上 283. in favor of 支持,赞成 284. ...


英语学案--念念的博客 ... The game ended in a tie. 这场比赛打成平局。 in effect 正在实行 in effect 实际上 ...


be able to do能够 - 豆丁网 ... take effect 生效,起作用 in effect 实质上,实际上;正在实行,有效 in the employ of 受……的雇 …

In effect all that the dark does is highlight the lack of Light, and it is through such experiences that you grow spiritually. 实际上,所有的黑暗的确突显了光之缺乏,就是通过这样的经验你们在灵性上成长。
How much change, in effect, can there be from frame to frame? 到底在每一帧之间到底有多少有效变化?
But Zimbabwe's is probably the only one so far to declare, in effect, that whites or foreigners should not own more than half of a company. 但是到目前为止,津巴布韦政府却是唯一宣布了白人或外国人不能拥有一个企业多于一半股份的政府。
It says it was warned by China's central bank that Alipay would not be allowed to operate if it was, in effect, partly foreign-owned. 它表示中国央行曾警告它,如果支付宝事实上是一家中外合资企业,将不被允许经营。
In smaller towns it is often headed by the local police chief, in effect making the court a subsidiary of the police department. 在较小的地方,政法委书记经常由当地公安局局长担任,这使得法院在事实上成为公安部门的附属机构。
In effect that the reaction already is just so awful, demonstrates that this might not have been such a good idea. 事实上,现在情况已经非常糟糕了,这说明这个计划可能不是个好主意。
The bank in effect closed its Swiss-based US operation last November but said the move had not followed any specific US regulatory action. 该行实际上已于去年11月份关闭了位于瑞士的美国业务,但该行表示,此举与美国监管部门的任何行动无关。
America in effect banned it, but Britain sought to become a hub for it; a new, liberal licensing regime came into force in 2007. 美国在法令上已经禁止了收集博彩,可是英国却似乎要把本身打造成互联网博彩的“天堂”,并于2007年就出台和实施了十分宽松的政策。
It is not at all in effect, far from it, limited to this little bit of flesh which constitutes the object of the ritual. 事实上,它根本就不限制在这个小小的这个肉体,组成这个仪式的客体。
I'm paraphrasing, but I thought that what you were doing was, in effect, saying, "It's not my pay grade to be thinking about that. " 这不是你的原话,但是我觉得你当时想说的,实际上就是:“这不是我需要考虑的问题。”
President Niyazov made the announcement in a speech broadcast on Turkmen television, which in effect made it a presidential order. 总统尼亚佐夫在土库曼斯坦的电视讲话中宣布了这条消息,实际上这就是总统御令。
In 1892, the company stopped even discussing its decisions with the Amalgamated, in effect denying the union's right to negotiate at all. 1892年,卡内基公司甚至不再跟钢铁工人联合会商讨公司决策了,这实际上,这就等同于完全剥夺了联合会的谈判权。
In the early years of Tyson's reign, most opponents were, in effect, beaten before the opening bell, so intimidating was his aura. 在泰森独霸拳坛的早期,大部分对手实际上在开场铃声响起之前就被击败了。
The insurers and the drug companies are, in effect, betting that Mr. Obama will be afraid to call them out on their duplicity. 事实上,保险公司和制药公司在打赌,认定奥巴马不敢揭露他们两面三刀的行为。
In effect he said he would now look after my intellectual development. 实际上,他说他现在愿引导我的才智发展。
However, it acknowledged that the Chinese authorities might block access to its site, in effect putting it out of business. 然而,它承认,中国政府可能封锁指向其网站的链接,事实上使其出局。
That, in effect, was the unpalatable message delivered by the Bank of England on August 12th in its quarterly review of the economy. 事实上,这个信息的来源是英国银行于八月12日发布的季度经济情况报告,尽管该报告并不是令人满意的。
You take these views and in a way, the tone seems to follow from it, because what they're saying in effect is, You just do what you do. 我们理解这些观点,这种语气似乎跟着它出来了,因为他们实际说的是,你们只要做你们做的事。
In effect, the usual constraints that tightly control cellular proliferation and identity seem to have been lifted from cancer cells. 事实上,癌细胞已经摆脱了原本应该严密控制细胞身份和繁殖所受的规范。
"The black hole" very easy to let the human imagine one literally "the greatly black hole" , be in effect it is not so. “黑洞”很容易让人望文生义地想象成一个“大黑窟窿”,其实不然。
The junta has placed such strict limits on her activities that she has in effect simply been released into a larger prison. 军政府对其活动有着很严格的限制,实际上本次释放只是再次将其投入了一个更大的监狱而已。
As it copies itself, once in every billion rungs, there tends to be an error. And what that means is that DNA is, in effect, learning. 当它自我拷贝的时候,在每十亿个链中有一个链,可能产生错误。也就是说实际上,DNA在进化。
In effect, S& P is treating the U. S. like a much smaller country prone to more political risk than would be expected of a great power. 实际上标普将美国当成一个较易发生政治风险的小国,而不是期待中的大国。
"In effect they have threatened me with death, " she said. “事实上他们曾经对我发出死亡威胁。”她说。
It wants governments, in effect, to set themselves conditions that the bank's money and monitoring can help them to meet. 实际上,世行希望政府可以自设目标,而世行的捐助与监管可以帮助他们达到这些目的。
Because if she were, in effect, masochistic, that would mean that she is capable of filling the role that the masochist gives to a woman. 因为她假如真的是受虐狂,那将意味着,她就能够堂而皇之地扮演受虐狂患者所给予女人的角色。
Even when he was fighting what was in effect a color war, he did not think of people in terms of race or status. 即使他在与事实上的有色战争战斗时,他也没有以肤色或地位取人。
This was a chance to trade bets on, in effect, the death of a non-existent horse, as Estonia has no publicly traded government debt. 这是一个空手套白羊的好机会,因为爱沙尼亚没有公开的政府债务。
In effect they identify the whole with one of its parts. Actually bookkeeping is the only a part of accounting the record-making part. 实际上他们将整体与部分等同起来,实际上记账只是会计的一部分,记录的部分。
So, while this is called a "Greek bailout" , it is in effect just as much about bailing out the foolish lenders in France and Germany. 因此,尽管被称为“希腊救援”,实际上更像是救援那些愚蠢的法国和德国放款人。